LOL at Corker practically begging obama to name cuts so they don't have to.
He looks like he's about to cry too.
LOL at Corker practically begging obama to name cuts so they don't have to.
This thread reads exactly like PoliGAF threads from 09/10; an endless barrage of liberal whining about a moderate President governing like a moderate.
More along the lines of moderate liberals whining about a Democrat president governing like a moderate conservative.
Klein tweeted two weeks ago that, for reasons completely unknown to anybody, Reid and Pelosi both don't like the payroll tax cut. Given that, it's no surprise that it's going away, although I agree that it would've been the best choice of stimulus.
LOL at Corker practically begging obama to name cuts so they don't have to.
@elisefoley Aw, Graham on Social Security: "I'm 57, I'm not married, I don't have any kids. I'm part of the problem."
I'm assuming because of its direct link to social security revenue?
Move to Maryland and you can change that buddy!
Move to Maryland and you can change that buddy!
Klein tweeted two weeks ago that, for reasons completely unknown to anybody, Reid and Pelosi both don't like the payroll tax cut. Given that, it's no surprise that it's going away, although I agree that it would've been the best choice of stimulus.
Are we angry or not? I've lost track.
McCain's not interested.
Obama to change party identification tomorrow, according to sources within PoliGAFPD
How did he cave?Hahahahhaha I love the new title. I just came in here to say something about that as well. Thanks for caving on taxes, Obama. Appreciate that. YOU ALWAYS FREAKING CAVE.
Papa Joe doesn't reveal his sources!
(Note that there is no reason why social security ought to be separately accounted for. The only thing accomplishes is ensuring it continues to be pegged to a regressive tax on work. The taxes don't actually fund anything. It's just an accounting mechanism that has the effect of providing the illusion of limitations to the program.)
Are we angry or not? I've lost track.
Because for the longest time, the tax cuts were set to end for earners of $250,000. Remember him "getting that for free?" He's continually brought up this dollar amount, and now he's changing it.How did he cave?
Obama's opening move was 200k.
Boehner's opening move was 1 million.
Obama's compromise was at 400k, and that was with SS benefits cut and a bunch of other shit.
The current deal is 400k without any of that.
Cave would be going for the million, or an extension of everything.
Unless you'd prefer we go over the cliff, which is valid but Obama clearly doesn't want to.
The people who are upset seem to think that going over the cliff would guarantee that liberals get everything they want. It won't. Hell, the whole concept that going over the cliff would be good hinges on the GOP being reasonable. They've proven time and time again that they aren't. This is a really good deal and is basically the essence of what compromise should be. In fact, I'll be mildly shocked if the House even passes it because they are basically getting absolutely nothing that they want in this deal.
Sorry, can you explain this a bit? I don't really know how much of the fiscal details work for these programs.
It sounds sort of like what you're saying is that the taxes to fund Social Security is a bit like the debt ceiling fight; that Social Security is just a program that is going to continue and it's going to continue to take money regardless, it's just that Congress has to keep finding ways to account for the money it takes up -- not that, unless X goes into effect Social Security "expires" in 20XX.
Am I understanding correctly?
Because for the longest time, the tax cuts were set to end for earners of $250,000. Remember him "getting that for free?" He's continually brought up this dollar amount, and now he's changing it.
It's a New Years Eve miracle!!!
<3 Papa Joe!
I'm back, baby!
The way I would put it is this: social security is a program in which the government promises to pay X amount of dollars annually to retirees. If you eliminate the payroll tax, then the government can still pay X amount of dollars annually to retirees. Why couldn't it? Even if one believed that taxes finance government spending (instead of the other way around, which is the reality), then any "financing" necessary can come from other tax sources that aren't painfully regressive and that do not punish work.
Does this current proposal do anything with the sequester or is that three month delay a part of this one? So many deals are proposed within a day I forget which one's which.
actually I would even say better would be 150k single, 250k married
Hands off, Papa Joe is mine!
Does this current proposal do anything with the sequester or is that three month delay a part of this one? So many deals are proposed within a day I forget which one's which.
Sequester issue hasn't been resolved, among other things.
Does this current proposal do anything with the sequester or is that three month delay a part of this one? So many deals are proposed within a day I forget which one's which.
I missed you so much Papa Joe! <3
Hands off, Papa Joe is mine!
Hey, now. My private Amtrak car has plenty of room for you both.
Why would you presume this? I don't understand this thought process at all. If this is how people think, no wonder Obama doesn't usually ask for the farm in his opening bid -- every time he takes something off the table, liberals assume he'll have to pay for it by cutting Medicare. That's not how it works. Obama's original offer was deliberately inflated, that's the purpose of negotiation.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama Most Admired in 2012
Clinton has been Most Admired more than any other woman in Gallup's history
PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans again this year name Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama as the Most Admired Woman and Most Admired Man living in any part of the world. Clinton has been the Most Admired Woman each of the last 11 years, and Obama has been the Most Admired Man five years in a row. First lady Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Condoleezza Rice are next in line behind Clinton on the Most Admired Woman list, while Nelson Mandela, Mitt Romney, Billy Graham, George W. Bush, and Pope Benedict XVI follow Obama as Most Admired Man.
Obama has set a deficit reduction target. He proposed getting to that target mostly through revenues. He will get ~1/2 of the proposed revenues, assuming the current frame work holds (and it does not look like it is). If he holds to that deficit reduction target, the rest comes from spending cuts. The question is from where. Again, assuming he keeps his own self-imposed target.
This is not an obscure or difficult thought process. It's the heart the entire issue: Obama and the GOP largely agree on deficit reduction (sadly). Obama wants to do it with a richer mix of revenue than the GOP (who want zero). The more the mix tilts away from revenue, the more the conversation revolves around spending cuts. And the more tax policy gets settled right now, the less levers Obama has to use as leverage during those negotiations.
I'm honestly baffled at your reply.
I think his problem is that by passing the tax portion now, Obama's giving up leverage he'd have in a broader debate on deficit spending/debt ceiling hoo-hah.What's being floated around isn't the "Grand Bargain," it's simply something to prevent much of the tax hikes from happening because they can't agree on anything. As far as I'm aware, this particular plan says nothing of a specific deficit reduction goal and cuts that could potentially happen to meet said goal as this has no SS or Medicare cuts within it. I may be wrong, though, so feel free to correct me.
Looks like unemployment insurance will not be paid for, haha.