Fox has always been an us vs them type affair, but it's interesting how they've changed from the early to mid 2000s compared to now. Next time you're bored look up some youtube clips of Fox in say...2004. Back then the "us" was much larger than it is now, and you can tell in the framing of their stories. Attacks on elitists and liberals are far more confident, you can just taste the aura of conservative victory. God fearing president, terrorists who want to kill us and liberals who want to defend their right to do so, Europe as Sodom, etc. Obviously a lot of that hasn't changed but instead of protecting the status quo they are now yearning to a return to it.
It's interesting when you think back to how different things were back then. Gay marriage was a lost cause, the anti-war effort was large but not enough to elect a president, democrats were in disarray (remember the Democratic Leadership Council?), "liberals" were a laughing stock on television, etc. I'm not suggesting we now live in a liberal utopia, far from it. But the country has clearly moved to the left on social issues and we have a president who goes to church twice a year (Easter, Christmas). While our foreign policy is still troubling, and Obama is worse on civil liberties than Bush...overall I don't sense a forced level of fear or paranoia about brown people trying to kill us all because we're free.
(No wonder Fox, Lindsy Graham, Drudge, etc are so excited about last week's terrorist attack. They want to usher more Muslim fear, more immigration fear, etc and I fear it might work. Not necessarily with the public as a whole, but enough of the public to shitcan the immigration bill.)