Rhomega Beta
So what has Obama been doing all day, outside of waiting to jump in front of the parade like he's in charge?
Planning the Communist takeover of the United States through gun bans and universal health care.
So what has Obama been doing all day, outside of waiting to jump in front of the parade like he's in charge?
No they didn't. Their leverage is based on the fact that the Repubs don't want military cuts. They will have to bargain to get their war machine money.
(Elected) Democrats don't want those cuts either.
No they didn't. Their leverage is based on the fact that the Repubs don't want military cuts. They will have to bargain to get their war machine money.
Do you really think Democrats are going to fight to stop that war machine money train? I'd bet they give up social programs before being seen as antimilitary. It's just such a risk given how lame they are.
I still dont get what youre disagreeing with?
1) The Obama administration changed the rules of the game so banks can profit by hoarding commodities. A typical Obama corporate handout.
2) As copper is hoarded, the price goes up. Its already very high.
3) As the price goes up, the incentive to steal goes up.
4) Streetlights offer easy sources of copper for thieves.
5) Cities cant afford to quickly replace the copper, in some cities, its been reported that the day after the light was fixed, the copper was stolen again
6) No lights = darkness
Wtf? Nobody steals copper out of street lights. Thieves go into homes for a reason its a lot of clean copper in one place. An air conditioner has more copper then a street light. Also junk yards require a contractor id to take a a lot of copper now
Brian Beutler on Twitter said:Seems like Biden had to do -- and did -- a lot of reassuring that Dems will NOT negotiate for debt limit increase.
We will see...
I would have laughed in his face.
The American public needs to smack congress upside their heads.
Is the senate voting tonight. I'm caught up in my nye festivities
You so mad.
Why should I be happy with what, 80% of the Bush tax cuts renewed?
Oh stop.
Rates are going back to those making $400-450k a year. Republicans are going to go on record voting for this.
Unemployment benefits extension that won't be paid for by cuts.
Contrary to what you and some others expected, Obama was never going to let us go off of the cliff fully. Fact is that if a deal wasn't done, nobody knows what may have happened in the House and Senate. And while there are a group of very progressive Senators that are unhappy, there are also Senators that wanted the rates to go up on those making 500k and above. Obama isn't a dictator, he can't just wave a wand and get what he wants.
I can guarantee you that had this deal been done by Hillary you would have been praising her to high heaven. We get it, you aren't a fan of Obama, thats fine. You never have been and never will be. Totally fine. But don't even try to argue that had Hillary done the exact same things you are unhappy with Obama doing that you would have reacted the same. Fact is you are still mad about her losing.
Oh Maury.Hillary is currently in the hospital, I wouldn't play politics at her expense, certainly not with you.
If we cannot get rid of the Bush tax cuts after a large election victory, we'll never get rid of them. Meaning taxes will remain low for too many of the rich and entitlements will continue to be targeted - perhaps every 6-8 months during Obama's presidency. And in a couple months we'll be fighting over the debt ceiling, and I'm sure you'll be telling us that hey, sure Obama flip flopped on entering negotiations but at least the concessions aren't as bad as they could have been! You guys are like battered wives, or Nintendo fans. Same results, same actions, no change.
Happy new years, I'm gonna go watch Mad Men
Hillary is currently in the hospital, I wouldn't play politics at her expense, certainly not with you.
If we cannot get rid of the Bush tax cuts after a large election victory, we'll never get rid of them. Meaning taxes will remain low for too many of the rich and entitlements will continue to be targeted - perhaps every 6-8 months during Obama's presidency. And in a couple months we'll be fighting over the debt ceiling, and I'm sure you'll be telling us that hey, sure Obama flip flopped on entering negotiations but at least the concessions aren't as bad as they could have been! You guys are like battered wives, or Nintendo fans. Same results, same actions, no change.
Happy new years, I'm gonna go watch Mad Men
Why are people still responding to PD? He pissed away any obligation to treat him as anything but a troll a long time ago.
My final post of 2012 :lolOh Maury.
To another year of not understanding what people are freaking out about!
To another year of not understanding what people are freaking out about!
You people on the west coast have nothing to worry about, we have gone off the fiscal cliff over here, and I feel fine.
I feel like we're falling!
Well, in the House at least, they are the minority partyWow, hearing dems tonight you would think they were the minority party.
Wow, hearing dems tonight you would think they were the minority party. "This is the best that we could do" wtf guys!!!
So now?between 1-3am EST
Do you have mapel syrupHello from Canada.
Why should I be happy with what, 80% of the Bush tax cuts renewed?
Conservative voters are pissed
Final vote 89-8
Conservative voters are pissed
But PD said
confab rickbull 6 hours ago −
I'm aware of that..
Actually, the program began under Reagan, I believe.. And it was intended to provide land lines to poor folks, I suppose for safety purposes.. In case there was a fire or a medical emergency or something. Bush just expanded it to cell phones. At least as I understand it. However, Obama marketed the program in ways I've never seen before.. Sort of like the SNAP program.
But the point is: That woman had something to show for her support.. the democrats are like that.. They're never going to take that phone away from her.. Their base has ultimate faith in them, because they can reliably be counted on to deliver for them.
Not overnight.. Not all at once.. But they move the ball. They're dedicated, and their base knows this.
I guess I'm just a little jealous that my team doesn't have these characteristics and that I can't rely upon them?
It must be nice to know that your leadership is in your corner, and will fight for you tooth and nail!
Look at Obamacare? How many dem politicians fell on their swords to win that one?
They fight for what they believe.. While I don't even KNOW what my leaders really believe.
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I can see why republican bloggers are upset with the bill (it raises taxes) but the idea that it will ruin the economy is laughable. If I was a republican I'd probably be ambivalent towards the deal, but excited about the future inevitability of rolling Obama on more spending cuts during the debt ceiling fight; the main lesson to be taken here is that the election changed nothing, Obama will continue to cave in the face of obstruction/media hand wringing, and he will likely be less popular in March than he is now.