Use the sequester to do what? The sequester will mostly be removed or can kicked continually. everyone in there knows this.
The previous bills argument is also flawed. Obama and Boehner could have easily built a deal that would be passed now instead of before the 1st but agree it wasn't possible then. But they couldn't because the GOP cannot make a big deal because they don't want to actually cut spending.
There is no big deal to be had. You cannot throw sequester into it for this very reason.
And this would be a much longer fight. You'd be fucking over a lot of unemployed right now. It's not worth it because of a $100k threshold. You yourself gave me the parameters you wanted and basically this is the only think you're upset about. And you ignore the phaseouts which offset that.
You're blowing smoke up everyone's asses. I'm going to buy a pair of Cantor's clown shoes and send them your way; I'm certain they it.
You are rewriting history. Boehner couldn't get a bill passed because republicans didn't want to vote on higher taxes. That's why Obama wanted to separate the middle income taxes in the first place. Any deal now will be a tax cut. Republicans will be free to vote for a bill that cuts taxes and spending. Everyone on the right is arguing they will extort Obama for more spending cuts in March; by giving them some now, they finish a deal with the anticipation of more cuts in the future (which Obama won't give them, allegedly).
I'm not fucking over any UE people with this. A deal can be had, the framework has largely already been agreed upon. As I said, you only need 19 republicans after Thursday. I expect a big deal would get far more than that
Dem aides have said sending it back will kill it. Will be interesting.
I do think Obama needs to get on record right now demanding a vote ASAP with no amendments. Push the fact that 89 people in the Senate voted for it. Put the House in a tough spot.
@mattklewis: Latourette tells Luke Russert there are 40 or 50 GOP yes votes right now.
You are living in an alternate realty. Thank goodness you're not running the show. My goodness.
Member tells me of #GOP Conf mtg: "Felt like I was living in another world, guys asking for stuff there's no way Ds wld give on."
Some Democrats were already thinking out loud about what will follow the collapse of the Senate deal, which they now expect.
If Republicans attempt to offer amendments -- as is expected -- Democrats will oppose a rule to allow that to happen procedurally.
If the GOP then tries to pass an amended bill, "they will have to do it with their own votes," said Rep. James Clyburn, (D- S.C.), a member of the leadership. Either scenario would kill the deal.
If the GOP doesn't offer an up or down vote on the Senate deal, well, that would kill the deal, too.
And then what? "Well, I say that then we wait for the new Congress to come in on Thursday. We'll have better numbers, more members on our side," said Clyburn. "Then we offer a new bill that they will like even less. They didn't like the 450 (thousand dollar in household income) floor on the tax increase? Let's see how much they like it when we push it back down to 250 (thousand)!"
Wolf Blitzer just said "John Boehner trying to work with seriously stiff republicans..."
You are rewriting history. Boehner couldn't get a bill passed because republicans didn't want to vote on higher taxes. That's why Obama wanted to separate the middle income taxes in the first place. Any deal now will be a tax cut. Republicans will be free to vote for a bill that cuts taxes and spending. Everyone on the right is arguing they will extort Obama for more spending cuts in March; by giving them some now, they finish a deal with the anticipation of more cuts in the future (which Obama won't give them, allegedly).
I'm not fucking over any UE people with this. A deal can be had, the framework has largely already been agreed upon. As I said, you only need 19 republicans after Thursday. I expect a big deal would get far more than that
Lol yes.Seriously stiff Republicans fight Boehner.
It's done, deal is dead
@DavidMDrucker: RT @ChrisPaulitzDC Cantor just announced House won't pass Senate #fiscalcliff bill, will amend first. Now the fun begins ...
@LukeRussert: Told that one member inside conf mtg asked for Boehner to try and bring up his original offer to Obama.
Lol this is so good.
It's done, deal is dead
@DavidMDrucker: RT @ChrisPaulitzDC Cantor just announced House won't pass Senate #fiscalcliff bill, will amend first. Now the fun begins ...
The white house shares in you're amazement
The white house shares in you're amazement
Dem aides have said sending it back will kill it. Will be interesting.
I do think Obama needs to get on record right now demanding a vote ASAP with no amendments. Push the fact that 89 people in the Senate voted for it. Put the House in a tough spot.
brithume Appears House GOP's pie-in-the-sky caucus will blow up deal, leaving new higher tax rates in place, assuring Rs get all blame.
You guys are acting like this is the end of the world. No one's taxes go up for at least a week or two.
You guys are acting like this is the end of the world. No one's taxes go up for at least a week or two.
You guys are acting like this is the end of the world. No one's taxes go up for at least a week or two.
You guys are acting like this is the end of the world. No one's taxes go up for at least a week or two.
You guys are acting like this is the end of the world. No one's taxes go up for at least a week or two.
No one but you has been freaking out these last 2 days.
While I preferred a deal because people need their UE benefits, at least the GOP is going down like the buffoons that they are.
PD's bet is looking really bad right now. If the GOP doesn't change ship soon, they will get crushed in 2014.
LaTourette post meeting on cliff deal: "Our sense…was that a number of the [Senate] Republicans who voted for it must have been drunk"
good let it expire. i don't mind paying more taxXXX
They're stupid and think they have leverage.So why exactly was it not even brought up for a vote in the House? It sounds like it had enough votes to pass. What's the power play here?
So why exactly was it not even brought up for a vote in the House? It sounds like it had enough votes to pass. What's the power play here?