Nobody is going to attempt to do that.
Can Trillion Dollar Coins Save the Economy?
So the trillion dollar coin might not be an option after all, if Congress can block it.
MSNBC would work perfectly for a (non-explicit) Real Time type show imo; I'd change The Cycle by getting rid of Toure, make SE Cupp the lead, and go from there. Especially with so many young congressmen and senators in the 113th congress, it would be an interesting way to give members of both sides a semi casual, semi serious outlet other than the Daily Show/Colbert/Real Time.
He used to post a lot on various gaming irc channels. Dude was a huge Ntard and I remember trolling him for defending the Gamecube early on lol. I wonder if there's a way to dig up some of that stuff, he was a hardcore Nintendo fanboy
Can Trillion Dollar Coins Save the Economy?
So the trillion dollar coin might not be an option after all, if Congress can block it.
Can Trillion Dollar Coins Save the Economy?
So the trillion dollar coin might not be an option after all, if Congress can block it.
Kevin Drum's mojo piece on lead is excellent.
Strongly recommended. Classic low hanging policy fruit here. Argues 10-1 return on investment to additional abatement programs.
Couldn't they just print a lot of high-demonination notes in that case? I thought that the Trillions Dollar Coin idea was merely an illustrative example.
I am completely confused at why the GOP thinks lowering the deficit is what we should be concerned with right now, when millions of people are out of work. How exactly does lowering the deficit(losing even more jobs) help anyone at all?
And if they do not really believe lowering the deficit will actually help anything, why is that their position?
"Fiscal responsibility" is such a fucking stupid idea.
I also do not understand why the debt ceiling being raised is even an issue. Why wouldn't we raise the ceiling? Why would we choose to starve in a warehouse full of food?
I am completely confused at why the GOP thinks lowering the deficit is what we should be concerned with right now, when millions of people are out of work. How exactly does lowering the deficit(losing even more jobs) help anyone at all?
And if they do not really believe lowering the deficit will actually help anything, why is that their position?
If not, it's hard to see any stimulus occurring this year, outside of perhaps the Keystone pipeline being started.
Why do so many liberals turn past democratic presidents into these mythical made men who don't give a darn about anything. First it's FDR, then it's LBJ, and now Clinton.
god every time my tv is on and I hear fucking Al Sharpton come on MSNBC, it feels like my TV caught a deadly virus or some shit. I just want to fucking vaccinate my TV from his fucking dumb shit
Changed CPI? But that's not a cut, that's a reduction in the increase.
I'm confused here by what you mean. Are you saying unemployment shouldn't be lower than 8%?
LBJ was majority leader of the senate, personally knew most senators, and didn't negotiate as much as he dominated by will. It was a different time than now, and you can't really make direct comparisons. Today presidents can't simply threaten to cut off pork in someone's district or bribe with promotions as Lincoln did.OK, Clinton was exaggerating. But LBJ did not give a fuck.
Cenk explaining why he hates the deal. I feel fucking depressed.![]()
A reduction in an increase is a cut.
A huge surge in gasoline prices in 2008 led to a whopping 5.8 percent cost of living adjustment for Social Security recipients in January 2009. But gasoline prices tumbled again and when the price index stayed below the 2008 high in the third quarters of 2009 and 2010, no COLA was paid last year or this.
Had the chained CPI been in use in 2007 and 2008, the 2009 COLA would have been much smaller--4.6 percent instead of the actual 5.8 percent. Part of the difference is that the chained CPI—unlike other versions of the index—is revised twice as more information becomes available about how consumers changed their purchases in response to some prices rising faster than others.
In short, Obama’s proposal is something that liberal Democrats are likely to oppose. Meanwhile, many Republicans say they will have no part of any deal that raises taxes.
I am completely confused at why the GOP thinks lowering the deficit is what we should be concerned with right now, when millions of people are out of work. How exactly does lowering the deficit(losing even more jobs) help anyone at all?
And if they do not really believe lowering the deficit will actually help anything, why is that their position?
"Fiscal responsibility" is such a fucking stupid idea.
I also do not understand why the debt ceiling being raised is even an issue. Why wouldn't we raise the ceiling? Why would we choose to starve in a warehouse full of food?
Vermont is the first state in the nation to move toward a health care delivery system in which health care is a right and not a privilege, costs are contained, and insurance coverage is divorced from employment allowing small businesses to create more jobs and opportunities for their employees. Like all Americans, Vermonters are facing skyrocketing health care costs that are unsustainable for taxpayers and businesses. Vermonts single payer system will reward providers for positive outcomes, eliminate the overwhelming paperwork and red tape of insurance, and contain costs that are out of control.
As we move toward this new outcomes-based system, we will maintain what we are doing well. Vermont leads the nation for providing childrens health, seeing significant decreases in children without insurance, child and teen deaths and teens who abuse drugs or alcohol, for example. We rank third for overall child well-being, with a reduction in the number of children in single-parent households and teen births, as well as improvements in reading proficiency and high school students graduating on time.
Fuck that. Obama needs to come out and say precisely what they're doing. Tell the American people "Look, the Republicans want to cut your social security and medicare, but they want me to be the one to name it, so that I look bad instead of them. I'm not going to let them hide behind me. If they're going to spend all this time hooting and hollering for cuts, then they should be prepared to tell me exactly what they want to cut."
What could be the next state to implement a full on universal health care system? Massachusetts? Washington?
What could be the next state to implement a full on universal health care system? Massachusetts? Washington?
Once hispanics start voting in texas and turn it blue in 2014 (governors race, etc) expect the 2015 legislature to enact some serious overhauls....
Cenk explaining why he hates the deal. I feel fucking depressed.![]()
that is the wayyyy liberal way to phrase how the fiscal cliff compromise went down. Would I have loved for obama to soak the rich for everything they had? Sure, but imo the deal is still a good one. Cenk going go fuck himself.
You think it'll turn blue that quickly? Wha?
When is the State of the Union? Obama should just push a new payroll taxcut, make it his own.
Can Trillion Dollar Coins Save the Economy?
So the trillion dollar coin might not be an option after all, if Congress can block it.
Once hispanics start voting in texas and turn it blue in 2014 (governors race, etc) expect the 2015 legislature to enact some serious overhauls....
When is the State of the Union? Obama should just push a new payroll taxcut, make it his own.
When is the State of the Union? Obama should just push a new payroll taxcut, make it his own.
I don't know why I'm still surprised at the stupidity of some people, but I am. Can't believe they managed to spin that shit.See: payroll tax expiration. Apparently, the Republicans wanted to preserve it (according to facebook/non-gaf forum feeds) despite all evidence to the contrary.
I would love if someone proposed putting Reagan's face on it. The internal war between wanting Reagan honored but being part of Obama's march toward socialism, etc. would be delicious.
This is the greatest idea ever, except Jesus needs to be on the back of the coin, riding on a bald eagle.
Reagan and Jesus, both armed with AR-15s riding on the back of a tearful bald eagle with the two towers in the background. I'd say that'd be worth a trillion dollars. Do it, Obama!
That payroll tax cut was his own, wasn't it?
When is the State of the Union? Obama should just push a new payroll taxcut, make it his own.
Well if it was then nobody knew about it. He should propose this in the SOTU and sell it as an Obama tax cut this time. And then lol when Republicans try and hold the proposal hostage for whatever stupid reason they come up with.
Well if it was then nobody knew about it. He should propose this in the SOTU and sell it as an Obama tax cut this time. And then lol when Republicans try and hold the proposal hostage for whatever stupid reason they come up with.
Maybe he'll add the payroll tax cut to the Jobs Act and demand it be passed during the SOTUWould you want him to do that or ask for $120 Billion in infrastructure spending?
Would you want him to do that or ask for $120 Billion in infrastructure spending?
I assume PoliGAF would be interested in this:
What's this bullshit on claiming the fiscal cliff deal adds $329 billion to the deficit?
I remember reading something explaining why articles like this are bs but I can't find it...