I think it's hilarious whenever conservatives gripe about an Obama tax cut bill adding 4 TRILLION DOLLARS to the deficit. What, was he supposed to let the tax cuts expire? Was he supposed to pay for them by cutting 4 trillion dollars in spending at the same time? I'm not really sure what they wanted here. And they probably aren't either.
Oh well, at least it makes it easy to run attack ads in 2014 in primaries against Republican congressmen. "John Fucker voted to add 4 trillion dollars to the deficit!"
This is very very confusing. Good god.
He voted to increase federal income taxes on rich folks, giving more revenue to a bloated government without demanding cuts in spending.
LOL, according to Sen. Cornyn, Our spending is unsustainable so he votes for more spending? No restraint? Another $4 TRILLION added to the countrys debt?
Does this guy realize these two complaints are literally opposite? Raising taxes is bad because it gives money to a terrible government... lowering taxes is bad because it adds to the debt. What's this dude supposed to do?