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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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It did, but that was thanks to Gingrich being a big baby and making a big stink about his seat on Air Force One. I personally expect no better from this congress should they try, maybe even something funnier.
That was the government shutdown. A maneuver by House Republicans to damage Clinton's popularity that also backfired.


I feel like Rand gets more cred with the silly tea partiers than Ron ever did, and so the wacky alliance of tea party nutters and young libertarian nutters might be interesting (see: hilarious) come 2016.
Rand could do some interesting stuff with social media/tech in 2015/2016, could be interesting. I'll have to ask some of my Paulite friends what they think of the son, and whether he can use the passion people have for his dad to his advantage.
Was it? I wasn't following politics then, but I thought it ended with Clinton being more popular.

The only thing that made it politically harmful to Clinton was that it kept in the news his infidelity and lying about it. He ran in 92 and part of the narrative was that he had cheated in the past but put his marriage back together (remember, this is the "character matters" and "family values" era), and then it comes out that he was still philandering while actually in the White House, and then lied (in some really slimy lawyery ways) about it afterwards.

Essentially, it put Clinton's weakest aspects in the news with the historical significance of impeachment helping keep it there.

Even still, it hurt but didn't wipe him out politically, and it was also the best that the GOP could do after digging for dirt on Whitewater for years.

The GOP ended up looking worse, and I don't think that's lost on the modern GOP. The only impeachment rumblings will be individuals playing to their bases for the next primary season.


Rand could do some interesting stuff with social media/tech in 2015/2016, could be interesting. I'll have to ask some of my Paulite friends what they think of the son, and whether he can use the passion people have for his dad to his advantage.

He doesn't seem to be nearly as vocal in his opposition to entrenched anti-Libertarian Republican ideals. If anything, he's settled into being a boilerplate GOP senator.




wapo said:
In a letter co-signed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, majority whip Dick Durbin, vice chairman of the Democratic Caucus Chuck Schumer, and budget committee chairwoman Patty Murray, the four Democrats, presumably on behalf of their caucus, ask President Obama to ignore the debt ceiling when the time comes:

It is hard to imagine that the Speaker and Leader McConnell would really follow through on their threat to let the nation default on its debts. They are responsible leaders who know better. Sadly, some of their Republican colleagues do not. There, we believe that you must make clear that you will never allow our nation’s economy and reputation to be held hostage. In the event that Republicans make good on their threat by failing to act, or by moving unilaterally to pass a debt-limit extension only as part of unbalanced or unreasonable legislation, we believe you must be willing to take any lawful steps to ensure that America does not break its promises and trigger a global crisis — without congressional approval, if necessary.

The Senate Democrats don’t specify a remedy here, so they could be talking about the platinum coin, the 14th Amendment, government scrip, or some other approach. But the bigger issue here is that final clause. They’re saying, for the record, that the majority party of the U.S. Senate will not consider it an executive power grab if the president takes unusual action to avoid default.

And you thought I was kidding about the coinstitutional crisis!



Sidhe / PikPok

And you thought I was kidding about the coinstitutional crisis!


I continue to think how amazing the position the US could have been in compared to the rest of the world had the Republicans not been trying to stonewall everything the current Administration has been trying to achieve since in power, no matter how big or small, no matter what the negative consequences.

The refusal of the Republicans (and I'm sure many Democrats) to govern toward the benefit of the nation rather than toward the power of their party makes a mockery of "the world's greatest democracy".

A little cooperation could go so far. But even in the face of massive natural disasters, it appears there can be none.


I continue to think how amazing the position the US could have been in compared to the rest of the world had the Republicans not been trying to stonewall everything the current Administration has been trying to achieve since in power, no matter how big or small, no matter what the negative consequences.

The refusal of the Republicans (and I'm sure many Democrats) to govern toward the benefit of the nation rather than toward the power of their party makes a mockery of "the world's greatest democracy".

A little cooperation could go so far. But even in the face of massive natural disasters, it appears there can be none.

Republicans are fantastic at defying logic. They excel at it.


Hearing Stephanie Kelton talk is kind of arousing.

EV is speechless. Seriously though, EV said he wanted this debate to reach the mainstream, so for MMT this is kind of their moment. Sucks it's happening at 8am on Saturday as opposed to at FOX, where it's 24/7 bashing the T-Coin idea. Peter Schiff is gonna have Stephanie followed I think.


Aww, I think I missed the good Stephanie Kelton stuff :(

I got up and showered and stuff and didn't get to Up until an hour into the show. I was excited to see her there, but she didn't say much in that last segment. Guess I'll watch the first part of the show online.

Just got my first paycheck for the year, got a raise but I take home less now due to the new taxes :( feels bad man

Yeah, my check from one of my jobs went down by about 15 bucks, which means I'm out 30 bucks per month just from that one job. My wife's I think a bit less. Harder to tell with hers though since she's not salaried like me. Luckily my second 'temporary' job will be extending longer than I thought, so I'll still have a lot more money to get me through.
Just got my first paycheck for the year, got a raise but I take home less now due to the new taxes :( feels bad man
Mine was just a few dollars lower so I can't complain. I did hear an employee ask our (small business) employer how the Bush tax raise will affect the business. He was puzzled and then said "not at all."

Obamacare on the other hand...


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Is anybody interested in a PoliGAF book club with different viewpoints, e.g. one month Rachel Maddow's Drift and the next month Robert Kagan's The World America Made? I think we would have the most success with medium-length books that would be fairly quick reads (i.e. we wouldn't read Leviathan or Atlas Shrugged). The election is over and the daily shit show from Washington is depressing to follow closely, so I'd rather spend the time I devote to politics this way.


Is anybody interested in a PoliGAF book club with different viewpoints, e.g. one month Rachel Maddow's Drift and the next month Robert Kagan's The World America Made? I think we would have the most success with medium-length books that would be fairly quick reads (i.e. we wouldn't read Leviathan or Atlas Shrugged). The election is over and the daily shit show from Washington is depressing to follow closely, so I'd rather spend the time I devote to politics this way.

I've mentioned this a few times over the years but never had more than a tepid response nor did I really just take the initiative to make it happen. I'm 100% down though. Hopefully a few others are into it as well.

Completely unrelated, but latest Frontline is pretty good- The Education of Michelle Rhee http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/education-of-michelle-rhee/

Next week's is going to be a review of the first four years of the Obama presidency. Can't wait. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/inside-obamas-presidency/


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I understand the time concerns, which is why we would choose manageable lengths. I want to use the time I would normally spend reading online political content or newspaper op-eds to this, so the overall time commitment to politics will be virtually the same, just spent a different way.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Just got my first paycheck for the year, got a raise but I take home less now due to the new taxes :( feels bad man

They aren't new taxes. They are old taxes that have returned. They actually shouldn't have gone away in the first place. But it shouldn't feel bad. I am in the deepest hole those cause and I am fucking glad and proud to be contributing normalized revenues to a country and people I love. And our healthcare is now more complex and ostensibly expensive (although my employer is paying the difference for now) and I'm glad about that too, because poor kids with cancer don't get denied by shitbag corporations now.


Aww, I think I missed the good Stephanie Kelton stuff :(

I got up and showered and stuff and didn't get to Up until an hour into the show. I was excited to see her there, but she didn't say much in that last segment. Guess I'll watch the first part of the show online.

For those who don't know, it looks like MSNBC puts Hayes' show up online the same way they do with Maddow's. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46979738/

I totally failed to see that you specifically mentioned watching it online. Apparently Oklahoma schools aren't great either.
Is anybody interested in a PoliGAF book club with different viewpoints, e.g. one month Rachel Maddow's Drift and the next month Robert Kagan's The World America Made? I think we would have the most success with medium-length books that would be fairly quick reads (i.e. we wouldn't read Leviathan or Atlas Shrugged). The election is over and the daily shit show from Washington is depressing to follow closely, so I'd rather spend the time I devote to politics this way.

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