Even though I'm pretty pro-gun, I can't say I want NRA opening their mouth ever again. They've done nothing to make anything better, bring up horrible stereotypes and make everyone seem crazy. I cannot be supportive of them.
Considering your iteratively dogmatic appeals to the order of amendments and your insistence on fantasy scenarios of sudden government tyranny and even more fantastic scenarios of successful insurrection against such tyranny with small arms, there's no small amount of irony in this statement.
All of the laws are as equally as important yes. I was meaning that it was the "second most important" because it was the second major law ever made in this country. Obviously, the first few laws made are the most important, otherwise our second amendment could be something ridiculous like certain state laws regarding exotic animals or whatever.
So, all the laws are equally important, but the first few laws are the most important, but there are no laws in the constitution or else
they would be the most important and not the amendments because the first thing you think of in any context is always the best, no matter what new information or changes in situation occur later. Got it.
When you say "the second major law ever made in this country", you make Articles 2 through 7 cry. They have numbers too!

Maybe if we didn't let the second amendment own guns it wouldn't be able to cut in line with such impunity.
The bill of rights defines american society and the values therein.
No, We The People do that. The constitution and our laws are simply how we decide to implement it. And we can decide to change any of it that we see fit. The Bill of Rights is merely the result of the first brainstorm on what would be good things for people, based on the knowledge and situation of the time. (Well, besides, y'know, that little bit about a whole government of self-determination they came up with before the all-important amendments.) We The Current People can add to or remove from this list based on how we want things to be now, in our current situation, with our current knowledge.
Just to be clear, this particular singleton instance of We The People would like a full repeal of the second amendment. I do like the first a lot. And the thirteenth, if that wasn't obvious.