here's what realorsatire has to say about raw story:
It's not a Raw Story article. It's a summary of Huffington Post article which directly sources the organizations that reportedly did the counter sting.
here's what realorsatire has to say about raw story:
Okay, let's assume that the worst case scenario of all this true. How does this even work constitutionally? Can they impeach him before he even takes the oath of office? And if so do they impeach Pence as well bringing us to President Paul Ryan?
Okay, let's assume that the worst case scenario of all this true. How does this even work constitutionally? Can they impeach him before he even takes the oath of office? And if so do they impeach Pence as well bringing us to President Paul Ryan?
Actually this would be insane and probably the worst possible outcome. It would be a million times worse than 2000 or the "lost electoral vote but won popular vote" issue we are already in. Average people would expect the presidency to go to Hillary if the Republican ticket gets elimated and would see President Ryan as a corrupt/illegitimate result even if it's the constitutionally ordained process.
Most people would approach it like sports, if the top finisher is disqualified it should to the runner up, not some guy who wasn't even competing in the race.
Actually this would be insane and probably the worst possible outcome. It would be a million times worse than 2000 or the "lost electoral vote but won popular vote" issue we are already in. Average people would expect the presidency to go to Hillary if the Republican ticket gets elimated and would see President Ryan as a corrupt/illegitimate result even if it's the constitutionally ordained process.
Most people would approach it like sports, if the top finisher is disqualified it should to the runner up, not some guy who wasn't even competing in the race.
Obama's idea about the moral arc of the universe bending to justice is bullshit. The moral arc of the universe bends to whomever pulls harder.
there would probably be way more outrage and violence if Hillary was expected to fill in, tbh
Anyway Pence and Ryan would both be better than Trump if only for the fact they would be harder to re-elect because they lack the enthusiastic base Trump had.
RUSSIAN HACKERS HACKED HER MICROPHONE! FAKE NEWS!?! RUSSIAN TROLLS!! LIES! PUTIN IS TRYING TO DESTORY HER! KEEP THIS UP AND I'LL SEND BERNIE INTO THE SUN!!!girl don't be mad at the King of Rap because your relic Mariah can't even lip sync without embarrassing herself anymore
WikiLeaks‏ @wikileaks
35 page PDF published by Buzzfeed on Trump is not an intelligence report. Style, facts & dates show no credibility.
Not enough lols in the world
Best reaction to Trump story yet.
there would probably be way more outrage and violence if Hillary was expected to fill in, tbh
Anyway Pence and Ryan would both be better than Trump if only for the fact they would be harder to re-elect because they lack the enthusiastic base Trump had.
Laura Ingraham, FOUNDER OF LIFEZETTE, is on Fox rn mocking Obama for dabbing at his eyes with a tissue. A real man doesnt do that.
You can't just arbitrarily decide who the successor is. The constitution is clear on the line of succession. If Hillary became "president" over this, it would mean that basically all of our laws are meaningless now.
That would happen either.Why? If she's named as Speaker of the House by a majority vote of the body (since anybody can be Speaker) and both the President and Vice President are impeached, she's the next in line. Completely according to the Constitution.
Of course, the modern GOP would never do this, but I could easily see the modern GOP making the modern DNC do this if the situation was reversed.
Am I missing something with the OT title? Mad Dog is a terrible choice, I mean maybe relatively he's ok but he's still a militant islamaphobe.
He's going to have a twitter meltdown at 3am tomorrow, isn't he?
He's an hawk on Iran, which is concerning when combined with the rest of the cabinet, but he otherwise doesn't seem that Islamophobic? He's pro-two state solution and made sure his people took cultural sensitivity courses before deploying to the Middle East.Am I missing something with the OT title? Mad Dog is a terrible choice, I mean maybe relatively he's ok but he's still a militant islamaphobe.
Meanwhile at RT, "Ain't that a p*sser? #GoldenShowers trends after unverified report of Trump sexcapades" is fairly prominent on the front page, and sums up the events pretty well.Meanwhile at Fox TOP STORY
So did he cancel the press conference yet?
there would probably be way more outrage and violence if Hillary was expected to fill in, tbh
Anyway Pence and Ryan would both be better than Trump if only for the fact they would be harder to re-elect because they lack the enthusiastic base Trump had.
I decided to kill myself and watch Hillary's concession speech again.
It's not only Trump who got elected through foreign intervention, it's Pence too. The entirety of the ticket would be tainted - people voted for Trump, not Pence, but he still gained from the Russian influence.
I think, really, the only way to do it which doesn't send the US into a death spiral is to hand it to Hillary, because this whole election result is now clearly corrupt as fuck. And, shockingly, the only people who come out of this looking clean is the loser and her VP choice.
I know that feeling... On the one hand, it's so unutterably depressing. On the other hand, gracious and amazing as fuck.
I rather not hand the hilary the presidency unless something bombshell worthy releases in the next 10 days or so that affects the entire republican party. Like I said before this russia story will haunt trump in many different forms in the next four years or so. It may define his presidency and possibly destroy any chance of him winning in four years time.
So did he cancel the press conference yet?
This would go nuclear if he cancels. I hope he does. Instead we'll just have to hear him complain about the media and call this all a bunch of lies.
What time is the press conference? How long does he have to cancel it?
And how would handing the thing over to Hillary do less damage to the US than removing Trump?It's not only Trump who got elected through foreign intervention, it's Pence too. The entirety of the ticket would be tainted - people voted for Trump, not Pence, but he still gained from the Russian influence.
I think, really, the only way to do it which doesn't send the US into a death spiral is to hand it to Hillary, because this whole election result is now clearly corrupt as fuck. And, shockingly, the only people who come out of this looking clean is the loser and her VP choice.
Kompromat (Russian: компромат, short for компрометирующий материал, literally "compromising material") is the Russian term for compromising materials about a politician or other public figure. Such materials can be used to create negative publicity, for blackmail, or for ensuring loyalty.
There is a russian word for collecting compromising evidence to be used against politicians.
46% of the country's voting populace didn't care. The challenge is getting that 54% to coalesce around a single candidate, as well as winning crossover votes from people who voted solely on the economy or for "change" as well as inspiring any voters who sat out.And how would handing the thing over to Hillary do less damage to the US than removing Trump?
Whatever comes from this story, if true, the damage is done, period. But the United States will not fall. Neither Trump, Pence nor the rank and file Republicans can really afford to be seen as pro-Russia at this point regardless of the facts of the story.
Further, might I add that no matter Russia's influence Trump still won on his own twisted merits. The DNC email's were real. The bullshit Trump spewed on a constant basis that was constantly false was just blatantly false and Russia couldn't give it any more credence if they wanted to. Hillary's email investigation, the importance of which can be debated of course, was real. The players may all suck in this game but none of the cards were fake if that makes sense. Trump and his circles' ties to Russia was already known. People more or less accept he's hiding shit in his tax returns, even his supporters think that. He had already got caught in scandals of his own. He got called a puppet on the debate stage on live TV. It's not like the populace was ignorant of this, they didn't care.
So I'm not sure what bringing the UN and other Western countries into this does, I mean right now Russia's funding advertising and shit into them right now too! We also do the same. Sucks to get bit by our own tactics but I digress, live by the sword and we can die by the sword I guess. I'm also not sure exactly where we go with this because many Americans have no problems with, say, Israel influencing our politics and elected officials bending over backwards to their desires. That's been going on for a long time and in my opinion just as disgusting.
Further, if this stuff can not be verified to a reasonable degree what kind of signal would it send for elections after this? Could any outgoing administration slander the incoming one with allegations and invalidate the election? This stuff needs to be fucking ironclad before anyone talks about doing anything.
We have one too, blackmail.