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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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People just don't like Maher pointing out the overt hypocrisy of many liberals when it come to Islam. They happily characterize white rural voters as slack jacked socially regressive yokels because of their obsessions with god, guns and gays but any criticism of Muslims is immediatly shot down as bigotry. At the end of the day, women and racial/religious minorities are much better off in bumfuck Kentucky than any majority Muslim country on the planet.


No Scrubs
So what exactly is so bad about how he talks about Muslims? He had Sam Harris on last week and pretty much everything they said was reasonable. They aren't trying to demonize with a broad brush, they want to reform the bad ideas of Islam like Sharia law, etc.

On the most basic level? He has these conversations without a single Muslim present and the few times he does it's never someone who will challenge him. It's like when the GOP debates women's healthcare without asking women what they think. He's intentionally blocking out any voices that might call him out on things.

He hasn't had on anyone who would challenge him on his views since the Affleck thing.


The dude generally has an issue with religion as a whole, but because of shit like ISIS and Al-Qaeda he doesn't get called out on it when it comes to Islam.


People just don't like Maher pointing out the overt hypocrisy of many liberals when it come to Islam. They happily characterize white rural voters as slack jacked socially regressive yokels because of their obsessions with god, guns and gays but any criticism of Muslims is immediatly shot down as bigotry. At the end of the day, women and racial/religious minorities are much better off in bumfuck Kentucky than any majority Muslim country on the planet.

This is so true.

On the most basic level? He has these conversations without a single Muslim present and the few times he does it's never someone who will challenge him. It's like when the GOP debates women's healthcare without asking women what they think. He's intentionally blocking out any voices that might call him out on things.

He hasn't had on anyone who would challenge him on his views since the Affleck thing.


The dude generally has an issue with religion as a whole, but because of shit like ISIS and Al-Qaeda he doesn't get called out on it when it comes to Islam.

I can't remember their names but if you'd watch the latest Harris interview they talk about Muslims he has talked with on the show who agree with his points that there are certain flatly harmful ideas in Islam that need to be changed.

It's extremely confusing why you'd have a problem with criticizing things like sharia law or their treatment of women. That's what Maher is talking about.


Well the mistake this election was appealing to white suburban moms and trying to get them to flip instead of driving up youth turnout and appealing to young people.
Eligible to vote doesn't mean they'll do so.

From the article that I got the graph (NPR), boomers made up 38% of the total vote in 2012, but millennials made up a measly 19%—that was an Obama election. The Hispanic and millennial blocs are the stuff of dreams. Millennials won't turn out consistently for everything on the ballot and every election, that's why they don't get catered to.

It's a Catch 22
Bill Maher's reaction to the protests against Milo is to get mad at liberals and then book Milo on his show and pre play the victim by saying they gonna protest me too?

Maher btw is absolutely terrible at defanging bigots. Just look how often Anne Coulter goes on has she changed any? Has her rep been hurt any?

Giving platforms to serial harassers like Milo is garbage. It just normalizes him.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
This is so true.

I can't remember their names but if you'd watch the latest Harris interview they talk about Muslims he has talked with on the show who agree with his points that there are certain flatly harmful ideas in Islam that need to be changed.

It's extremely confusing why you'd have a problem with criticizing things like sharia law or their treatment of women. That's what Maher is talking about.

You're much better at explaining my thoughs on Bill Maher, so I'll just shut up lol.


People just don't like Maher pointing out the overt hypocrisy of many liberals when it come to Islam. They happily characterize white rural voters as slack jacked socially regressive yokels because of their obsessions with god, guns and gays but any criticism of Muslims is immediatly shot down as bigotry. At the end of the day, women and racial/religious minorities are much better off in bumfuck Kentucky than any majority Muslim country on the planet.

This is not the first time you've said something like this - it wasn't correct then and its not correct now. I've never seen any large number of liberals that would defend say the human rights violations, especially against women or the LGBT community, of the more religious and dogmatic sects of Islam and Islam theocratic governments. What liberals will defend American Muslims against the demonization and stereotyping or the common insinuation that Muslims worldwide are inherently not to be trusted. Let's also not mince words - much of the contempt towards Muslims is ethnically based. It's why Sikhs often get shit on for no fault of their own. You can be critical of Islam (or any religion) and not think there is some "War of Civilizations" or that Muslim refugees are human garbage or that a woman who chooses to wear a hijab of her own free will is a slave, etc. The Right doesn't care that say many Muslims in the ME practice polygamy, they care that "them darkies are dangerous and are all terrorists and they took my jobs".


This is so true.

I can't remember their names but if you'd watch the latest Harris interview they talk about Muslims he has talked with on the show who agree with his points that there are certain flatly harmful ideas in Islam that need to be changed.

This is like saying its okay to call black people welfare leeches who need to be segregated because Ben Carson agrees.

It's extremely confusing why you'd have a problem with criticizing things like sharia law or their treatment of women. That's what Maher is talking about.

There are huge problems with Islam that people choose to ignore. Sharia law probably isn't one of them but that is neither here nor there. The problem is that it is a gigantic religion and reducing it to its most extreme elements is not only morally wrong, it is factually wrong. The vast majority of American Muslims are not even from the middle east let alone radical Wahabbis. This is something Trump seems to understand better than Maher

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America

I feel like this is a universe ending paradox :eek:

There are huge problems with Islam that people choose to ignore. Sharia law probably isn't one of them but that is neither here nor there. The problem is that it is a gigantic religion and reducing it to its most extreme elements is not only morally wrong, it is factually wrong. The vast majority of American Muslims are not even from the middle east let alone radical Wahabbis. This is something Trump seems to understand better than Maher

When did Bill Maher say that about American Muslims?


As someone who knows nothing about German politics, can someone provide some context for these Merkel polls? Are we about to get German Trump?
Conway said she doesn't think CNN is fake news, while on CNN. But everything she says is fake news, so she created a fake news paradox. A paradox so strong it altered history. Now we know why Trump won.


As someone who knows nothing about German politics, can someone provide some context for these Merkel polls? Are we about to get German Trump?

no, Merkel is from the conservative party (Christian Democratic Union). SPD (Social Democratic Party) is to the left

and because it is a parliamentary system, Merkel is likely to stay in power anyway. It's all about coalitions

a far superior system than our own
This angle that right wing talk radio is pushing about people in the government tipping off Al Qaeda on the Yemen raid before it happened is sickening.They are basically pulling conspiracy theories out of their ass, and accusing people in the government as being traitors.


no, Merkel is from the conservative party (Christian Democratic Union). SPD is to the left

and because it is a parliamentary system, Merkel is likely to stay in power anyway. It's all about coalitions

a far superior system than our own

Thanks, that's comforting at least.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I feel like this is a universe ending paradox :eek:

When did Bill Maher say that about American Muslims?

I mean, he's been pretty vocally skeptical of if Muslim refugees are "culturally compatable" with the west

Something that, having lived in a city with a huge Muslim refugee population for nearly five years, I reject on a fundamental level. And find it very difficult to read as anything other than bigoted considering how many other cultures we assume are able to assimilate and adapt.
I feel like this is a universe ending paradox :eek:

When did Bill Maher say that about American Muslims?

The quote about generalizing them is on this page, and he doesn't seem to be exempting any sizable number of Muslims.

Maher has always basically made "one of the good ones" arguments about Muslims. If you replaced Muslim with black people, you'd mistake his comments for the classic GOP line about "there's a problem with black culture."


This is semantics, and nothing more
When is the court hearing about the Muslim ban?

3:00 PM Pacific. Right now it's about 2:00 Pacific.

In other news, Chuck Schumer must think his constituents are morons:

USA Today said:
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, "avoided answers like the plague" during their meeting Tuesday.

The New York Democrat told reporters he pressed Gorsuch for his views on whether a "Muslim ban" could be constitutional, a reference to Trump's executive order indefinitely banning Syrian refugees and temporarily suspending admission of other refugees and travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries that have been linked to terrorism.

Schumer also asked for Gorsuch's opinions on whether Trump's comments on voter fraud undermine democracy and what the framers intended with the Constitution's anti-bribery "Emoluments Clause," which bans presidents from receiving gifts from foreign leaders. Some have argued Trump's refusal to divest from his business empire could lead to a violation of that clause.

"This president is testing fundamental underpinnings of our democracy and it's institutions," Schumer said after the meeting. "These times deserve answers and Judge Gorsuch did not provide them. I have serious, serious concerns about this nominee."

Schumer called Gorsuch a "smart, polite and capable man who loves being a judge," but he said Trump's troubled relationship with the judiciary and his attacks on the rule of law make it imperative that the next Supreme Court nominee serve as an independent check on the administration when it overreaches.

Judicial nominees don't answer questions about specific issues that might come before them for two reasons. The first is they don't want to get Borked, but the second undermines Schumer's rationale for demanding answers: If the nominee prejudges a case, he or she will have to recuse if the issue comes before him or her. Anyone with the slightest familiarity with judicial nominations will know that avoiding answers "like the plague" is standard. I don't know who Schumer's trying to fool here, but it will be interesting to see who (if anyone) falls for it.
I have a question...

Would it be a good idea for any inspiring Democrats that have ambitions for running for president in 2020 to announce their candidacy in late 2018, but before the midterms, instead of 2019? Could a really charismatic and populist candidate help drive turnout during the midterms? Maybe hold rallies for Senate Democrats in the Midwest, Nevada, Florida, Arizona, and Texas, along with coalescing the Resistance/anti-Trump/progressive movement for support in 2020.
I think I am allergic to watching people defend Trump on CNN.

and because I am black, I really hate seeing that one dude Trump praised (Paris Dennard) suck Trump dick on National TV smh


This is like saying its okay to call black people welfare leeches who need to be segregated because Ben Carson agrees.

There are huge problems with Islam that people choose to ignore. Sharia law probably isn't one of them but that is neither here nor there. The problem is that it is a gigantic religion and reducing it to its most extreme elements is not only morally wrong, it is factually wrong. The vast majority of American Muslims are not even from the middle east let alone radical Wahabbis. This is something Trump seems to understand better than Maher

Except he doesn't reduce it down to its most extreme elements. You're misunderstanding where he's coming from. The reason I bring up the latest interview with Harris is because it's the simplest and most straightforward he's ever been about explaining himself and goes a long way to dispel the anger you have towards him. If you still want to claim he's demonizing every single Muslim in America after watching it, you're willfully misrepresenting him.


No Scrubs
I have a question...

Would it be a good idea for any inspiring Democrats that have ambitions for running for president in 2020 to announce their candidacy in late 2018, but before the midterms, instead of 2019? Could a really charismatic and populist candidate help drive turnout during the midterms? Maybe hold rallies for Senate Democrats in the Midwest, Nevada, Florida, Arizona, and Texas, along with coalescing the Resistance/anti-Trump/progressive movement for support in 2020.

It'd give the GOP national targets to attack and might off-set any gains the Dems would get by portraying their races as against Trump.


3:00 PM Pacific. Right now it's about 10 to 2:00 Pacific.

In other news, Chuck Schumer must think his constituents are morons:

Judicial nominees don't answer questions about specific issues that might come before them for two reasons. The first is they don't want to get Borked, but the second undermines Schumer's rationale for demanding answers: If the nominee prejudges a case, he or she will have to recuse if the issue comes before him or her. Anyone with the slightest familiarity with judicial nominations will know that avoiding answers "like the plague" is standard. I don't know who Schumer's trying to fool here, but it will be interesting to see who (if anyone) falls for it.

I know you're a Republican and must reflexively lash out at Schumer but this is nonsense. Nothing a nominee says during confirmation requires them to recuse themselves. In fact, nothing at all requires them to recuse themselves. It is 100% up the justice and they routinely refuse to recuse themselves on political cases that personally involve them. The only reason justices have started this obfuscation tradition is to not get denied confirmation -- specifically they don/t want to answer any abortion questions. The idea that you can't question a nominee's jurisprudence makes a mockery of the process. Why even hold hearings?


This is not the first time you've said something like this - it wasn't correct then and its not correct now. I've never seen any large number of liberals that would defend say the human rights violations, especially against women or the LGBT community, of the more religious and dogmatic sects of Islam and Islam theocratic governments. What liberals will defend American Muslims against the demonization and stereotyping or the common insinuation that Muslims worldwide are inherently not to be trusted. Let's also not mince words - much of the contempt towards Muslims is ethnically based. It's why Sikhs often get shit on for no fault of their own. You can be critical of Islam (or any religion) and not think there is some "War of Civilizations" or that Muslim refugees are human garbage or that a woman who chooses to wear a hijab of her own free will is a slave, etc. The Right doesn't care that say many Muslims in the ME practice polygamy, they care that "them darkies are dangerous and are all terrorists and they took my jobs".

The problem is you're conflating Maher's stance on Islam with the bolded. His entire point is that when you look at the actual facts, the Islamic theocratic establishment and a large portion of it's followers are ideologically opposed to western progressive values. Again, we're all too happy to point out how many or most Republicans/Trump voters are evil racist shitbags, but as soon as someone points out how women are treated in majority Muslim countries, they are labeled as bigots. You also need to educate yourself on the difference between a hijab and a burka, one is not like the other.

The quote about generalizing them is on this page, and he doesn't seem to be exempting any sizable number of Muslims.

Maher has always basically made "one of the good ones" arguments about Muslims. If you replaced Muslim with black people, you'd mistake his comments for the classic GOP line about "there's a problem with black culture."

No he hasn't, no more than liberals are making a "one of the good ones" argument when they mention a conservative who hates Trump. There's a difference between stereotyping and statistics.


Except he doesn't reduce it down to its most extreme elements. You're misunderstanding where he's coming from withe. The reason I bring up the latest interview with Harris is because it's the simplest and most straightforward he's ever been about explaining himself and goes a long way to dispel the anger you have towards him. If you still want to claim he's demonizing every single Muslim in America after watching it, you're willfully misrepresenting him.

Show me one post where I have expressed any outrage about Bill Maher -- kneejerk or otherwise. I'll wait

He has (unapologetically -- so I don't know why you are carrying this water) demonized Muslims as a whole for the last 10+ years, I really don't care what he said in his latest interview as it isn't relevant to my point.


Show me one post where I have expressed any outrage about Bill Maher -- kneejerk or otherwise. I'll wait

He has (unapologetically -- so I don't know why you are carrying this water) demonized Muslims as a whole for the last 10+ years, I really don't care what he said in his latest interview as it isn't relevant to my point.

Just because you keep saying it doesn't make it true. He's critical of bad ideas in Islam and critical of Liberals and Muslims who don't call them out. And if you refuse to even accept his stance might have softened, this discussion is pointless.


3:00 PM Pacific. Right now it's about 2:00 Pacific.

In other news, Chuck Schumer must think his constituents are morons:

Judicial nominees don't answer questions about specific issues that might come before them for two reasons. The first is they don't want to get Borked, but the second undermines Schumer's rationale for demanding answers: If the nominee prejudges a case, he or she will have to recuse if the issue comes before him or her. Anyone with the slightest familiarity with judicial nominations will know that avoiding answers "like the plague" is standard. I don't know who Schumer's trying to fool here, but it will be interesting to see who (if anyone) falls for it.

Politician fishes for embarrassing answers in a person they don't want to get the job. News At 11. Republicans hammered Justice Sotomayer on Gun Control and Abortion.
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