Yamiche Alcindor @Yamiche
Sean Spicer just now: I can only hope that if Coretta Scott King was still with us, that she would support Senator Sessions's nomination.
I'm trying to not be constantly surprised by this White House, but my God.
Yamiche Alcindor @Yamiche
Sean Spicer just now: I can only hope that if Coretta Scott King was still with us, that she would support Senator Sessions's nomination.
Ladies, just reminding you that I'm an Easy D.
A very Easy D. 😞
Though the Legislature has already been in session for a few weeks, the district hasn't had anyone to send. The election results for the district race were preemptively nullified in September 2016, when the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that the district's former representative, Bob Barrett, did not actually live in the district, thus rendering his then-current re-election bid ineligible. Given the proximity to the election and the inability for ballots to be updated, state law required that the votes in the race between Republican Barrett and his Democratic challenger Laurie Warner be nullified.
It's not just you. Though easyd.com is not available, you could register easyd.me on godaddy for just $1, right now!"Easy D" sounds vaguely sexual to me, I don't know.
Any groups or charities making She Persisted shirts or is it all just people trying to make money off this?
Ashley KilloughVerified account
NEWS: Blumenthal telling reporters Neil Gorsuch used the words "demoralizing" & "disheartening" to describe Trump's attacks on judiciary
Trump gonna withdraw him now.
Well that wouldn't be embarrassing.
If we get Gorsuch to say that attacking a judge for being Mexican American is racist, I'm certain that Trump will pull the nomination. We're almost there!
If Trump pulls him this shit goes from a leaky ship madhouse to a flaming ship drifting towards the iceberg.
Holy shit at Sessions and Bannon 😂The country may be doomed, but Twitter has never been funnier:
OhNoSheTwitnt ‏@OhNoSheTwitnt
GOP rapper names
Trump: Easy D
DeVos: Betsy Rick Ross
Spicer: Spice Cube
Sessions: The Notorious B.I.G.O.T.
Bannon: Bloatface Hitlah
Yeah, the fact that everyone is just kind of cool with Lysandre's genocide is pretty weird.Pokemon XY professor: "I never had the 'don't commit genocide' talk with my student and I'm sorry about that, but you know, he may be right about needing to exterminate the takers, his timing was just bad."
This game is fucked up.
History was made Tuesday when Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate to confirm Betsy DeVos as secretary of education.
But the necessity of Pences vote reflected another kind of history, too: The decision by all Senate Democrats to reject DeVos marked a new low for the flailing party.
Democrats claim to stand for the poor, immigrants and nonwhites. Yet given a chance to actually support someone who is dedicated to improving education for all Americas children, especially those trapped in failing urban schools, the Dems said no, hell no.
Joined by two Republicans, they stood in the schoolhouse door to block vital change, casting their lot with teachers unions that fear reform the way a vampire fears garlic.
Throw away all the subtexts and subterfuge, a defense of the rotten status quo is the only explanation for the bid to block DeVos. The teachers unions pulled the strings, and the political puppets danced to their masters tune.
DeVos survived because President Trump is determined to deliver a government that shatters the insiders perks and privilege and opens the door to new ways of doing things. In education, that means giving more parents the power of school choice and taking power away from the union establishment.
That is some caustically written propaganda! Rising blood pressure: the editorialThe madness was on full display Monday night when Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer boasted in a tweet from outside the Capitol that While the GOP is pushing a vote on Betsy DeVos, the people are rallying outside. Were with them.
Think of that: The Democrats leader walks out on his job to play the role of a man of the people in a staged demonstration. This is a party that has lost its mind, as well as its soul.
Wow, the Trump Twitter Brigade is out in full force against Jack Tapper, with the #TapperDirtFile topic.
There are now some anti-Trump tweets there, starting a counterattack, but most there are starting rumors about him.
Wow, the Trump Twitter Brigade is out in full force against Jack Tapper, with the #TapperDirtFile topic.
There are now some anti-Trump tweets there, starting a counterattack, but most there are starting rumors about him.
The Democratic Party has lost its mind and its soul
Sorry guys I wouldn't usually link the NY post but some of the language in it is, well - just see for yourself
That is some caustically written propaganda! Rising blood pressure: the editorial
This guy's a joke, best to just ignore him.The Democratic Party has lost its mind and its soul
Sorry guys I wouldn't usually link the NY post but some of the language in it is, well - just see for yourself
That is some caustically written propaganda! Rising blood pressure: the editorial
Mr.Shrugglesツ;229975794 said:Ok, reading through a few of those was worth it for this:
The Democratic Party has lost its mind and its soul
Sorry guys I wouldn't usually link the NY post but some of the language in it is, well - just see for yourself
That is some caustically written propaganda! Rising blood pressure: the editorial
That's some insane spin.
We better pray Booker ain't president in four years then. Hell, Kaine was pro-Right to Work also.Take away teachers unions and we won't have an education system. No one is going to pursue a masters degree in education so they can make 30k a year with no healthcare, retirement, or job security.
We better pray Booker ain't president in four years then. Hell, Kaine was pro-Right to Work also.
Is that a purity test?
hilarious ain't it.Manchin's gonna vote for Sessions and he's still gonna lose next year by 30%.