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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Amazing young girl, just asked him if he is going to protect air/water and does he believe in science cause she does.

It doesn't, his district is so damn safe. You just have liberals showing up to yell at him, I say that as a liberal.


I meant the energy in opposition more than anything (and not just at this specific town hall).
Getting pro Gorsuch commercials on TV now telling people to demand their reps vote for him. Never saw a commercial in support of Merrick Garland. Republicans are way better at playing the game.
Can someone tell me what's wrong with John McCain?

He seems like a good dude. Not a complete partisan hack. Willing to occasionally step across the aisle and work with democrats. Moderate (?).

But I'm pretty ignorant and I know some people absolutely despise him. What are the major criticisms?
McCain earned that reputation earlier in his career with campaign finance reform, immigration reform, and anti-tobacco legislation but he's mostly pissed that goodwill down the toilet and is very partisan. He endorsed Trump for almost the entire election, he pretended like he'd oppose Tillerson since neoconservatism is his reason for existence but then confirmed him anyways, he said he'd oppose any Hillary SCOTUS pick. He talks a big game but ultimately just votes with his party.

He's also super bloodthirsty and hawkish which turns off most of the left, we have a few neocon types in here apparently though.

Rebel Leader

Getting pro Gorsuch commercials on TV now telling people to demand their reps vote for him. Never saw a commercial in support of Merrick Garland. Republicans are way better at playing the game.

I'm getting a "have your senator confirm trump's winning team"

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
McCain earned that reputation earlier in his career with campaign finance reform, immigration reform, and anti-tobacco legislation but he's mostly pissed that goodwill down the toilet and is very partisan. He endorsed Trump for almost the entire election, he pretended like he'd oppose Tillerson since neoconservatism is his reason for existence but then confirmed him anyways, he said he'd oppose any Hillary SCOTUS pick. He talks a big game but ultimately just votes with his party.

He's also super bloodthirsty and hawkish which turns off most of the left, we have a few neocon types in here apparently though.

Sarah Palin

Turned into a hardcore partisan hack during Obama's presidency

Talks a big game, always ends up voting with the party. He's basically Marco Rubio living off his reputation.
Getting pro Gorsuch commercials on TV now telling people to demand their reps vote for him. Never saw a commercial in support of Merrick Garland. Republicans are way better at playing the game.

Well, it's more like "there are far more partisan billionaires." There are liberal billionaires but they're largely moderate 'we can all get along' types.
the beautiful and mostly talented kellyanne with a clapback.


the beautiful and mostly talented kellyanne with a clapback.

LOL, Twitter thinks it's a Haitian word or something. "Pawimi!"

It's always her, and nobody else like Spicer or another Trump official, that responds to Hillary. Like, she's the one that has to do it because she's the woman?
Autism/vaccine question raised. Chaffetz: "I have had a lot of people express concerns." Reply: "Are they scientists?" #ChaffetzTownHall

Female Marine veteran survivor of sexual assault "heartbroken" by Chaffetz walking back his opposition after Trump tapes.

"Very best thing I guess I can do is act and not just talk about it." Mm-hmm. #ChaffetzTownHall

Jason Chaffetz is bad about literally everything.

Despite the fact that the strategy the past 2 weeks seems to have been "let's slow down and not do anything new and let people tire themselves out on being angry," it's still been a really shitty 2 weeks for the administration. A lot of it is Trump offering his daily thoughts on Twitter, which constantly reminds people of the level of crazy we're dealing with and invites media investigation. Trump himself keeps choosing to keep the headlines against him in the news perpetually.

Does he have no advisors that can tell him that the odds are massively against him with SCOTUS? If he's angry enough for caps at a circuit court decision, what's next? Is he going to petition Twitter to add a bold text option specifically for his account? ...Trick question, I already know he'll just threaten the legitimacy of the court just because they'll say something mean about him.


I'm still talking about the election and cannot take any criticism.


Alexandra Jaffe‏ @ajjaffe

While Flynn "had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn't be certain that the topic never came up"

There has to be evidence, right? Why else would someone say something so ridiculous.

Also, everyone on Twitter is saying Flynn is going to have be fired. Have they not seen Trump before? He'll just dig in. He doesn't even think Conway did anything wrong.

Nelo Ice

My congressman (piece of shit Bob Goodlatte) has not had a town hall since 2013

I swear there needs to be a law or something where if you're a member of Congress you have to hold town halls and meet with your constituents at least x amount of times per year. I'm glad my congressman frequently comes back to our district and always engages with us when he can. It's also nice that if I ever have any issues with him then his new office is down the street from my house.


Can someone tell me what's wrong with John McCain?

He seems like a good dude. Not a complete partisan hack. Willing to occasionally step across the aisle and work with democrats. Moderate (?).

But I'm pretty ignorant and I know some people absolutely despise him. What are the major criticisms?

As an Arizonan let make a quick summary.
McCain has never done anything for the state of AZ, nothing, not a thing, NO THING. Definitely not a thing since I moved here in 2003. Dude used to brag about how he didn't do "pork barrel" projects.

McCain talks a lot, but, I can't recall the last bill of his that he worked on which was passed. Apparently he had some from 2005 through 2007 and none since.

McCain has a reputation which aligns strongly with Arizona's libertarian Republican history, but, really he voted with Bush, voted against Obama, and has so far voted with Trump which makes him a run of the right wing extremest (aka Republican). He actually has a slightly lower percentage of votes against his own party then the average Republican.


Unconfirmed Member
Can we make a FOIA request about who pressed the retweet button on the @POTUS account for the trump defending Ivanka tweet? If it was Donald he is immune but if it was someone else they should be "trouble" like Conway.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Trump's top pick for Solicitor General pulled out consideration because Democrats are mean and he didn't want his fefes hurt going through confirmation.

His withdrawal could open a window for George Conway, top White House adviser Kellyanne Conway’s husband, who is also believed to be under consideration.

Kellyanne Conway told Politico earlier this week that her husband is “willing to serve.”
GTFO with this nonsense.
Breitbart is bad at filming.


Utah is a weird place and certainly has its faults, but it always finds a way to encourage me:



Like 30% of our state is hardcore progressive with a lot of those people being atheists. It's just that they're distributed through the four districts so we get no representation.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Dammit...the Bill Maher thing is rescheduled for tomorrow cause of the dumb court ruling. :mad:


‏ @GOP

We stand with @POTUS. Do you? #9thcircuit
9:29 PM · Feb 9, 2017



Just adding admin comment on Pence/Flynn: "An administration official stressed that VP Pence based his comments on his convo with Gen Flynn"
11:12 PM · Feb 9, 2017

"No sir, I didn't lie! That nasty Flynn guy pulled one over on me!"
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