Really? Fucking Puzder is where the GOP is drawing the line on trumps cabinet picks? cowards
Edit: CNN breaking says 4 GOP are NO for labor pick
And Trudeau is serving the Conservatives' interests by approving all the oil the Left, everybody else is the same as Harper... am right?
Yas Prince!
any Lefty Canadian who criticizes Trudeau is ultimately serving the Conservatives
Really? Fucking Puzder is where the GOP is drawing the line on trumps cabinet picks? cowards
Edit: CNN breaking says 4 GOP are NO for labor pick
And Trudeau is serving the Conservatives' interests by approving all the oil pipelines.
to the Left, everybody else is the same as Harper... am right?
Yas Prince!
any Lefty Canadian who criticizes Trudeau is ultimately serving the Conservatives
you really think that if the ndp got in power they wouldn't break election promises? cause if you actually believe that, please, please go look up world history at every other elected goverment ever from the dawn of humanity and realize no one, ever, EVER has kept, or will ever keep every campaign promise.
Criticism of Trudeau sounds a lot like the bullshit Obama got from the left early in Presidency. He didn't immediatly shut down the military, throw bankers in jail, and outlaw fossil fuels so he's Bush 2.0!
I'm not saying that Trudeau isn't doing a good job, but this notion that any criticism of him is helping the Conservatives is stupid. We're allowed to criticize him, unless Canada's free speech now has a "No criticizing the government" clause.Criticism of Trudeau sounds a lot like the bullshit Obama got from the left early in Presidency. He didn't immediatly shut down the military, throw bankers in jail, and outlaw fossil fuels so he's Bush 2.0!
I think the better argument is that, by approving pipelines, they're removing that as something the conservatives can get elected to do.And Trudeau is serving the Conservatives' interests by approving all the oil pipelines.
To be fair to Dino Rossi (lol), I'm pretty sure he's just filling in as a favor to the WA GOP, who is generally pretty hopeless. He makes way more money as a private citizen.
Big initial finding of @prioritiesUSA's "BluePrint" project: Ds need to convince Obama-Trump voters he's looking out for other rich ppl...
...that's the kind of standard D vs R messaging that the party specifically didn't use vs Trump in '16, focusing instead on temperament.
The 3p Priorities report (shared w a wide array of progressive orgs) also urges Ds not to shy away from messaging on ACA. Another reversal.
That's my hometown, and though I didn't attend a public school, they do tend to skew minority-heavy in some areas, so I'm not surprised.Mr.Shrugglesツ;230247988 said:
Ha. Happy to roll up my sleeves and knock on some doors for this one. The Republican senate is a disgrace.
He hasn't won an election in forever.
Welp, I know what I'm doing after the DNC election.
You're going to be busy serving Chairman Pete.. you have no time for that.Welp, I know what I'm doing after the DNC election.
Flynn apologized to Pence:
So we're all good now, right?
Let's say it one more time
You're going to be busy serving Chairman Pete.. you have no time for that.
Trudeau's a fine PM even though he has done a few things I don't like.
Pete wins and The Dolphins win the AFC East and they meet the Seahawks in the Super I hope. I have an offer on the table if he wins - but I'd have to talk to my wife about it.
Flynn apologized to Pence:
So we're all good now, right?
Bonus Edit:
Dan Merica ‏@danmericaCNN
Kellyanne Conway on MSNBC: "Yes, General Flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president."
but also
If Albertans want oil sands in their backyard, that's their prerogative. I don't want a pipeline going through my home. Maybe you don't understand because you live in a city but I would lose my shit if the pipeline broke near my home.funny you mention it, Alberta has a successful NDP provincial government... but where is the successful NDP Federal. uh wait...
Yeah, that part is stupid. We know the state/local infrastructure fell apart in the last 8 years.I don't think ground game matters much at all, but Nate Silver's recent piece on "ground game is overrated" is just so badly written. No instruments, no quasi experiments, just basic regression and then he seems to think that this is somehow very definitive.
You can predict 2016 vote super well based on 2012 results & white working-class share. Where Clinton & Trump campaigned didn't matter much.
Bernie would have been!No leader is going to be perfect.
I'm not saying that Trudeau isn't doing a good job, but this notion that any criticism of him is helping the Conservatives is stupid. We're allowed to criticize him, unless Canada's free speech now has a "No criticizing the government" clause.
Trump used asshole handshake on Trudeau.
It's not very effective...
Yeah, that part is stupid. We know the state/local infrastructure fell apart in the last 8 years.
At least we can shoot the stupid "should have campaigned in areas that hate you" argument down now.
I think there's a difference between "couldn't get everything they wanted done" and "gave up on major achievable campaign promise because it would weaken their position for reelection."Bernie would have been!
God, my kingdom for a month of a Bernie presidency. Either people would finally realize the president isn't a king (no matter how much Trump acts like it) when he gets stymied by a Republican Congress, or he'd actually deliver and we'd be all the better for it.
Although most likely they'd see him come up short on his campaign promises and conclude that Bernie never meant any of it and was bought and sold just like the rest of them, regardless of any surrounding context. Just like with Obama.
Flynn apologized to Pence:
So we're all good now, right?
Bonus Edit:
Dan Merica ‏@danmericaCNN
Kellyanne Conway on MSNBC: "Yes, General Flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president."
Despite the intense speculation about Flynn's future, no questions about Flynn were asked during the news conference Monday between Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trump took two questions from U.S. reporters; both were from conservative-leaving media outlets. Flynn sat in the front row at the news conference with other administration officials.
Yeah, that part is stupid. We know the state/local infrastructure fell apart in the last 8 years.
At least we can shoot the stupid "should have campaigned in areas that hate you" argument down now.
This isn't a firm statement, but I'm pretty sure that the main reason an NDP voter would have gone Liberal last time was if they lived in a riding that was competitive between the Libs and Conservatives, and they were focused on getting Harper out.I think there's a difference between "couldn't get everything they wanted done" and "gave up on major achievable campaign promise because it would weaken their position for reelection."
If I was an NDP voter who voted Liberal for electoral reform I'd probably never vote Liberal again unless the situation was particularly dire.
I don't agree that we "know" these things at all.
His methodology just isn't as strong as the statements in the article.
after spending the weekend talking to friends who work in dc i can safely(well, 'accurately'...) post the following things:
1-the russian dossier on trump is real. 100% real. he's being blackmailed by the russian government, not just for being peed on by russian hookers, but for much more nefarious things.
2-the trump administration is in collusion with the russian government, and has been since day one.
3-the trump administration needs a war, most likely with iran. at present they are putting u.s warships off the coast of iran in the hope that iran will attack one of the ships and give the u.s a pretense for invasion.
4-there are right wing plans to get rid of trump. he's a drain on their fundraising and their approval ratings, and the gop and koch brothers and other u.s right wing groups are planning to get rid of trump.
5-intelligence agencies around the world, and here in the u.s, are horrified by the incompetence of the trump administration, and are
working to present information that will lead to high level firings and, ultimately, impeachment.
i'm writing these things so that when/if these things happen there will be a public record beforehand.
these are truly baffling and horrifying times, as we have an incompetent president who is essentially owned by a foreign power.
In further tales of the unexpected, Moby says he knows the Trump dossier is real. From a post on Facebook from a few hours ago:
In further tales of the unexpected, Moby says he knows the Trump dossier is real. From a post on Facebook from a few hours ago:
Pete wins and The Dolphins win the AFC East and they meet the Seahawks in the Super Bowl.
You just need to BeCleve
Yeah, that part is stupid. We know the state/local infrastructure fell apart in the last 8 years.
At least we can shoot the stupid "should have campaigned in areas that hate you" argument down now.
Don't you know regression is a magic wand for turning data into conclusions and all those pesky assumptions underlying it can easily be handwaved away?
FWIW, my view would be that while campaign stops are probably somewhat overrated, it is absolutely important to have a presence in "areas that hate us" and not just at election time. There's a big difference between losing a bunch of rural counties 60-40 and losing them 80-20, especially when you end up losing by less than 70K votes spread across three states.
In further tales of the unexpected, Moby says he knows the Trump dossier is real. From a post on Facebook from a few hours ago: