Maybe it will die and we'll get a Labor party in its place.
Remember when that was the fantasy?
Given the way the GOP is able to form its coalition by sheer hatred, I wonder what the parties would look like if we had a system conducive to multiple parties. Other than some vaguely center-right Kasich-style party that gets 5% of the vote I don't even know what the rest would look like. Would it just be one big "fuck brown people" party even if we had PR?
I mean, if we had pure PR, it'd be something like this
3-5% - Hardcore Jacobin/socialist/Green type party
15-20% - Social Democratic Party
20-25% - New Democrat-ish Party
3-5% - FDP-ish type 'liberal' in the European sense for Ryan/Kasich/Rubio types
5-10% - Some type of hawkish neocon party that is home to McCain/Graham types.
15-20% - New-ish 'American First' party led by Trump
15-20% - Christian Heritage party led by Cruz, likely lost a lot of seats to Trump's party
3-5% - Hardcore straight-up white supremacist party