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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?

The real story here isn't that my White House is chock full of Russian spies. It's that people are finding out about the Russian spies that is the real problem.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Nice so the GOP is trying to make the story about why the leaks are happening, not the content of the leaks.

What fucking bizarro world is this? The white house was told that Flynn may be the target of blackmail by the Russians and did nothing, but that isn't the main story?

Yep, and the democrats need to stand up NOW and start screaming why this is not OK. Start publicizing that the GOP wants to cover up and hide illegal activities. If done correctly, the public won't buy into the GOP line.
This is incredible. Republicans would have been better off impeaching Trump week 1 and licking their wounds for 2 years and surviving 2018.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Republican Sen. Roy Blunt, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, on Tuesday called for an exhaustive investigation into connections between President Donald Trump and Russia and said the Intelligence Committee should immediately speak with former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Flynn resigned Monday evening amid revelations that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about conversations he had in December with Russia's ambassador to the US about sanctions placed on Russia. Pence had defended Flynn on television and denied he discussed sanctions after initial reports of the conversations.

"I think everybody needs that investigation to happen," Blunt said on KTRS radio. "And the Senate Intelligence Committee, again that I serve on, has been given the principle responsibility to look into this, and I think that we should look into it exhaustively so that at the end of this process, nobody wonders whether there was a stone left unturned, and shouldn't reach conclusions before you have the information that you need to have to make those conclusions."

Well, at the very least a high-ranking GOP official is demanding this.


This is incredible. Republicans would have been better off impeaching Trump week 1 and licking their wounds for 2 years and surviving 2018.


I was always thinking that they would let Trump play at president for 2 years at which point he would have to step down for whatever reason and then Pence could potentially end up as president for 10 years.

I don't think any of this was in the playbook though.
It feels weird to have the Democrats as the ones fearing a Russian takeover of the government.

Joseph McCarthy is rolling in his grave. Except this time it's real...

What the GOP feared for the last 60 years is finally manifesting itself and they're the ones enabling it.
I was always thinking that they would let Trump play at president for 2 years at which point he would have to step down for whatever reason and then Pence could potentially end up as president for 10 years.

I don't think any of this was in the playbook though.

I know what you mean, but it is easier said than done. If Trump leaves, it is either because he is impeached or heavily unpopular, which would probably taint Pence and the party; or it because he is forced out by Pence, in which case Trump undermines him via rage/conspiracy tweets. It is hard to imagine a scenario in which Trump just wanders off harmlessly.
Has it been discussed why legislation has pretty much been at a stand still? What are they waiting for?

The Republican caucus can't agree on anything. Remember how we were supposed to have a "vote-o-rama" confirming all of Trump's cabinet picks on inauguration day? How did that go? Also the ACA repeal and the bill to defund PP, both dead in the water.
They Republican caucus can't agree on anything. Remember how we were supposed to have a "vote-o-rama" confirming all of Trump's cabinet picks on inauguration day? How did that go? Also the ACA repeal and the bill to defund PP, both dead in the water.

Even his SC nominee seems stalled lol

I sort of forgot he even named someone. I think the Democrats will have a super easy time just never allowing the SC nominee until further notice.
Even his SC nominee seems stalled lol

I sort of forgot he even named someone. I think the Democrats will have a super easy time just never allowing the SC nominee until further notice.

Yea Gorsuch is low hanging fruit and Trump is still managing to fuck it up.

Imagine when the actual public hearings start and senators make him answer on Trump.


I truly believe this Flynn resignation is just euler's number dimensional chess to distract us from Shulkin's confirmation as VA secretary.


So had any of Trump's EO actually stuck around? It seems the gag orders were lifted from the EPA and USDA. His muslim ban got crushed.

Other than the hiring freeze, it seems everything else hasn't had much of an impact unless I am missing something.
So had any of Trump's EO actually stuck around? It seems the gag orders were lifted from the EPA and USDA. His muslim ban got crushed.

Other than the hiring freeze, it seems everything else hasn't had much of an impact unless I am missing something.

I know there is a case against his regulation one too.


His first 100 days are gone...hell, he may not have all his 2nd tier nominations done by then with the chaos that will reign for the time period.

Down side is the gov't is going to be ground to a halt with the vague EO's like regulations and hiring freeze since he won't have time to "adjust" them as problems arise.

The current backlog of investigations, lawsuits, and scandals from his current set of fuckups is enough to eat up his first term, let alone his inevitable future fuckups and terrible responses to real scandals.

Meanwhile, his cabinet is moving at a crawl because he insists on making terrible choices. He seemingly hasn't even started to think about undersecretaries.

All of the oxygen is out of the room and legislation isn't moving. The Freedom Caucus, Senate and White house are basically trying to block each other out of doing anything on the ACA. No one has a plan, and reconciling these differences will take ages. Dems at least had a consensus for a broad outline before taking office and a consistent ideological set of goals, and even then it took a solid year to get anywhere.

Somehow, there's also going to be tax reform.
All of the oxygen is out of the room and legislation isn't moving. The Freedom Caucus, Senate and White house are basically trying to block each other out of doing anything on the ACA. No one has a plan, and reconciling these differences will take ages.

This is why you don't base your entire platform on "we do everything opposite of Obama" because once Obama's gone, there's nothing left of the platform.

It's somewhat of a role reversal from 2008 Democrats. They were united against Bush, albeit not as much, and came into power and then little factions with their own interests started wanting a piece of the power. We're actually watching the GOP fall into some of the same traps that doomed the Democrats in 2010, in real time, and at a much faster pace.

Major legislation for the summer should be starting now, and yet, a month later and there's nothing at all. He's almost half way through his first 100, and he's wasted it completely.



Well, at the very least a high-ranking GOP official is demanding this.

Worth noting that everyone who is standing up to Trump is in the Senate and is years away from reelection. House Republicans will continue to enable Trump so long as they find his base scarier than the general electorate.

That's why I think the GA-6 election (Price's district) has the potential to be an enormously important moment.

The 6th is the rich northern Atlanta suburbs. Price always wins reelection easily, with 60+. But he also typically runs with no meaningful opposition. This is also exactly the kind of district that Hillary over-performed in, because it's too well-educated to support Trump. It went from +23 Romney to +1 Trump. If the Democrats can make it close, or even somehow take it, that might be enough to put the fear of god into the House Republicans. Remember, a lot of people voted R because they wanted a check on the (presumed) president Hillary. Chaffetz's shit is an opportunity.


Yep, and the democrats need to stand up NOW and start screaming why this is not OK. Start publicizing that the GOP wants to cover up and hide illegal activities. If done correctly, the public won't buy into the GOP line.

This is my worry. I feel like the Democrats aren't hammering this home. We'll see what happens in the next few days, but they need to go on the attack


It's somewhat of a role reversal from 2008 Democrats. They were united against Bush, albeit not as much, and came into power and then little factions with their own interests started wanting a piece of the power. We're actually watching the GOP fall into some of the same traps that doomed the Democrats in 2010, in real time, and at a much faster pace.
It's worth noting, however, that for all the losses in 2010, the 111th Congress got shit done. The liberals and blue dogs might have bashed heads, but they had enough ideological unity, policy interest, and leadership from the White House the remake the health care sector, fight the recession while trying to invest in long term growth, fight systemic risk in the financial sector, create the CFPB, massively expand the Pell program, sanction Iran (staring the long process which ultimately lead to the deal), and repeal DADT.

Somehow, I am skeptical that the 115th will be nearly as productive.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
There were reports a couple weeks ago about Secret Service firings, too, right?
Russian Cruise Missile, Deployed Secretly, Violates Treaty, Officials Say

WASHINGTON — Russia has secretly deployed a new cruise missile despite complaints from American officials that it violates a landmark arms control treaty that helped seal the end of the Cold War, administration officials say.

The move presents a major challenge for President Trump, who has vowed to improve relations with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and to pursue future arms accords.

The new Russian missile deployment also comes as the Trump administration is struggling to fill key policy positions at the State Department and the Pentagon — and to settle on a permanent replacement for Michael T. Flynn, the national security adviser who resigned late Monday. Mr. Flynn stepped down after it was revealed that he had misled the vice president and other officials over conversations with Moscow’s ambassador to Washington.

The ground-launched cruise missile at the center of American concerns is one that the Obama administration said in 2014 had been tested in violation of a 1987 treaty that bans American and Russian intermediate-range missiles based on land.





Omarosa threatening Journos too while we're adding to this shit pile.

Omarosa Manigault, a former "Apprentice" contestant who is now a communications official for the Trump administration, allegedly made verbal threats to a reporter last week and said the White House has compiled "dossiers" of negative information on several journalists.

The allegations were made by American Urban Radio Networks' White House correspondent April Ryan, who told The Washington Post that Manigault "physically intimidated" her outside Press Secretary Sean Spicer's West Wing office last Wednesday.
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