"I am the least anti-semitic person that you've ever seen in your entire life."
Fuck you
Fuck you
Guys, I'm not sure Trump likes Jews.
Literally all you have to say is "we condemn these actions and hope the perpetrators will be caught soon, Antisemitism is terrible."
Trump: I have nothing to do with Russia. Havent made a phone call to Russia in years. Dont speak to people from Russia. Not that I wouldnt. I just have nobody to speak to.
I spoke to Putin twice. He called me on the election.
The man literally tries to puff Trump's Jewish connection up to get a straight forward, non-aggressive response regarding anti-Semitism and Trump gets defensive.
Motherfucking what is this even?
"I think you are not anti-Semitic, can you please condemn the bomb threats being sent to Jewish Community Centers?"
"This Jew, he double crosses me and accuses me of hating Jews. I love The Jews, sit back down, Jew."
"I think you are not anti-Semitic, can you please condemn the bomb threats being sent to Jewish Community Centers?"
"This Jew, he double crosses me and accuses me of hating Jews. I love The Jews, sit back down, Jew."
"I think you are not anti-Semitic, can you please condemn the bomb threats being sent to Jewish Community Centers?"
"This Jew, he double crosses me and accuses me of hating Jews. I love The Jews, sit back down, Jew."
Donald Trump hires the BEST people.
The best!
Donald Trump hires the BEST people.
The best!
Was this question not finished? Are they asking if we believe he has done this?
Google search Macron and Russia. It's full of news articles about Russia trying to ruin his reputation or chances, many attack pieces on him from RT and Sputnik.
Personally I think he has no chance, the French aren't in the mood for "purity test" candidate, I think his chances are significantly overblown like Hillary's was by the hopeful press, while at the same time lacking support and trust from the establishment since he is an outsider. If it's him VS LePen I think it will be an easy win for LePen.
I think it's like, "Bruh, do you believe he did it?"
"Bruh, can you even?"At first I scoffed at the whole "he has narcissistic personality disorder" stuff.
At first.
I think it's like, "Bruh, do you believe he did it?"
"Bruh, can you even?"
A: I can even
B: I can't even
F: Other
C: Biased Media!
"Bruh, can you even?"
A: I can even
B: I can't even
F: Other
C: Biased Media!
So apparently Paul Ryan is kicking Hispanic Caucus members out of a meeting with ICE.
So apparently Paul Ryan is kicking Hispanic Caucus members out of a meeting with ICE.
ICE canceled meeting with them to boot.
Dems need to drive this shit home. scream from the rooftops how racist all of these shitheaps are.So apparently Paul Ryan is kicking Hispanic Caucus members out of a meeting with ICE.
No wonder Bernie endorsed him. Birds of a feather
Not one lesson learned.
I think you guys should relax.
Jake Tapper: "President Trump, if you're watching, you're the president, you won legitimately. Now stop whining anddo your jobget to work"
I hope I got that quote 100%
I don't say things because I want to be cool.That was a cool thing to say in October, not now
Best thing about the Republicans tucking themselves in so readily with both big business and the tea party. When they're united against big bad Obama who can safely veto their worst excesses everything's peachy, but now they're in power and danger of passing them.Ryan has 30 votes at most for this in the Senate, he's fucking dumb as shit if he's convinced himself that this bill will pass. Even Tom Cotton has given into Wal-mart pressure to oppose Ryan on this one.
[Flynn in FBI interview denied discussing sanctions with Russian ambassador
That's a felony
So apparently Paul Ryan is kicking Hispanic Caucus members out of a meeting with ICE.
Former Republican National Committee Chair Ed Gillespie leads the Republican primary pack with 24 percent, followed by Prince William County Supervisors Chair Corey Stewart with 7 percent, State Sen. Frank Wagner at 5 percent and businessman Denver Riggelman with 2 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. Most Republicans, 59 percent, are undecided.
In the Democratic primary, former U.S. Rep. Tom Perriello and Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam are tied 19 - 19 percent, with 61 percent undecided.
General election matchups show either Democrat leading any Republican:
Perriello over Gillespie 43 - 36 percent;
Perriello tops Stewart 44 - 31 percent;
Perriello leads Riggelman 43 - 30 percent;
Perriello beats Wagner 43 - 32 percent;
Northam tops Gillespie 41 - 35 percent;
Northam leads Stewart 42 - 31 percent;
Northam tops Riggelman 42 - 31 percent;
Northam over Wagner 41 - 33 percent.
No wonder Bernie endorsed him. Birds of a feather