I'm getting really tired of people acting like they 100% know the future and are super arrogant about it.
Like, I know it's okay to be pessimistic but people constantly saying "WE'RE GOING TO LOSE IN 2018/8 YEARS OF TRUMP/AMERICA IS DEAD" like it's a fact is pissing me off to new levels.
I hate it when people toss the term "Reality" around like they own the word. "No, we're going to LOSE! Accept Reality!" When really nobody fucking knows what's really in store for the future. If that's what you think, why are you posting it like mad on social media instead of wallowing away in despair in some corner of their room?
I get that things are scary right now but I can't stand preachy doomsayers more than anything. I saw one guy on Twitter who said that he was never going to vote again and I would have gone on a huge rant against him if I didn't restrain myself.
Sorry, I just really needed to vent this since I'm seeing it everywhere and it's driving me up the wall. I was going to make this a thread but I figured it'd be locked in an instant.
But man, it's so disheartening seeing people with so little faith anymore and automatically assuming the worst in literally everything, and then encouraging others to feel the same way and not do anything about it.