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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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It's improved recently but this has been the coldest winter in recent memory. For a while we were hovering around 5 to negative five degrees and everything was constantly covered in snow. Now it's about 35 and rains all the time.
The purity test problem is only really an issue when the nominee does not have the charisma or excitability factor to distract voters from ideological in-fighting.
I think this line of thinking is a mistake, I think clear and consistent messaging is much more important than charisma. A better public speaker saying "no minimum wage hike" isn't going to make people who want a minimum wage hike happier.


I think this line of thinking is a mistake, I think clear and consistent messaging is much more important than charisma. A better public speaker saying "no minimum wage hike" isn't going to make people who want a minimum wage hike happier.

I'm not arguing against having a clear and consistent message. But the messaging won't break through if people don't like the messenger. Barack Obama did not run on a platform of "kill the banks!" but won support from both moderate and liberal Dems all the same.
We're usually around the teens with on/off medium/heavy snow at this time of the year here in Rochacha NY.

This year we got blusters of snow occasionally, two major days of accumulation over 3 months, but plenty of weeks well in the 40s with lots and lots of rain. Lots of rain. Never seen so much rain in the winter before.

Now we have some light snow forecast for early next week, and after that they're already looking towards spring. Today it's 43, tomorrow we might hit 60. Last Saturday we almost hit 70.

We've had winters where it didn't stop being winter until almost May (we usually only have about a week or two of traditional Spring and Fall weather), and here's the first week of March and it might be spring already.

It's quite unsettling.
I think mother nature cancelled snow this winter for the DC Metropolitan area to spite James Inhofe after he took a snowball from outside on to the Senate floor to argue against climate change. The past 2 years it's been snowing heavily at this time of year but this year we've got temperatures in the 60s-70s.

In NYC we had one day where it was like 70 and the day right after we had a 2ft snowstorm

Inhofe should eat his bloody snowball

We've had hardly any snow in Michigan. In fact it's high 50s today, and supposed to 60s to low 70s the rest of the week. This winter has been more mild than last spring was. Would normally be teens and 20s with probably a foot of snow on the ground this time of year.


If Le Pen wins election, France will attempt to leave the EU and this will trigger a massive financial crisis that will cause a worldwide recession. If the U.S. faces recession, the U.S. will refuse to pass stimulus because Paul Ryan is Speaker so he won't put it up for a vote and we'll have a depression on par with the Great Depression.

Pros: This would hurt Trump's approval ratings by a lot.
Cons: Everything else..

I have a feeling the second round polls are actually overestimating le pen's appeal right now to the general french electorate. We could potentially see a reverse shy trump voter effect if a republican front forms in the second round.


I have a feeling the second round polls are actually overestimating le pen's appeal right now to the general french electorate. We could potentially see a reverse shy trump voter effect if a republican front forms in the second round.
Isn't voter participation in France significantly higher than in the U.S. therefore lowering the risk a of a surprise miss by polls?


Isn't voter participation in France significantly higher than in the U.S. therefore lowering the risk a of a surprise miss by polls?

Yep. But it's still possible the polls are off by around 1-2 points or more in the first and second round in the end since this election is a bit more crazy then past elections


It's improved recently but this has been the coldest winter in recent memory. For a while we were hovering around 5 to negative five degrees and everything was constantly covered in snow. Now it's about 35 and rains all the time.I think this line of thinking is a mistake, I think clear and consistent messaging is much more important than charisma. A better public speaker saying "no minimum wage hike" isn't going to make people who want a minimum wage hike happier.
The fact that you can't remember Kerry or Gore really shows through here. Nerds lose.
Automatic Voter Registration passes committee in Nevada. At worst, it'll be on the ballot in 2018. This is potentially HUGE because it takes a ton of time to register Democratic voters in Nevada because of how transient the state is. More resources could go to trying to contact voters who are newly registered (who are overwhelmingly Democratic) to get them to vote early.

GallupNews ‏@GallupNews 18m18 minutes ago
Trump Job Approval: Approve 41% (-1); Disapprove 53% (-).

The Trump dilemma: People only like Trump when he's on vacation, but the more Trump is on vacation, the higher the probability that a terrorist attack or major crisis will happen while Trump is on vacation that destroys Trump's reputation.


The Trump dilemma: People only like Trump when he's on vacation, but the more Trump is on vacation, the higher the probability that a terrorist attack or major crisis will happen while Trump is on vacation that destroys Trump's reputation.
I'm worried it'd help his reputation.
The fact that you can't remember Kerry or Gore really shows through here. Nerds lose.
Were Kerry and Gore known for consistent progressive messaging? Gore was the successor to Clinton, the triangulator-king, and Kerry was the antiwar candidate who voted for the war he was running against.

I'm not saying charisma is bad but I think it gets overblown here.


I'm worried it'd help his reputation.

He fumbled that ball repeatedly as a candidate.

Were Kerry and Gore known for consistent progressive messaging? Gore was the successor to Clinton, the triangulator-king, and Kerry was the antiwar candidate who voted for the war he was running against.

I'm not saying charisma is bad but I think it gets overblown here.

eh, the last uncharismatic president we had was elected on the coattails of an extremely popular and charismatic president, while running against another uncharismatic candidate. And even with all those caveats, that was still nearly 30 years ago.

Charisma matters a whole hell of a lot.
If Le Pen wins election, France will attempt to leave the EU and this will trigger a massive financial crisis that will cause a worldwide recession. If the U.S. faces recession, the U.S. will refuse to pass stimulus because Paul Ryan is Speaker so he won't put it up for a vote and we'll have a depression on par with the Great Depression.

Pros: This would hurt Trump's approval ratings by a lot.
Cons: Everything else..

Well, maybe we'll get another New Deal out of it... FDR'S second Bill of Rights is looking pretty good now.


A president being on vacation while Americans are dying in a national news story seems like it would not be helpful to that president.
But he also gets to say "I told you so" over and over and over and over. He'll blame judiciary and he'll just say it was a working vacation and he's so great he can work and golf at same time and still be better than everyone else anyway time to round up the muslims.


Who's watching Spicer right now. The question about trumps visit to the museum and hits view of the slaves exhibits, and Spicer ends up turning the answer about how trump liked the Carson exhibit with him, like that wasn't even the question, what did that have anything to do with what was asked
But he also gets to say "I told you so" over and over and over and over. He'll blame judiciary and he'll just say it was a working vacation and he's so great he can work and golf at same time and still be better than everyone else anyway time to round up the muslims.

Last time he said "I TOLD YOU SO" after an attack it tanked his polls for a month. One of his lowest points of last year in polling was right after Orlando.
Last time he said "I TOLD YOU SO" after an attack it tanked his polls for a month. One of his lowest points of last year in polling was right after Orlando.

Yeah, Trump going "I TOLD YOU SO" immediately after a terrorist attack happening on US soil- especially if it happened while he was on vacation- would probably elicit a negative reaction from most.

Because ultimately, bragging about "being right" in the immediate fallout of a terrorist attack indicates that Trump doesn't give a shit about the fact that innocent civilians were just murdered, but rather that he cares more that he gets to say "I told you so" to his haters.
Who's watching Spicer right now. The question about trumps visit to the museum and hits view of the slaves exhibits, and Spicer ends up turning the answer about how trump liked the Carson exhibit with him, like that wasn't even the question, what did that have anything to do with what was asked

Yeah I though him bringing up Carson and his wife so many times was funny.


Unconfirmed Member
Guys. Have the rolling 3 day polling averages on trump approval changed today? this concerns me if they have or have not.


Beat EviLore at pool.

He quit/fired.


No Scrubs
This is why Trump won. Every time a cow escapes into metropolitan area the east coast coastal elite freaks out and real America is tired of their hysterics.

Actually we tend to think more about that Everybody Loves Raymond episode where Robert got gored in the ass by the bull when this goes down.


A global depression under conservative leadership will lead to the establishment of city states. Liberal utopias within a vastness of conservative chaos.
A global depression under conservative leadership will lead to the establishment of city states. Liberal utopias within a vastness of conservative chaos.


People get the government they eject. My limited empathy goes to the people who didn't choose to gut their main source of protection.


Were Kerry and Gore known for consistent progressive messaging? Gore was the successor to Clinton, the triangulator-king, and Kerry was the antiwar candidate who voted for the war he was running against.

I'm not saying charisma is bad but I think it gets overblown here.
The idea that "being the most progressive" wins campaigns is utterly insane.

Charisma wins because of the nature of swing voters.
The idea that "being the most progressive" wins campaigns is utterly insane.
Good thing I didn't say that then!

My point was that if you think a lack of "charisma" is the only reason the left has infighting, then you're missing why the left wing of the party is dissatisfied with its nominees. Does anyone here really think that Sanders is some amazing public speaker or charismatic figure?

so is the idea of catering to the right of center
also this
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