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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Comey could be America's greatest hero if there's a huge Dem wave in 2018-2020 that gives us a Dem president and supermajorities. President Clinton with a GOP Congress would have certainly resulted in another disastrous midterm, and even more likely a loss in 2020 when the GOP might have felt compelled to run a more moderate candidate.

Of course, the damage Trump does could outweigh that.
The McArdle argument of "If Hillary wins, you are going to screw yourselves long-term due to 2020 redistricting" was pretty dead-on. We were going to have to take a GOP L eventually, we just have to pray we don't nuke ourselves in the process of this one.


What the actual fuck is Comey's game? He knows that when Trump goes down, so does the entirity of the fucking GOP. Why is he playing Chicken with this, because he's seemingly playing both sides and just .

He's either the dumbest person in Washington right now or the smartest, and I can't tell which.
I think he's a spineless twit.


What the actual fuck is Comey's game? He knows that when Trump goes down, so does the entirity of the fucking GOP. Why is he playing Chicken with this, because he's seemingly playing both sides and just .

He's either the dumbest person in Washington right now or the smartest, and I can't tell which.

Remember it was widely reported Comey only sent that letter because he knew agents in the NY field office would leak the details to Guiliani if he didn't. Comey knows how badly he went outside of established procedure and isn't going to lift a finger to help Trump moving forward.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Caitlyn Jenner to Trump: 'This is a disaster'

(CNN)Republican Caitlyn Jenner took to Twitter Thursday evening with a message to President Donald Trump: "Call me."

The Olympian-turned-reality star, who is perhaps the most high-profile face of the transgender community, at first was quiet after the Trump administration withdrew Obama-era guidance on transgender bathroom use in public schools.

But she broke her silence over 24 hours later in a tweet and video message.
Clad in a pink "pussy bow" blouse, Jenner spoke directly to the camera.

"I have a message for President Trump from well, one Republican to another. This is a disaster. And you can still fix it. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community," she said, holding up her hand like a mock telephone. "Call me."

After Trump became the presumptive GOP nominee in June, Jenner told STAT she believed he would be better for women than Hillary Clinton.

"Everybody looks at the Democrats as being better with these [LGBT] issues. But Trump seems to be very much for women. He seems very much behind the LGBT community because of what happened in North Carolina with the bathroom issue. He backed the LGBT community. But in Trump's case, there's a lot more unknowns. With Hillary, you pretty much know what you're gonna get with the LGBT community," Jenner said at the time


I'd laugh, but this policy shift won't directly affect her; it just makes her look like the idiot she is for refusing to see what everyone around her, the rest of the LGBT community, democrats, and people with two brain cells told her would happen.


Unconfirmed Member
I like to make fun of Trumps lawyer as if it were an episode of Aressted development. But Cohen really does look like a low budget Henry Winkler
The McArdle argument of "If Hillary wins, you are going to screw yourselves long-term due to 2020 redistricting" was pretty dead-on. We were going to have to take a GOP L eventually, we just have to pray we don't nuke ourselves in the process of this one.
Yup. High risk, high reward. Of course, if 2018 sucks and Trump wins reelection there's not really much upshot.

Caitlyn Jenner
Out of the Twitter replies: "Yes, Being a republican suddenly becomes less fun when they're taking your rights away."

Pretty much the definition of playing yourself. Actually, a ton of replies to that tweet are on point. It's been weird the past month wanting to look at twitter threads because they now comfort me instead of anger me! We need some sort of new internet law on tweets. Hell, let's call it Trump's Law. "There shall be no political tweet with a trending hashtag that goes unchallenged."


He told the FBI to give unsourced interviews to the press saying that the Trump campaign didn't have contact with Russia.


<gets popcorn>

LOL watch them say "McMaster is entitled to his views" or some such shit. I hope to god the press hits back with the jarring hypocrisy of any answer other than total demonization.


No Scrubs

<gets popcorn>

McMaster sounds like a decent man from what I've read and this only adds to my respect. You can tell just from that he understands how ISIS needs to be fought.

It's going to be funny watching Trump's people squirm in response to questions on this.

I sort don't want a wedge put between Trump and one of the only sane members of his administration

I'd say he's the only good pick Trump's ever made. Like, he's not great but he's more than I'd expect from Jeb or the others.


Labour pulling a 2010 MA.


Jeremy Corbyn is under mounting pressure after Labour suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the the Conservative party in Copeland, a heartland seat dominated by the party since 1924. As Josh Halliday reports, Gillian Troughton, the Labour candidate, was defeated by the Conservatives' Trudy Harrison, marking the first time a governing party has taken a seat from another party in a byelection in 35 years. The Conservatives took 13,748 votes to Labour's 11,601, a majority of 2,1,47, with a turnout of 51%. The Lib Dem candidate, Rebecca Hanson, came third with 2,252 votes. Labour was battling to save a slim 2,564 majority left by Jamie Reed, an outspoken Corbyn critic who quit to take a job at the local Sellafield nuclear decommissioning plant.


How has Corbyn still not resigned? Pretty sure party leaders in the UK generally resign for far less.

I wonder if May will call a general election soon to crush the Labour party while they are still severely divided with Corbyn as their leader.


No Scrubs
I wonder if May will call a general election soon to crush the Labour party while they are still severely divided with Corbyn as their leader.

It wouldn't shock me at all. As the article points out, this was "the first time a governing party has taken a seat from another party in a byelection in 35 years." And in a seat Labor's held since 1924.
How has Corbyn still not resigned? Pretty sure party leaders in the UK generally resign for far less.
Because "but the Blairites though!". That and Corbyn has a group of fiercely loyal followers who care more about being "right" than anything else, including having a meaningful opposition, and he knows it and has completely sucked up the Kool-aid himself. That's my understanding, anyway.


It wouldn't shock me at all. As the article points out, this was "the first time a governing party has taken a seat from another party in a byelection in 35 years." And in a seat Labor's held since 1924.

But the question is would they risk it? There may be more cons then pros for the conservations in calling an election 1.5 to 2.5 years earlier then expected even with corbyn as labour leader. I remember what happened when a local government where I live called an election like a year before they were suppose to because they thought they could crush the opposition in that election. They lost like 85% of their seats to two different political parties in that election. The UK conservatives may accidentally give corbyn the boost he is struggling to get. And labour only held copeland and it's predecessor since 1935.




He's tweeting again!

People bitched about Obama and whistleblowers... Yet here we are with Trump actively calling for a witch hunt on Twitter.


Republican efforts to build a more laissez-faire health system are “doomed to fail,” conservative health policy writer Philip Klein admitted in a candid column last month, unless they are willing to state an uncomfortable truth: Republicans must acknowledge that they “don’t believe that it is the job of the federal government to guarantee that everybody has health insurance.”

A handful of GOP lawmakers are now taking up Klein’s charge&#8202;—&#8202;with one of them even claiming that a Republican plan that leads to a higher national uninsurance rate would be a good thing.

“If the numbers drop,” Rep. Mike Burgess (R-TX) said Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference, “I would say that’s a good thing.” He went on to argue that more people without health care would be a positive thing for the United States because it would mean that “we’ve restored personal liberty in this country.”

literally wanting people to die.

I hope Republicans admit they don't care if some people can't get insurance. At least then it would be an honest debate. Just admit you want to destroy Medicare and SS as well.
“If the numbers drop,” Rep. Mike Burgess (R-TX) said Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference, “I would say that’s a good thing.” He went on to argue that more people without health care would be a positive thing for the United States because it would mean that “we’ve restored personal liberty in this country.”


Onion the best.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Chaffetz has a real sleazy interview on NPR this morning. Whining about being bullied at the town hall, saying he won't go on "fishing expeditions" on Trump, outright laughing aloud at Steve Inskeep bringing up all the ways Trump is violating emoluments and profiting off the office (i.e. all the Mar-a-Lago stuff), etc. He just keeps saying he needs to see evidence before investigating, and Inskeep is like, isn't that why you investigate? He hems and haws about his committee not having manpower and pretends there might be investigations going on that haven't been "pre-announced." Having the gall to act offended at Cummings pointing out how differently he has pursued Hillary Clinton.

Someone take him down next election.
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