What is a Sanders progressive beyond being anointed by the high sparrow? Because without a meaningful distinction your quotation example response is just jibber jabber irrationality.
At the end of your post you bring up Gabbard so you seem to be aware of the simple fact that there are political relationships and that endorsements send signals -- but here you seem to act like it's not a real thing or that it somehow only happens with Bernie and wasn't a factor with Perez with Obama's endorsement for some reason.
It's one thing to disagree with the anger we're seeing from the Bernie wing -- I wish they'd not play it so hot too. But you are totally unwilling to empathize with them on any level and instead resort to making fun of them. I don't know if it's bitterness from Clinton losing or what, but it's a shame that we're having to deal with this petty division within the party. If you wanna claim to be on the side of the grown ups, act like it. Help cool off the Bernie wing's distrust of the DNC by giving them a real seat at the table, especially in situations like this where it basically costs the establishment nothing to throw them a bone. Mocking them is only making it worse. Acting like we can just tell them to fuck off is just foolish. Dems need them, whether you like it or not. And no, we're not talking about the mythical bernie or busters that voted trump that you all love to bring up to justify you trashing the bernie wing. We're talking about the young, politically energized cohort that generally leans left but has legitimate gripes about the DNC -- the people that will make up a big chunk of the new blood coming into the party, if there will be a party.
Lots of young people up for grabs. Outright foolish to pretend we don't need them or that we can count on them while ignoring their concerns.
It again, has zero to do with "progressiveness".
I'm not even sure you're really reading my posts. I think I was
pretty clear in that I wasn't talking about progressiveness on a political spectrum. Don't think I even used the term you're quoting.
The result is one is Chair. One is Deputy. The other way round would also have been fine.
Knickers in a twist over this is the height of pointlessness.
We knew this drama would happen. I presume the DNC voters weren't so out of the loop that this is catching them off guard. It sends the signal of 'fuck off' to the Bernie wing, much like comments in this thread. You're right -- the other way around would have been fine...
and it would have also avoided all this stupid drama, so it seems like a pretty obvious and pragmatic way to go. But apparently saying 'fuck you' to the Bernie wing is more important than party unity and 2018/2020.
It was obviously important to the bernie wing, less important to establishment at large. It's essentially saying to them "it basically makes no difference to us which one got it... and we still couldn't even give you
that." It plays right into the idea that dems care more about control and power than they care about actually fighting for progressive causes. I am still struggling to get why this is so hard for people to understand.
When Liberal Icon Tulsi Gabbard does not win the 2020 primary over neoliberal shill Gillary Harris we will hear the same nonsense.
There was a bit of it during the primary, but nowadays I hear more about Tulsi Gabbard here than anywhere else. As far as I can tell, you guys are obsessed with her way more than Bernie wing and just seem to bring her up to bash Bernie wing.