"He became the president", Van Jones referring to that moment with the widow.
Get fucked, Van Jones.
Lol CNN wanting back in the press room.
"He became the president", Van Jones referring to that moment with the widow.
Get fucked, Van Jones.
What is he doing? Seriously. If obama had ordered that mission it would be Benghazi 2.0 instead he gets to applaud a dead soldier for 2 mins and rest the game?
This is a strawman, when people talk about getting in touch with populist labor movement lefties they're talking about a specific area and kind of voter. No one thinks that Sherrod Brown is going to win in Nebraska.
Oh, and since you said *always*
She's leading all the hypothetical polls right now by a fairly substantial marginTammy Baldwin probably can't win Wisconsin let alone Nebraska based on what I recall of her approval rating.
What is he doing? Seriously. If obama had ordered that mission it would be Benghazi 2.0 instead he gets to applaud a dead soldier for 2 mins and reset the game?
I could be very wrong, but I thought this or a similar mission was to be carried out under Obama's administration.
I could be very wrong, but I thought this or a similar mission was to be carried out under Obama's administration.
I'm glad to see that we can all come together to rag on liberals.
I could be very wrong, but I thought this or a similar mission was to be carried out under Obama's administration.
Moderate lefts continue to try and tell minority groups that we focused too much on them and not enough on old white people.
WhyNotBoth.gif but naw let's make sure minorities know their party thinks they're the reason the election was lost and not all the other reasons that piled up.
Moderate lefts continue to try and tell minority groups that we focused too much on them and not enough on old white people.
WhyNotBoth.gif but naw let's make sure minorities know their party thinks they're the reason the election was lost and not all the other reasons that piled up.
The moderate left is saying this? Definitely not true, at least on this forum.
Uh you realize this is basically what Bernie has being saying since the election right?
Oops sorry I mean moderate democrats maybe. I dunno anymore. I dunno even what my party affiliation is anymore or where I stand after 2016.
Military missions do go wrong under presidents and you cannot personally blame every bad thing that happens on the president. However, even ignoring whether or not the mission would have went on under Obama, the fact that the mission failed and he still brought her up to make himself look better is one of the more disgusting things I've seen
The whole point of what we're saying is that Democrats have lost the labor message which is what's made winning there more difficult! And anyways, I "cherrypicked" but I left out Franken and Klobuchar (Franken's one of our leftmost members and Klobuchar is more centrist than the others but still pretty reliable), Stabenow is a bit of a 90's New Democrat type but it's not like she's McCaskill or anything. Harkin was a populist left guy from Iowa who thinks we should have done single payer in 2008. I didn't want to flood this with pictures.Pointing to progressives that won in the rust belt isn't a great indicator of anything. We have a much larger data set than n = 3 (Brown, Baldwin, and Peters), including many progressives that have lost badly in the rust belt. I would say that there are easily more progressives that lost than those who have won. But for some reason you like to cherrypick the few that have won in favorable circumstances (2006, 2012, with Peters being an exception) and prop them up as some sort of definitive proof that going to the left can work in appealing to the WWC.
Continue thinking that going to the left is going to make all these WWC voters support Democrats again if you want. I don't think you will like where the party actually has to go, though.
I like Van Jones alot but he's laying it on thick here.
And this is going to look more hilarious in hindsight after the travel ban and after Trump says or does something else that disrespects the office.
I can only find like one GOP pollster right now. That said I can only find a couple of job approval polls. So maybe she is much loved and completely safe.She's leading all the hypothetical polls right now by a fairly substantial margin
I can only find like one GOP pollster right now. That said I can only find a couple of job approval polls. So maybe she is much loved and completely safe.
I mean I didn't say she was a lock-in but she's worked her way back up to decent numbers.Tammy's numbers have climbed up.
No, he means it's generally the more extreme left/Dems that's saying those things.
I mean, seriously, the father of the dead SEAL is furious with Trump and especially after today when Trump took no responsibility for the SEAL's death. This is going to end with Trump calling the father a loser, this praise makes no sense.
Have they ever met this guy before?
Where has Bernie said we focused too much on minority issues?
The whole point of what we're saying is that Democrats have lost the labor message which is what's made winning there more difficult! And anyways, I "cherrypicked" but I left out Franken and Klobuchar (Franken's one of our leftmost members and Klobuchar is more centrist than the others but still pretty reliable), Stabenow is a bit of a 90's New Democrat type but it's not like she's McCaskill or anything. Harkin was a populist left guy from Iowa who thinks we should have done single payer in 2008. I didn't want to flood this with pictures.
yeah and Blanche Lincoln was leading all her challengers back in 2009 too!
Really? Geez I feel like it's all been scrambled in my head about who's for what and whomever and who should be upset at whom and which side is which.
Maybe that's why dems will just keep infighting while all the repubs get in line. I feel more tired out by my own party lately but I know just giving up is 100% the wrong answer.
This isn't "we focused too much on minority issues" so much as "these issues alone aren't enough".
yeah and Blanche Lincoln was leading all her challengers back in 2009 too!
Obama refused to go through with it because of lack of intel.
Trump went with it because I believe it was Mattis told him Obama would never do it.
Here it is.
The worst take of all time.
I mean, it's hard to be the worst.
There have been billions of takes in history and trillions will be made in the future.
But we've found it.
Think of it this way- you know how there's white male libertarians who lean right on economics, left on social issue, but always vote on the economics?Really? Geez I feel like it's all been scrambled in my head about who's for what and whomever and who should be upset at whom and which side is which.
Maybe that's why dems will just keep infighting while all the repubs get in line. I feel more tired out by my own party lately but I know just giving up is 100% the wrong answer.
Tomi Lahren‏Verified account @TomiLahren 2h
Yeah that's what happens when you promise to drain the swamp. Our "representatives" get a little bitter #Jointsession
Tammy Lahren also has hot takes
I actually couldn't find the DW-NOMINATE score for him and just saw that he was involved with Occupy and assumed he was more populist, ha. But to prove my point further, Levin is consistently in the left most side of this. Klobuchar actually would better illustrate your point, looking at the numbers here she's the most centrist Midwestern Dem other than Donnelly.We'll find out in a little under two years. I hope you're right because we need Brown and Baldwin to keep their seats. (I think they will because I think Democrats will do well in general in 2018, but that doesn't have anything to do with them being progressive or not)
But again, we have a whole lot more data than just the people who have won. I don't think it's particularly useful to only be looking at the people who won (or solely the people who lost). Like in Missouri, people bring up Kander without bringing up Koster, who has consistently outrun the top of the ticket while being an NRA-endorsed centrist. But people only bring up Kander.
(Peters is to the right of Stabenow, also. Neither are people I'd consider to be "left" - they're about as left as neoliberal corporatist Cory Booker.)
The sad fact is the "minority issues are a distraction" belief knows no ideological borders.
When has anyone said minority issues are a distraction?
Barely, and not for long. The writing was on the wall for a long time with Blanche, which is one reason why Halter did so well in the primary.....and should've won.yeah and Blanche Lincoln was leading all her challengers back in 2009 too!
Mr. "Love Army" can coninue fucking off."He became the president", Van Jones referring to that moment with the widow.
Get fucked, Van Jones. These low bar bullshit both sides "Liberals" are fucking weak.
I actually couldn't find the DW-NOMINATE score for him and just saw that he was involved with Occupy and assumed he was more populist, ha. But to prove my point further, Levin is consistently in the left most side of this. Klobuchar actually would better illustrate your point, looking at the numbers here she's the most centrist Midwestern Dem other than Donnelly.
My point stands that the midwestern populists are generally among the leftmost members of the party though. Not that there's no exceptions (Klobuchar, apparently Peters?) but they're not like the plains or the southern Democrats. That's also true historically, with Fighting Bob and all.