Where would Dems be if Black and Hispanic turnout rate was anywhere close to White turnout rate.
Just having Black turnout rate at 65% and Hispanic at 55% would be amazing for 2020.
Where would Dems be if Black and Hispanic turnout rate was anywhere close to White turnout rate.
Just having Black turnout rate at 65% and Hispanic at 55% would be amazing for 2020.
Why did turnout drop so sharply for everybody in '96? Just comfortable enough with Clinton + nobody giving a shit about Dole?
They'll have the WH for four years even if they impeached and convicted him. Particularly if they could find something that only extended to Trump. No, they're more afraid of that destroying their base numbers and the party itself than having the WH.
Why did turnout drop so sharply for everybody in '96? Just comfortable enough with Clinton + nobody giving a shit about Dole?
iirc polls had Clinton winning by double digits. He didn't quite match that (9 point win), turnout probably dropped because everyone thought he was locked in.Why did turnout drop so sharply for everybody in '96? Just comfortable enough with Clinton + nobody giving a shit about Dole?
Yup, I've been saying this. The Republican party is rotten to the core and they won't touch Trump. His floor is around 40%, 80+% among Republicans. They aren't going to turn.
I think it'll be ok no matter what turnout isOne of the main goals of 2018 needs to be maximizing turnout among the Obama Coalition.
Yup, I've been saying this. The Republican party is rotten to the core and they won't touch Trump. His floor is around 40%, 80+% among Republicans. They aren't going to turn.
Careful though, some people might accuse you of being a secret Trump supporter who just doesn't want anything to happen.
True. Trump has been eager to let us all know how much he admires Jackson though.Great thread, but I would still say Andrew Jackson telling the Supreme Court to go fuck themselves before attempting a genocide is still probably the biggest snub to checks and balances so far and the biggest case for impeachment in U.S. history.
From WaPo's "Monkey Cage" last year:Yup. Definitely curious how much of that is didnt vs. couldn't vote.
Those are all fair points, I'm just a little more pessimistic about the impact I guess in the short term.I'd be more inclined to say that his current "floor" is 35% among everyone and 75% among republicans.
- What we also need to check is how many republicans switched to independent due to trump especially for areas where independents can vote in GOP primaries
- Just like how the constant attacks on Hillary managed to convince even numerous democrats to not like her, the constant attacks on Trump do in fact wear down his base, just very slowly (remember that it has only been 5 months)
- republican base don't mean shit to some of the groups that Trump has declared war on (for example, do you really think the IC gives a shit about Trump's fanbase at this point?)
- Trump is only immune from going to prison so long as he is still in office. the moment he is no longer POTUS is the moment he is vulnerable to criminal charges, and him going to jail WOULD demoralize his base
- Trump still hasn't done much to directly negatively affect his voters yet. I seriously doubt that his floor would remain at 35% if he caused an economic crash or somehow caused thousands to die.
True. Trump has been eager to let us all know how much he admires Jackson though.
Dole is also like the worst nominee the GOP has had since I don't even know wheniirc polls had Clinton winning by double digits. He didn't quite match that (9 point win), turnout probably dropped because everyone thought he was locked in.
Not much I can do in my case, I'm represented by Kamala Harris and another Democrat rep.
Dole is also like the worst nominee the GOP has had since I don't even know when
I'd say Trump is but he won, dammit... and he knew how to campaign
Same here, Louise Slaughter, Schumer and Gillibrand. And Cuomo.
There's only so many emails I can send saying "Hey, thanks for being not evil and wanting to take healthcare away!"
It's kind of frustrating to just watch everything from the side lines and not be able to really vote to kick out any idiots.
If your goal is to incarcerate large numbers of black, brown and poor people, then yes it was a resounding success.Because the war on drugs worked so well the first time.
Because the war on drugs worked so well the first time.
Until midterms, we can only hope that Republicans get hounded by their constituents enough to put country before party.
Not much I can do in my case, I'm represented by Kamala Harris, Dianne Feinstein, and another Democrat rep.
Also, now that I have more time to post:How much did passing ACA hurt Democrats in 2010?
And this bill looks to be significantly worse.
They don't get enough credit.Trump and his people are always the victims.
Also, now that I have more time to post:
Your employer being able to deny you health coverage, high risk pools, less coverage under regular plans, and the numerous other things the AHCA would do is not worth political gain as in Republicans losing Congress. Also the Senate looks to be a lost cause. I'm sorry but I'd rather see this bill fall flat again.
Same here, Louise Slaughter, Schumer and Gillibrand. And Cuomo.
There's only so many emails I can send saying "Hey, thanks for being not evil and wanting to take healthcare away!"
It's kind of frustrating to just watch everything from the side lines and not be able to really vote to kick out any idiots.
Yeah I'm really struggling with that, people like Baker and he's been doing everything right. The right Dem needs to step upWell, I'm in MA, so I'll be doing my part to do the impossible and somehow get Charlie Baker unseated. Gonna be hard though because Baker has so far played it VERY smart (he's basically the antiTrump).
I'll also be doing my part to make sure Warren wins reelection.
The Senate is a lost cause for 2018 or for the AHCA?
How much did passing ACA hurt Democrats in 2010?
And this bill looks to be significantly worse.
The Senate is a lost cause for 2018 or for the AHCA?
2018. You'd need a crazy crazy crazy wave to both defend every seat AND take the GOP ones. Standing pat is a win because of how lopsided the map is.The Senate is a lost cause for 2018 or for the AHCA?
Senate is a lost cause in general because of the seats that are up. AHCA or not.The Senate is a lost cause for 2018 or for the AHCA?
Something I've always wondered, who actually types up Trump's tweets for him. Surely he's not shooting those off without them filtered by anyone even if it's still submitted verbatim?
Who's a big boy? You are, Mr. President!!
How Heller and Flake deal with the bill will be very telling.Senate is a lost cause in general because of the seats that are up. AHCA or not.