He said absolutely nothing implying that.wait so because you don't like her she should get rape and death threats? cool
He said absolutely nothing implying that.wait so because you don't like her she should get rape and death threats? cool
wait so because you don't like her she should get rape and death threats? cool
wait so because you don't like her she should get rape and death threats? cool
Don't do that. Don't be messy.wait so because you don't like her she should get rape and death threats? cool
did you actually read his post and the post he replied to? christ.wait so because you don't like her she should get rape and death threats? cool
wait so because you don't like her she should get rape and death threats? cool
Just seems to me like attacking a disabled woman for being a bit petty while Hillary fans are sending her death threats is Not A Good Look. I doubt of Sady Doyle got threats for some petty tweet about Bernie people would be like "oh what a petty tweet" but I could be wrong.
This is pretty classic GAF bullshit though people just taking your statement and extrapolating it out to the most extreme possible conclusion and pretending that's what you said.
Is the entire GOP anti-nato is this just a trump thing?
Is the entire GOP anti-nato is this just a trump thing?
Criticizing a person is not an "attack".Just seems to me like attacking a disabled woman for being a bit petty while Hillary fans are sending her death threats is Not A Good Look. I doubt of Sady Doyle got threats for some petty tweet about Bernie people would be like "oh what a petty tweet" but I could be wrong.
No. That's why they've had Pence and others cleaning up after him after his NATO gaffes. The Republican establishment still supports it. They're just tolerating the international embarrassments because they want to use him to enact domestic policy.
Criticizing a person is not an "attack".
Your post, on the other hand, is a blatantly disingenuous attack where you're deliberately using language to elevate her status and exaggerate the original poster's intent in order to make that poster look shitty and prevent them from speaking out. Thankfully, it's backfiring on you hard.
No. That's why they've had Pence and others cleaning up after him after his NATO gaffes. The Republican establishment still supports it. They're just tolerating the international embarrassments because they want to use him to enact domestic policy.
Just seems to me like attacking a disabled woman for being a bit petty while Hillary fans are sending her death threats is Not A Good Look. I doubt of Sady Doyle got threats for some petty tweet about Bernie people would be like "oh what a petty tweet" but I could be wrong.
wait so because you don't like her she should get rape and death threats? cool
Her disability is one of the most important reasons for her politics, which are the actual reason as a socialist that she doesn't like Hillary. You've made it seem like some personal grudge that she has because she made a petty tweet about the interview and ignored any substantive critiques she's ever made, calling her "one of the worst" while ignoring that she gets death threats from Hillary fans for daring to criticize her. That seems kind of shitty to me! I'll be done now though.You haven't made a lick of sense, and there's a lot wrong with this post, but I'm addressing what I put in bold because it particularly offends me, and is just really fucking gross.
Going out of your way to mention a person's disability and weaponize it to attack me, when the only person who's made mention of her Sarah Jones' disability is you.
Seriously, quit while you're an entire country mile behind.
Her disability is one of the most important reasons for her politics, which are the actual reason as a socialist that she doesn't like Hillary. You've made it seem like some personal grudge that she has because she made a petty tweet about the interview and ignored any substantive critiques she's ever made, calling her "one of the worst" while ignoring that she gets death threats from Hillary fans for daring to criticize her. That seems kind of shitty to me! I'll be done now though.
Her disability is one of the most important reasons for her politics, which are the actual reason as a socialist that she doesn't like Hillary. You've made it seem like some personal grudge that she has because she made a petty tweet about the interview and ignored any substantive critiques she's ever made, calling her "one of the worst" while ignoring that she gets death threats from Hillary fans for daring to criticize her. That seems kind of shitty to me! I'll be done now though.
Ah, there it is. Tribalism.Her disability is one of the most important reasons for her politics, which are the actual reason as a socialist that she doesn't like Hillary. You've made it seem like some personal grudge that she has because she made a petty tweet about the interview and ignored any substantive critiques she's ever made, calling her "one of the worst" while ignoring that she gets death threats from Hillary fans for daring to criticize her. That seems kind of shitty to me! I'll be done now though.
Again, her disability is completely irrelevant to my criticism (for that matter, so are her politics). That you keep bringing it up to deflect from the criticism you're getting in this thread is gross.
Okay, I'm sorry I escalated things as much as I did. I still think my other point (kicking at her for a petty tweet while she's getting harassed is bad) stands but obviously royalan wasn't suggesting she should get threatened, and that's shitty of me to imply.If you really wanted to be done, you could apologize and we could move on.
As someone who is married to a person with a disability, your use of it like a cudgel was gross and damaging. You have been trying to score points rather than engage in a discussion and I don't get why. If you want to transmit your ideas, there are better ways to do it than hide behind trumped up personal attacks.
PRESS MESS: White House considers a rotating cadre of press briefers, in part to keep Trump from growing bored. [url]http://wapo.st/2qqESoF
Problem: The Administration is having a hard time projecting a unified message.
Good call guys!
It's really depressing that they turned McMaster into a Spicer/Conway role where nobody can take him seriously.
Just seems to me like attacking a disabled woman for being a bit petty while Hillary fans are sending her death threats is Not A Good Look. I doubt of Sady Doyle got threats for some petty tweet about Bernie people would be like "oh what a petty tweet" but I could be wrong.
been a long week, maybe I am just being really shitty, sorry everyone.What a genuinely shitty series of posts, man. Good god. Are you drunk or something?
I wonder what is going on with McMaster. His recent downplaying of the Kushner back-channel bullshit is really disconcerting. There have been countless people of former significant positions just stunned at the news. I don't know what the President can order him to do, but he will be forever tarnished whether he was involved or not in the Russia situation.
been a long week, maybe I am just being really shitty, sorry everyone.
PRESS MESS: White House considers a rotating cadre of press briefers, in part to keep Trump from growing bored. [url]http://wapo.st/2qqESoF
Problem: The Administration is having a hard time projecting a unified message.
Good call guys!
No matter why, something has become clear: He has become what he hates.I figure there are one of two possibilities:
1) McMaster is drinking the koolaide now.
2) McMaster knows that by knowingly spewing Trump's BS publicly, he secures Trump's trust which protects his role without having to actually DO anything for Trump.
I figure there are one of two possibilities:
1) McMaster is drinking the koolaide now.
2) McMaster knows that by knowingly spewing Trump's BS publicly, he secures Trump's trust which protects his role without having to actually DO anything for Trump.
I'd eliminate #2, because by serving as Trump's mouthpiece he is doing something.
No matter why, something has become clear: He has become what he hates.
An issue w/ McMaster that popped up w/ the Israel Laptop Intel leak regarding his role as NSA is that McMaster's background isn't intelligence. It's more general war strategy and leadership.I guess what I mean is that verbally sucking up to Trump isn't actually doing anything other than stroking Trump's ego.
It doesn't prevent him from doing his actual job as NSA. It doesn't involve ratting out any IC or FBI people that are leaking to the press. It doesn't't even involve any enactment of Trump's shitty agenda. It's literally just saying shit so that Trump doesn't get angry at him.
Or to put it another way, McMaster playing the PR role doesn't mean he isn't leaking to the press himself.
Josh Dawsey‏Verified account
Adviser close to Trump says he was "very unhappy" yesterday that John Boehner attacked his presidency. But decided not to tweet about it.
An issue w/ McMaster that popped up w/ the Israel Laptop Intel leak regarding his role as NSA is that McMaster's background isn't intelligence. It's more general war strategy and leadership.
I figure there are one of two possibilities:
1) McMaster is drinking the koolaide now.
2) McMaster knows that by knowingly spewing Trump's BS publicly, he secures Trump's trust which protects his role without having to actually DO anything for Trump.
So should you serve under Trump as a person of conscience? The question is twofold, as Machiavelli suggests: first, by serving, are you doing good, or at least forestalling the possibility of something worse? (Remember, Trump gave a speech in Saudi Arabia yesterday that was not a disaster, and the National Security Council process that McMaster runs almost certainly helped prevent that looming catastrophe.) The second question is harder: even if you are doing good, at what point will the damage that service does to your soul become too much for you to bear? And are you even in a position to know?
It strikes me that the people who would make an argument that what Kushner et al are doing isn't technically treason are the same people shouting that Snowden was a traitor and should be executed.
Just to make sure I get it, there's no "NATO fund," right? It's simply countries increasing the amount of funding they give their own military? They don't pay the US anything.
Uh, Skiing is a pretty overwhelmingly white industry.
Just to be clear, you're not casting any shade towards Clinton about this, right?
It's such a small thing to get angry about but I feel like this is the kind of stuff that has made me angry recently
It's more like it represents a disgusting trend for the administration and an embarrassment for the US as a whole.
And yes as far as I know there's no NATO fund. Just a level of defense spending countries have which is supposed to be at/above a certain level by like 2018 or some jazz. The US is well above the 2% level since we're super militaristic but a bunch of other countries are ramping up leading up to the deadline.