What specifically?So this is yet another data point confirming the Steele dossier. Hilarious.
What specifically?So this is yet another data point confirming the Steele dossier. Hilarious.
On a side note, r/the_donald is divided in their ranks on if they should even use the word Russiagate in reference to this "hoax". They still haven't gotten to which spin theory to adopt. Some of the top upvoted comments on posts are entirely in Russian.
They're not coping well right now.
I mean, how you claim it's a hoax when Donald Trump Jr goes out and screams "yeah I did it, here's the receipts too". I think it's why it's the dumbest move he could have done. It achieves nothing.
What specifically?
On a side note, r/the_donald is divided in their ranks on if they should even use the word Russiagate in reference to this "hoax". They still haven't gotten to which spin theory to adopt. Some of the top upvoted comments on posts are entirely in Russian.
They're not coping well right now.
They're at the absolute height of lunacy conspiracy theories right now. They think, like, Hillary and the DNC tricked Trump Jr. into colluding with the Russians. And that the Russian contacts Trump Jr used are actually Obama plants.
To say it doesn't make any sense and is stupid as all hell is a huge understatement. Its also not even a defense, it's a pathetic attempt to deflect and say the Democrats are the real bad guys because they knew Trump people were stupid enough to fall into their trap.
They're at the absolute height of lunacy conspiracy theories right now. They think, like, Hillary and the DNC tricked Trump Jr. into colluding with the Russians. And that the Russian contacts Trump Jr used are actually Obama plants.
To say it doesn't make any sense and is stupid as all hell is a huge understatement. Its also not even a defense, it's a pathetic attempt to deflect and say the Democrats are the real bad guys because they knew Trump people were stupid enough to fall into their trap.
On a side note, r/the_donald is divided in their ranks on if they should even use the word Russiagate in reference to this "hoax". They still haven't gotten to which spin theory to adopt. Some of the top upvoted comments on posts are entirely in Russian.
They're not coping well right now.
Lol link to the Russian top comments, please.On a side note, r/the_donald is divided in their ranks on if they should even use the word Russiagate in reference to this "hoax". They still haven't gotten to which spin theory to adopt. Some of the top upvoted comments on posts are entirely in Russian.
They're not coping well right now.
Rule #1 of the internet, never take a picture holding up a placard.
Someone fucked up.Rule #1 of the internet, never take a picture holding up a placard.
Lol link to the Russian top comments, please.
Yup. Even worse is that there are two of themRule #1 of the internet, never take a picture holding up a placard.
One on the left reminded me of
I just spent 5 minutes on T_D. God help me...
Same. I feel as though I just stared into the sun.
The_Donald is a fascinating place, however reprehensible it is. It's what I imagine the intellectual circles of Neanderthals would have looked like.
The_Donald is a fascinating place, however reprehensible it is. It's what I imagine the intellectual circles of Neanderthals would have looked like.
Same. I feel as though I just stared into the sun.
I saw that Tucker Carlson interviewed a gamergator about the violence of ANTIFA tonight...
Give me a fucking break
How many times did you read the word "cuck" in those five minutes?
Yeah. It's interesting in retrospect about Gamergate was partly talked about in how awful gamers are when it was really just the symptom/branch of a much wider problem.
Yeah. It's interesting in retrospect about Gamergate was partly talked about in how awful gamers are when it was really just the symptom/branch of a much wider problem.
The PSA interview with Franken a couple days ago was fucking awful. He didn't sound that good and Lovett was just terrible. What a bizarre mismatch it turned out to be.
How many times did you read the word "cuck" in those five minutes?
If nothing else twitter had some fun with tonight's interview
Did that guy dye his hair white? Is that supposed to be cool?
Rough estimate? 1 in 5 posts contains some reference. The articles/posts about specific people--especially Liberal Men--contained substantially more. There was one about the impeachment filings and it was littered with people calling him a cuck.
If nothing else twitter had some fun with tonight's interview
Felt like I was on a fucking farm with chickens swarming after me.
If nothing else twitter had some fun with tonight's interview
Some people dug up an old legal opinion published by the White House's Office of Legal Counsel, a few days before Nixon Resigned. Their conclusion was that a sitting President does not have the authority to Pardon himself, but outline two somewhat convoluted processes a sitting President could receive a pardon.
Some of the top upvoted comments on posts are entirely in Russian.
If nothing else twitter had some fun with tonight's interview
Haha, so good. Why that word, such an odd word to usurp.
The idea is that someone who partakes in cuckolding is a Beta Male, since he has to watch his wife/gf being taken by another--despite the fact that those who cuckold generally get a mutual enjoyment. It was originally "beta cuck" and then they just shorted it to calling people the disagreed with cucks, essentially saying they were less manly and therefore their opinions were irrelevant. T_D is rife with racism and sexism left and right, the Alt Right in general is entirely a result of straight white men lashing out because they suck.
Haha, so good. Why that word, such an odd word to usurp.