not me bbI contribute tons of political trivia (and meme material). I just don't get as much engagement from it because everyone has me on ignore already.
not me bbI contribute tons of political trivia (and meme material). I just don't get as much engagement from it because everyone has me on ignore already.
I contribute tons of political trivia (and meme material). I just don't get as much engagement from it because everyone has me on ignore already.
Holmesnot me bb
I contribute tons of political trivia (and meme material). I just don't get as much engagement from it because everyone has me on ignore already.
Holmesthe most likable person in this entire thread!
I don't!I kind of feel bad we were making fun of is gibberish at the Comey hearing, as it sounds like it was an early warning symptom for this.
Is this about benji or McCain? 🤔When someone is old and shouldn't be serving, you don't give him sympathy you scream louder that he is old and shouldn't be serving.
I kind of feel bad we were making fun of is gibberish at the Comey hearing, as it sounds like it was an early warning symptom for this.
For a man his age, this is a very worrying issue for him. There's likely going to be quite a few awkward weeks for McConnell coming up unless McCain decides to suddenly resign, even then, it'll take awhile to appoint someone.
If we talking an age or term limit on SCOTUS how about one on the Senate?
McCain, Grassley, Feinstein, Inhofe, Cochran, Shelby etc will be well into the 80's by the time their terms are up. They must have some fantastic HealthCare to be moving so well. Most people their age have a very hard time moving, immobile, suffer from dental issues, memory etc.
IMF is using the supposed imaginary term and they're like, neoliberals in chief@Spoiler Milk: Put that image in quotes. It doesn't need to appear that large ot make your point/joke
Anyway here is an article about the modern rise of the term neoliberal and why its stupid and useless
McCain having to resign would certainly make the 2018 Senate map a little more doable.
That does sound serious. I hope the crotchety old bastard recovers soon.
An open seat might even be easier to win than Flake's since there'd be no incumbency advantage.
I almost suspect if there were two Senate elections in Arizona in 2018 each party would take one. I think it'd be a remarkably easy sell for swing voters.Flake's approval ratings are trash, even worse than McCain's (who is also underwater), it might be easier to run against him than an open seat with a more popular Republican candidate lol
For comparison's sake, Flake's approval ratings compared with the competitive senate races we lost by small margins last year per the Morning Consult poll:
Flake: 37/45 (-8)
Rubio: 49/37 (+11)
Young 48/28 (+20)
Blunt: 46/37 (+9)
Burr: 45/32 (+13)
Toomey: 45/36 (+9)
Johnson: 43/37 (+6)
The way in which the IMF is using the term is indeed the correct way to use the term if you are seriously discussing economics and the legacy of the Reagan/Thatcher lassez-faire school.
That does sound serious. I hope the crotchety old bastard recovers soon.
I'm not a fan of Chait's piece, its too...defensive. I like this instead:
If we talking an age or term limit on SCOTUS how about one on the Senate?
McCain, Grassley, Feinstein, Inhofe, Cochran, Shelby etc will be well into the 80's by the time their terms are up. They must have some fantastic HealthCare to be moving so well. Most people their age have a very hard time moving, immobile, suffer from dental issues, memory etc.
Brian Stelter is 30.I was watching a recent clip of Larry King from his web show or whatever and I realized...
Grassley and Feinstein are older than Larry King, just by a few months but still. Larry King looked like he was ready to embark on his way to his home planet for the last 20 years and they're even older than him. Madness.
Good lord buzz it all.
Brian Stelter is 30.
Newsmen age in dog years.
This could be a post made by InspiroBot. Funny but sad.What I like about that article is that it shows that the Democrats have always been shit.
Brian Stelter is 30.
Newsmen age in dog years.
(I don't actually want John McCain to die)
but Democrats could probably win an open seat in Arizona easier than Flake. Don't really know what would happen -- would you have Sinema clear a primary? Who would actually go against Flake? Gallego? But wouldn't he want the open seat?
Awkward Ann is rested and ready, peons.
I mean, I think Ann would be better off trying for McSally's seat according to the polling, but if we had an open seat and couldn't find anyone else...
But let's abandon the speculation for a moment. We know we'll be facing Flake, whose challengers have yet to declare for some reason. Why? Is it advantageous to wait?
Brian Stelter is 30.
Newsmen age in dog years.
McCain had a 12 point lead over Kirkpatrick. You're telling me those voters don't turn out if their favorite vet dies?(I don't actually want John McCain to die)
but Democrats could probably win an open seat in Arizona easier than Flake. Don't really know what would happen -- would you have Sinema clear a primary? Who would actually go against Flake? Gallego? But wouldn't he want the open seat?
Damn at Brian Stelter. That's just unfortunate, some people just age faster.
No.McCain had a 12 point lead over Kirkpatrick. You're telling me those voters don't turn out if their favorite vet dies?
Jesus dude, just shave it all off.
Notice how he doesn't mention healthcare? He says he's working on the same shit every time he tweets something like this.