Trump is told to push down on lever really hard, Trump pushes down lever, everyone applauds the big stwong man.
Even my enemies say I pushed down on that lever greatly.
Trump is told to push down on lever really hard, Trump pushes down lever, everyone applauds the big stwong man.
Democrats should heed the following nugget of knowledge if they want to win big. Only in the warped minds of corporate executives and think tanks is there a serious skills gap issue in the US. You're being taken for a ride and duped by professional BSers.
Send people to college for knowledge's sake and the fact that an educated populace can make for a stronger and prosperous society.
Democrats should heed the following nugget of knowledge if they want to win big. Only in the warped minds of corporate executives and think tanks is there a serious skills gap issue in the US. You're being taken for a ride and duped by professional BSers.
Send people to college for knowledge's sake and the fact that an educated populace can make for a stronger and prosperous society.
"A Better Deal for America"
fixed it
Trump is told to push down on lever really hard, Trump pushes down lever, everyone applauds the big stwong man.
Huh, I really like these.
Yeah, this is good.
If there's one thing I wish Dems would do with stuff, it would be to slap America, Freedom, or Patriot in there somewhere once in a while. They don't do that enough. Republicans do that with everything and people eat that shit up no questions asked (unless what they're promoting is too evil, like the AHCA).
Just once I would like to see him fuck something like that up.
Well yes and no. Anyone trying to feed you that "Americans lack the skills to be competitive on the job market that's why we outsourced everything to India" is feeding you a line of BS but you also have situations like those factories that can't hire enough people because there aren't enough people with the qualifications to operate machinery that modern manufacturing requires
POLIGAF 2017 |OT5| #somethingburgerPOLIGAF 2017 |OT5| Eventually we will get something done
Are you sure about thisBasically. Skills aren't creating the income and wealth inequality that is the root of people feeling unsatisfied with the current job economy. Everyone having a college degree would just move middle class skilled labor into the lower class.
Well this is bad - Paul says just bring up the repeal bill for a vote and he'll vote for whatever anyone else wants.
Asked whether he would need his ”clean repeal" amendment to be voted on first in order to agree to voting to start debate, Paul essentially suggested senators draw out of a hat.
Basically. Skills aren't creating the income and wealth inequality that is the root of people feeling unsatisfied with the current job economy. Everyone having a college degree would just move middle class skilled labor into the lower class.
Besides, even though we can academically look at the high school revolution and the benefits to our society, individually many people don't see college as for them, either because they're too old or not academic enough. You probably saw the same arguments against the high school revolution, but it's still an issue that needs to be sold to the people, not an issue used to sell the party to the people.
Of course, it's clear college prices are becoming downright insane, and something does need to be done about that. That should definitely be in the platform, but that's not the thing that's going to solve all of america's economic problems. It's not just that slogan either, there's tons of democrat politicians who talk about education like it is the solution to everything.
Well this is bad - Paul says just bring up the repeal bill for a vote and he'll vote for whatever anyone else wants.
So the actual slogan is "A Better Deal." I expect the other parts will be used as supplemental slogans when appropriate.
This says kind of the opposite of that - that he'll vote to proceed on whatever IF the leadership also arranges votes on every other proposal Republican senators have put forward. It'd be an enormous mess.Well this is bad - Paul says just bring up the repeal bill for a vote and he'll vote for whatever anyone else wants.
I like Yglesias's suggestion of "Go On Chapo."
Instead of "Better" just use "real"
slogan: "The Real Deal"
please no
All the suggestions with Deal in suck. People don't want any more deals or contracts or promises. They want doing.
"Bernie Sanders ran in our primary"
Democrats 2018: We're Doing the Do
Democrats 2018: We Can What Republican't
PoliGAF OT: Globalists, Cucks, and Limpdicked Mofos
This was obvious given prior reporting, but there you go.WASHINGTON—Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating possible money laundering by Paul Manafort, Donald Trump's former campaign manager, as part of his criminal investigation into what U.S. intelligence agencies say was a Kremlin-backed campaign to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The inquiry into the issue by Mr. Mueller, a former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and his team began several weeks ago, this person said. A spokesman for Mr. Manafort, Jason Maloni, declined to comment, as did a spokesman for Mr. Mueller.
The Senate and House intelligence committees also are probing possible money laundering by Mr. Manafort, according to people with knowledge of those investigations.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. also are investigating Mr. Manafort's real-estate transactions, The Wall Street Journal has reported, with both offices examining his dealings for possible money-laundering and fraud. Messrs. Schneiderman and Vance are Democrats.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. also are investigating Mr. Manaforts real-estate transactions, The Wall Street Journal has reported, with both offices examining his dealings for possible money-laundering and fraud. Messrs. Schneiderman and Vance are Democrats.
"Y'all didn't defend Bernie."
"Y'alll didn't defend Bernie enough."
Spare me.
I agree with thisLook, I'm sympathetic, but here's the thing: people complain constantly that PoliGAF is an anti-Bernie hivemind.
Now, yes, most of those people are idiots. But not all of them are! PoliGAF used to be much more open to disagreeing opinions if they were backed with reasonable arguments and evidence.
In my opinion, during the primary, we did actually become hostile to people who didn't support Clinton, primarily because some PoliGAF regulars went overboard and posted very aggressively and unreasonably and the rest of us didn't bother chiming in to stop them.
I complain all the time that the Bernie voices on this forum don't shout down other ostensible leftists when they're parroting racist propaganda or whatever. It seems reasonable to suggest that we should also take responsibility for pointing out when somebody who ostensibly agrees with us is actually saying something dumb and problematic.
Look, I'm sympathetic, but here's the thing: people complain constantly that PoliGAF is an anti-Bernie hivemind.
Now, yes, most of those people are idiots. But not all of them are! PoliGAF used to be much more open to disagreeing opinions if they were backed with reasonable arguments and evidence.
In my opinion, during the primary, we did actually become hostile to people who didn't support Clinton, primarily because some PoliGAF regulars went overboard and posted very aggressively and unreasonably and the rest of us didn't bother chiming in to stop them.
I complain all the time that the Bernie voices on this forum don't shout down other ostensible leftists when they're parroting racist propaganda or whatever. It seems reasonable to suggest that we should also take responsibility for pointing out when somebody who ostensibly agrees with us is actually saying something dumb and problematic.
Masa, make better American better slogans better again
Actually the problem is cost disease. More on this later.
There was some argument about the style of this graph, but as per Politifact the basic claim is true. Per student spending has increased about 2.5x in the past forty years even after adjusting for inflation.
At the same time, test scores have stayed relatively stagnant. You can see the full numbers here, but in short, high school students reading scores went from 285 in 1971 to 287 today a difference of 0.7%....
I discuss this phenomenon more here and here, but the summary is: no, its not just because of special ed; no, its not just a factor of how you measure test scores; no, theres not a ceiling effect. Costs really did more-or-less double without any concomitant increase in measurable quality....
So, to summarize: in the past fifty years, education costs have doubled, college costs have dectupled, health insurance costs have dectupled, subway costs have at least dectupled, and housing costs have increased by about fifty percent. US health care costs about four times as much as equivalent health care in other First World countries; US subways cost about eight times as much as equivalent subways in other First World countries.
I worry that people dont appreciate how weird this is. I didnt appreciate it for a long time. I guess I just figured that Grandpa used to talk about how back in his day movie tickets only cost a nickel; that was just the way of the world. But all of the numbers above are inflation-adjusted. These things have dectupled in cost even after you adjust for movies costing a nickel in Grandpas day. They have really, genuinely dectupled in cost, no economic trickery involved.
Then take responsibility instead of talking about it then.
Literally the second post after the guy who said Bernie was a Russian agent is me saying he's crazy
RUH ROH: Just heard from Hill staffer Schumer's staff is warning Dems that McConnell may cancel August recess altogether
Groundhog Day: Trumpcare edition
I mean my first reflexive reaction is "companies are charging more for everything because they found out they could outpace inflation just enough that people wouldn't notice right away", and education is more expensive because we're literally spending more on books, desks, refurbishment of space, etcHere is an interesting blog post that I think deserves consideration:
Here's a big thing that's going on in America right now: everything costs way more. The reason Millenials can't afford stuff isn't because of the avocado toast. It isn't even because of the financial crisis! It's because everything costs like 2 to 10 times as much as it used to, but wages stayed the same or went down. And nobody seems to understand why this cost increase happened.
I worry more and more that this issue may be quite relevant to a lot of the discussions regarding welfare and good jobs and basic income. What if the jobs people have now would be good if goods just cost a lot less? I want to see a lot more research into America's cost disease, because it does not seem impossible to me that this may actually be the biggest economic issue today.
@jstein_vox said:I asked Rep. Engel, top D on foreign affairs, about @ryangrim/@ggreenwald bombshell. Didn't deny that he thinks BDS should be criminalized