If Kid Rock runs for Stabenow's seat, run Dolly Parton for Bob Corker's seat.
Problem solved.
Problem solved.
Wonder what Ben Garrison thinks about him?
Oh he's a (((globalist))).
I slept at my gf's house last night and left at around 5am. Listened to a rock station on the way home and the announcer introduced a Kid Rock song with "maaaybe the next US Senator?" as if that'd be the greatest thing ever.
I haaate when people do that, like it's so funny that some random celebrity would be a politician somewhere except they usually end up shitting up the state they represent or govern. The exception being Franken.
If Democrats fall one seat short of a Senate majority because of Kid Rock I'm coming after you 93x.
I had a bad dream where Kid Rock picked me up from school and said "I'm your dad now."
I hate 2017.
Arnold did pretty shitty in California tbh
Ventura was terrible.I dunno. Ahnold did okay, didn't he?
Not sure about Ventura.
Reagan was pure garbage, though.
What did he do wrong? I think his failures lie mostly in his first few years when he set the tone wrong.Arnold did pretty shitty in California tbh
Haha this is really good fanfic.
If anyone thinks this is threadworthy and wants to make one then feel free, I'm on mobile. I personally believe GOP will be relentless and will stop just short of illegality to repeal.
Politico | Senate Republicans consider new health care repeal effort
It already has a thread
Oh, nice. Thanks!We already have this as a thread.
Ventura is basically Trump without the bigotry, he didn't accomplish shit.
It's also not going anywhere
Even that article wasn't convinced it was anything.
It's also not going anywhere
Even that article wasn't convinced it was anything.
Ppl talk about the "southern strategy" but it's Trump's channeling of the racial politics of the post-Jim Crow *north* that makes him potent
Chris is right on point here and it stands true for 2020
If anyone thinks this is threadworthy and wants to make one then feel free, I'm on mobile.
I personally believe GOP will be relentless and will stop just short of illegality to repeal.
Politico | Senate Republicans consider new health care repeal effort
Trump still a moron?
Have the hackers in Nevada getting into election machines been talked about yet? Wonder how many elections have been stolen.
Yeah, but as I discussed several pages ago, he is not pushing a moderate to liberal economic policy. Those voters will not be as enthusiastic next time; they bought into both his racism AND false economic policy.
You're overthinking it,I've been thinking about why racists outside of the South seem to choose economics over their racism when Southerners don't, and I think it's because the South has always sucked. So the option here is "Bet on possible better circumstances in exchange for losing white supremacy", which they don't want. While the options up north are "Bet on possible white supremacy in exchange for losing your economic success."
Chris is right on point here and it stands true for 2020
So if Mandate is off the table, and so is defunding PP/social security/medicaid, what would a repeal/replace look like now?
I think someone mentioned that the grand GOP plan will essentially boil down to Medical equipment tax repeal and its looking more like it.
No. Where is this from?
Yep. It's a minor tweak on which parties agree, it wouldn't change the fundamental structure of the ACA or crash the markets, and it would give Trump a slight "win" that he could then exaggerate.
I think you don't know what you're talking about. Schwarzeneggar was unable to pass budgets because the budget system was so fucked to begin with. As far as I know, we were one of the only states, if not the only state, in the union to require two-thirds majority to pass budgets and taxes. That's insanity. It cripples the government's ability to handle crises like the recession. He tried to cut a little spending and raise a little tax revenue. Democrats refused to cut revenue and Republicans refused to raise taxes. And it absolutely didn't help that Schwarzeneggar had burned so many bridges in Sacramento and made an arch nemesis out of Darrell Steinberg. I wish he hadn't come in like the swaggering musclehead he was inevitably going to be, but there's not much you can do to stop popular revolt at the polls."Arnold did ok"
WTF. Some of you either don't live in California or don't know wtf you're talking about. HE WAS HORRIBLE a complete typical Republican rubber stamper that was unable to get a state budget, destroyed our economy and we where bleeding jobs and services for the poor. Things got so bad it's why the republicans got destroyed in congress, we now have a dem majority, a balanced budget and a governor that should be president. It's why even to this day we are able to pass tax increases despite bitching and whining by tax payers (like me 😖because we whent so long with out tax revenue and as soon as we flipped congress and the governorship blue and implemented tax plans we fixed a lot of the problem. People get it now the only assholes that still bitch about taxes are the usual GOP dickheads that destroyed the state in the beginning.
There was a post about a hacker convention where they got into a voting machine in an hour (I think?). Going to have to rewind a few pages.No. Where is this from?
California and Illinois are both very, very screwed up states governance-wise for reasons far deeper than a singular bad governor.
CA having strong referendums and being a NIMBY nightmare go hand in hand.A lot of the PLUTOCRATS here talk shit about our ballot system but I think it's ok :S
McCain is in Arizona for the next six weeks getting chemo.
Murkowski and Collins won't vote for any of these bills.
Just chill for six weeks, Trump.
I mean, it's not even a question that we can win [Orange County] because Hillary already did by almost ten points. I just wanted to get some input from Californians as to whether her victory should be interpreted as an aberration due to the peculiarity of the last election or the realization of a long-term trend. More specifically, I wonder if we can preserve the gains we made in 2016 next year, especially since Nate Silver predicts the map will look more like 2012, when we lost OC narrowly.
I actually have that question about many of the rich suburban areas Hillary flipped or nearly flipped. Would GA-06 have been so close without a vulgarian Trump on the ticket? Probably not, given that Tom Price won by 23. Rubio or Kasich would've dominated her there. We need these areas and have some confidence they'll eventually swing our way, but I wonder if 2020 might be too soon, especially if we have two "normal" candidates.
Next year's midterms will help us gauge how far we've come in solidifying support in the Sun Belt. If we perform well on a normal, Trump-less map, then I have confidence about 2020. I expect OC to be one of the primary test sites. We'll probably beat Issa because he narrowly won last time and now everyone hates him, but if we can scalp Rohrabacher or Walters (or Handel in GA or...) or at least come close, then I'll feel better about the future.
Of course, my crude analysis probably misses many nuances vis-a-vis the dynamics of midterm vs. presidential elections, the importance of particular candidates, the long-term trends of these areas, etc. I should also note that we'd been performing better in some Sun Belt areas before 2016 (e.g., Arizona, parts of Texas), so I perhaps got a bit muddled there, too. Such ignorance happens when one teaches English rather than political science. Everyone feel free to nitpick.
True. Leaving right before the midterms would be "best". And if he holds onto his seat while being out of DC often for treatment, it'll be hard for Republicans to accomplish anything too terrible.I wonder how long McCain can remain. At his age and in his condition, I imagine he'll deteriorate rather quickly.
Not to sound calculating, but I wouldn't be offended if he held the seat as long as possible. The longer he stays, the less time a replacement has to ingratiate him- or herself with voters before election day, making one of the AZ seats effectively open.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Unless the Republican Senators are total quitters, Repeal & Replace is not dead! Demand another vote before voting on any other bill!
4:36 PM · Jul 29, 2017
These people won't stop until there are literally corpses on the capitol grounds, and even then they will keep going, most likely.