If McCain votes for anything like this after shooting down the last one because of lack of formality, then there's really nothing left to say at this point. CBO should take care of this, but who knows. Let's see how the week progresses.
Still puzzled as to why they want this. Wasn't it like 80% of people against the last one, and this one is apparently just as bad if not worse.
Also curious as to what is happening behind the scenes (if anything) that would make democrats like Warren, Harris, Franken, and Schumer publicly say this. Seems odd to me.
How I think this is going to go down...
"We're going to do it this time, guys, woooo!! Finally got 'em, take that Obama!"
31 million without insurance in 2 years
"What bill? There was a bill? I don't remember any bill? I don't know a senator Graham?"
Hopefully. They just flat out ignored it last time, though, and Cassidy is already quoted as discreiting any CBO numbers. I hope this one goes down in even bigger flames. Republicans need yet another L to add to the pile this year.
It took a month and a half of strong arming to get them to ignore the estimates. The original CBO report for the Senate bill killed it for a few weeks before they picked it up again. They were all ready to schedule a vote before July 4th and then the CBO report hit and the entire thing was derailed.
They kept tweaking it and making the raw number as good as they could make it until they came up with a hairbrain plan to pass the blame to the House, because they just couldn't get the numbers down. They didn't have the votes when they were going on the assumption the CBO numbers would become law. They needed something better than that, and hoped the House would do it.
They don't have the time for that song and dance again. This either gets voted on ASAP, or it doesn't happen. There's no time to rewrite it, or do a skinny repeal or whatever junk plans they have.
JfcOne of the state waivers in Graham-Cassidy
Means insurers can jack up premiums for people who are already enrolled if you or your dependents get sick.
Pretty sure that's worse than the 2009 status quo?
That pricing stuff is illegal in NY.
New York and Vermont ban price changes on an individual basis.
Just widening the gap of quality of life between red and blue states...
If it becomes law, the other blue states will likely pass laws doing the same.
Somehow even worse than Trumpcare.
So what is the reasoning? Insurance lobbying?
I know how Cassidy answers the Kimmel test.
"You'll be fine, because New York will pick up the slack and make sure that doesn't happen"
And think that's a satisfactory answer because Republicans are only about me me me. Their thinking goes, well Kimmel is only upset about HIS baby, if we give enough power to the states to make sure HE is protected, HE'LL be fine.
Never mind that someone in Kimmel's shoes, a wealthy celebrity who can buy his child the best possible treatment, has more empathy for other parents in the same situation living under shittier state governments than the entire Senate GOP caucus combined.
So, on that note, which red state governments would actually do this?
PA has that bad habit of electing the guy from the opposite party of the one currently inPA would do it if Wolf loses re-election.
PA is also decaying with very few exceptions so it's probably going to turn into WV-lite somedayPA has that bad habit of electing the guy from the opposite party of the one currently in
NEWS: McCainunpromptedrejects ramming a partisan bill through; he wants the bipartisan ACA stabilization bill.
He was going to say more, but John Dickerson cut him off. Because this topic is not important apparently.
McCain is a grown ass man and has more political strength than Ducey could ever dream of, how about he continues to do his own thing instead of listening to a governor no one outside of Arizona knows or cares abouthttps://twitter.com/TopherSpiro/status/909449023203024902
There's a bit more of a discussion. That it would be a hell of a flip from this to support. But there's also talk that if Ducey supports, McCain will too.
PA is also decaying with very few exceptions so it's probably going to turn into WV-lite someday
PA is also decaying with very few exceptions so it's probably going to turn into WV-lite someday
It's a weird state but also in decline. If we are talking western and central PA, Pittsburgh is definitely a diamond in the rough but imo it's also overhyped and doesn't have the infrastructure needed to be as big and bold as the hype would suggest. The rest of the state is pretty meh. Some nice towns here and there but mostly forgettable if you go more than 30-40 mi outside of the city.There are times when I wish PA could just be cut up. The eastern part of the state is very different from the middle part of the state and the Pittsburgh section in the west is very different from the rest of the western part of the state.
I don't know where you're from but I'm not sure if you've been to red country out here on the western end of the state. It's getting pretty bad, worse than I ever would have thoughtPittsburgh's on the road to population growth again, Philadelphia's also pretty vibrant. The state overall is on the decline, but once Appalachia and the other outlying territories land, it won't fall like states like Michigan or Ohio.
It's a weird state but also in decline. If we are talking western and central PA, Pittsburgh is definitely a diamond in the rough but imo it's also overhyped and doesn't have the infrastructure needed to be as big and bold as the hype would suggest. The rest of the state is pretty meh. Some nice towns here and there but mostly forgettable if you go more than 30-40 mi outside of the city.
Then when you get to eastern PA, it's more like NY, NJ, Delaware, Maryland... it's basically a different state. But western/central PA cannot be underestimated, it's overall very conservative and uh, deplorable in spots and that is not looking to change, it's getting much much worse
I don't know where you're from but I'm not sure if you've been to red country out here on the western end of the state. It's getting pretty bad, worse than I ever would have thought
Well, if we're just talking politics, you have a point.I grew up in Lawrence County. You're right that there are issues of hollowing-out in historically Democratic areas, but there are also large pockets of populations that aren't going to vote GOP. Lots of black people in Erie, Sharon, Crawford, New Castle, Aliquippa, McKeesport, Washington. The loss of working class Democrat whites will hurt, but those areas are in decline while young people grow in Pittsburgh.
Infrastructure wise, the city can actually support more than it currently has. It's well below peak population still, although they would need to be much more aggressive about upgrading transportation because traffic in that city is a nightmare, and this is coming from a guy who moved from Pittsburgh to DC.
So right now, according to the article, they think they're at 49?Senate GOP tries one last time to repeal Obamacare
McConnell and his lieutenants will gauge support for the bill this week in private party meetings.
This is where we are. Basically if they have 50, they'll schedule a vote on this monstrosity.
Heck there was a mass shooting in Plano that left eight people dead the other day. No comments and next to no coverage. Have mass shootings become so ubiquitous that they're not even worth commenting or reporting on? I bet if the shooter was Muslim Trump would've had something to say!
Senate GOP tries one last time to repeal Obamacare
McConnell and his lieutenants will gauge support for the bill this week in private party meetings.
This is where we are. Basically if they have 50, they'll schedule a vote on this monstrosity.
I guess I'm still not seeing how anything is different today than the day the last bill was voted.
I guess I'm still not seeing how anything is different today than the day the last bill was voted.
Not covering mass shootings is probably the right way to go. Coverage can inspire copy-cats.
I bet if the shooter was Muslim Trump would've had something to say!
Don't forget, the bipartisan bill is supposed to show its face this week, too.
I appreciate some Dems signing on to single payer but now isn't the time imo. The party should have been full steam ahead behind a bipartisan fix, at least until the end of September, for obvious reasons.
Don't forget, the bipartisan bill is supposed to show its face this week, too.
I appreciate some Dems signing on to single payer but now isn't the time imo. The party should have been full steam ahead behind a bipartisan fix, at least until the end of September, for obvious reasons.
Nothing is different, and that's the point. The GOP's desire to screw poor people into oblivion is still there, too. Which is why this repeal bill will keep being raised from the dead despite the GOP having nothing to gain from it. They know the bill they eventually pass will be shit, they're just looking for the right combination of shit to get to 50 votes.
They can. But if you read the bipartisan fix article the GOP seems to think some Dems signing on to the single payer plan implies the party isn't serious about a bipartisan effort. I was afraid that would happen. The GOP are a bunch of spoiled brats, but they're also in charge...I mean, why? They can still vote for the bipartisan fix bill.
For people who think they can't hit 50 again, remember that they didn't give a fuck about their constituents when they voted for the BCA, even going so far as to warn the House not to pass it as is, in a particular bout of straight up insanity.
The GOP doesn't give a fuck and don't even bother to fucking read what's thrown their way, just how it ultimately helps their pocketbooks.