If they can squeak it in, they should. It would make their tax reform a lot easier.
Graham says they need to do it or get "full-blown single-payer socialism."
Ironically, his healthcare bill getting passed would probably be the catalyst to actually getting single-payer in this country.
What if McCain is saying yes and planning on tanking it again?
They won't vote unless they think he's a yes, so maybe his yes is another feint.
Dickish, but also on-brand for McCain.
What if McCain is saying yes and planning on tanking it again?
They won't vote unless they think he's a yes, so maybe his yes is another feint.
Dickish, but also on-brand for McCain.
What if McCain is saying yes and planning on tanking it again?
They won't vote unless they think he's a yes, so maybe his yes is another feint.
Dickish, but also on-brand for McCain.
I have no doubts McCain would vote for this considering he said he would if the governor was OK.
Murkowski says she is "undecided."
They had 49 votes without McCain last time, expected McCain to be a yes, and had Mike Pence in the building to cast the tiebreaker. They didn't go to a roll call vote expecting the thing to actually fail, they thought they had it. McCain is, in fact, what held them back in July. He is, in fact, the lynch pin.
The set up isn't there. Last time they voted to hold a vote for a bill that didn't even exist at the time, so there was always a chance of flips, since nobody know what was coming. This time an actual bill exists to hold a real vote for.
Didn't he say that last time?
Are they never going to give this shit up? They just HAVE to take healthcare away from millions of people?
Republicans will do anything for corporate tax cuts.
Didn't realize they asked the CBO for a report without coverage losses.
Schumer/Pelosi's letter today makes way more sense now.
Oh my, have you seen this Dan Helmer (VA Dem) for congress ad?
Are they never going to give this shit up? They just HAVE to take healthcare away from millions of people?
Didn't realize they asked the CBO for a report without coverage losses.
Schumer/Pelosi's letter today makes way more sense now.
Didn't realize they asked the CBO for a report without coverage losses.
Schumer/Pelosi's letter today makes way more sense now.
Didn't realize they asked the CBO for a report without coverage losses.
Schumer/Pelosi's letter today makes way more sense now.
What does he gain from doing this though?
Come to think of it, what did he gain from doing it last time? That's been bothering me for months.
Oh my, have you seen this Dan Helmer (VA Dem) for congress ad?
If you tell a group of people that government is bad/evil, they will have no trouble believing this.The ACA is never completely safe as long as there are Republican majorities in Congress.
Cassidy also said a few days ago that everyone should just ignore the uninsured numbers anyway because they'll be wrong and CBO is bad at estimating those figures anyway.
The extent to which Senate Republicans go to discredit CBO would be hilarious if it weren't also mildly threatening. The argument is also somewhat mind boggling. Are the number crunchers at CBO so thoroughly, fundamentally, fucking awful at their job that their uninsured estimates aren't just off by thousands or even a whole million, but by tens of millions of people? How can anyone be expected to buy that?
They will time it in such a way that it probably wont take full effect until 2021.Good luck blaming Obama for the 20% spike in premiums.
Is the goal of the GOP to turn the younger generation into a bunch of socialists?
Its to do whatever they want and challenge voters to punish them for itIs the goal of the GOP to turn the younger generation into a bunch of socialists?
Pretty useful analysis! I would say it's unbelievable what they're trying to do here, but no, Republicans are really just that bad.
WOW. McCain is a colossal hypocrite if he votes for this.
WOW. McCain is a colossal hypocrite if he votes for this.
Pretty useful analysis! I would say it's unbelievable what they're trying to do here, but no, Republicans are really just that bad.
McCain gonna McCain.
Honestly, I'd trust Rand and his theatrical bullshit before trusting McCain here. Remember August? When we briefly didn't have to worry about the Republican party trying to quash our healthcare? That was a good month.
McCain sounds very much like a no on TrumpCare, calls for markups, amendments, debate in scrum. "I'm not supportive of the bill yet."
McCain tells reporters he's not there yet on Cassidy-Graham, wants hearings/markup - which Johnson's cmte can't do, lacking jurisdiction.
The White House is also making a push for the bill, an administration official told CNN. A source told CNN that efforts are already underway although there are no plans to call in President Donald Trump to make a full-fledged lobbying effort just yet. Last week, Graham told reporters that Vice President Mike Pence had spent considerable time reaching out to Republican governors to try to gain their support and buoy the effort.
On Monday morning, commuters in New York City were met with posters blanketing the subway system that showed actual Oscar customers touting the benefits of having insurance coverage.
One poster shows a pregnant woman holding her belly with a bandage on it that says "we're covered."
Oscar Vice President Sara Rowghani says the company is stepping up in part because the government is pulling back.
"Particularly in this year of uncertainty, it's really important for us to be in market early and and reassure the 22 million folks that are insured that it is really important to get covered," she tells Shots.
Things have gotten a little weirdThe company declined to say how much it's spending on the ads, but did say it's a multi-million dollar campaign. It will run in the six states where Oscar does business, and will be on TV, radio and in subways and buses. That includes in New York state, where open enrollment runs from Nov. 1 through Jan. 31, 2018.
But advertising from private insurers won't be able to match the power of the advertising in years past by the federal government, says Lori Lodes, who ran outreach for the Affordable Care Act during the Obama administration as director of Communications for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
"The reality is there's only so much that issuers and advocates and other folks can do from the outside, because the government, historically, has been a very trusted messenger," she says.
Capito said she's undecided.Whose the fifth no, bringing them to 47?
Collins, Murkowski, Paul, McCain, ???
McCain against Graham-Cassidy now. Reiterated his need for regular order: "it's about process,"
He said "regular order" three times when asked about his support. Says he wants months of hearings and debate and options for amendments.
Then: "We have 49 votes!"
Now: "We only have like 47-48 votes"
Two weeks from now: "We only had like 5 votes"
Turning into??turning into fatalistic worrywarts
In millions of dollars, how much each state gains/loses in the Cassidy et al. health care bill:
This has "COMPLETE DISASTER" written all over it.