Guy Legend
The Take Out Bandit said:
It's like a where's waldo pic.
The Take Out Bandit said:
bob_arctor said:They are perfectly sane. And that's the crazy part.
quadriplegicjon said:zogby.. and fox above gallup? that cant be right. :/
saelz8 said:Sexy Meghan McCain.
Only good thing about the McCain campaign.
Danthrax said:Meghan McCain over John's left shoulder.
Hot DAMN I'd nail her.
[edit] Get that frakking DOW tracker outta the way!!
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Both campaigns have declared themselves the winner of last night's presidential debate. Obama's campaign manager called John McCain "angry" and says he was all over the place. But a McCain backer, Senator Lindsey Graham, sees it differently, saying McCain "whipped" Obama last night.
Danthrax said:Meghan McCain over John's left shoulder.
Hot DAMN I'd nail her.
[edit] Get that frakking DOW tracker outta the way!!
EWWW... wait... Now I am forced to realize someone slept with him... thats gross.Days like these... said:She looks sorta tubby but damn that look in her eyes. She can definitely get it.
....................oh WOW. :lolFragamemnon said:South Carolina Senators say the funniest things:
Wow nice use of verbs there hoss. :lol :lol What a dumbass.
necron99 said:EWWW... wait... Now I am forced to realize someone slept with him... thats gross.
Fragamemnon said:McCain used to be a very attractive man, fact.
I think hes talking about the zogby not the zogby interactive, look again the one labeled zogby is higher than galupTim-E said:The higher the number, the worse the poll is. Gallup is better than those.
McCain used to be a very attractive man, fact.
Fragamemnon said:South Carolina Senators say the funniest things:
Wow nice use of verbs there hoss. :lol :lol What a dumbass.
Wray said:For comedy gold you guys should check out the Hannity Forums. Man it's craziness.
If you came up with any thing other that a crushing McCain win you are obviously a liberal and your company is a liberal company that does not care about doing the job they get paid for!!!!1
Days like these... said:She looks sorta tubby but damn that look in her eyes. She can definitely get it.
quadriplegicjon said:zogby.. and fox above gallup? that cant be right. :/
Fragamemnon said:McCain used to be a very attractive man, fact.
Yeah . . . if you need to post a sticky on that, it tells you who you are dealing with. :lolPrice Dalton said:I like how one of the stickies is "No assassination talk." Awesome.
Danthrax said:She's a little bigger but she has such nice curves! And she also has a very pretty face and beautiful hair. And you're right, her eyes... they're smoldering.
But is she hotter than these fine ladies?
NRCC Somehow Gets Credit From Wachovia
In a move that should turn into an attack ad all on its own, the NRCC somehow secured an $8 million loan from Wachovia today (from subscription only Roll Call).
necron99 said:But picture him having sex now.... thats a ugly Ugly thought.
Yeah, that has got to sound really nice in Lindsey Graham's southern drawl. Sheesh.Fragamemnon said:South Carolina Senators say the funniest things:
Senator Lindsey Graham, sees it differently, saying McCain "whipped" Obama last night.
Wow nice use of verbs there hoss. :lol :lol What a dumbass.
Timedog said:From "McGirl1994" after a guy who works for a polling company says expect Obama to be up tomorrow:
It boggles my mind that people that can type, spell, and use a computer still can't understand how reality works.
Fragamemnon said:what what what
So, a bank that was about to get its deposits seized by the FDIC and shuffled to Citi only to be saved at the last minute by Wells Fargo turns around and gives a huge loan to the NRCC. That's garbage.
Danthrax said:I don't believe you. =P
Tim-E said:The higher the number, the worse the poll is. Gallup is better than those.
Doc Holliday said:Just wondering...What's the security like at these rallies? I would like to think we are beyond assassinations, but i can't help but be concerned when the man is speaking in front of large crowds like that. Especially in southern states...
quadriplegicjon said:im looking at zogby, not zogby interactive.
Zogby: +2.16
Fox/Opinion Dinamics: +2.36
Gallup: +2.40
:/ unless im missing something.
Danthrax said:She's a little bigger but she has such nice curves! And she also has a very pretty face and beautiful hair. And you're right, her eyes... they're smoldering.
Danthrax said:She's a little bigger but she has such nice curves! And she also has a very pretty face and beautiful hair. And you're right, her eyes... they're smoldering.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Gross. She's a hobbit, or something. Her arms are longer than her legs.
That would be nice, wouldn't it.quadriplegicjon said:will you guys please stop posting NSFW pictures in this thread.
quadriplegicjon said:will you guys please stop posting NSFW pictures in this thread.
:lolArtG said:
lawblob said:You're lucky, I was just about to embed an HD widescreen lesbian sleepover scene.
As far as Meghan McCain goes, I will just say this. She is by no means gorgeous, but lets be honest, if she threw herself at you at a bar, who in here would honestly not hit that? Country First, people...
ArtG said: