Your answer is right there.Zeliard said:Does anyone know why Troopergate didn't come out until late tonight? It missed most of today's news cycle. :/
Your answer is right there.Zeliard said:Does anyone know why Troopergate didn't come out until late tonight? It missed most of today's news cycle. :/
beermonkey@tehbias said:McCain's audience booing him for calling his opponent a decent person is one of the saddest things I have ever seen in politics.
These despicable people want their red meat. They want their enabler. They care nothing for the truth, they want something to rationalize their hate.
This kind of scum threatens our very society.
If McCain wants to show that he means it, he orders a stop to campaign ads that accuse Obama of being friendly to terrorists.
Anything else is just sending a mixed message, and leaves him culpable for this disgusting, anti-American behavior.
JB1981 said:So this is an email my oldest brother sent to me today. Honestly, I love my brother.... I have three brothers and I'm closest with this one, but this election has driven him off the edge. He is so bought. He is so gone. I almost feel like I don't even know him after reading this. Please don't make personal attacks against my brother.
Ventrue said:You should mention that the Manchurian candidate was a film about a prisoner of war in Asia who ran for President. :lol
I was mostly playing devil's advocate, but I'm not when I say: being drafted into the military is a form of slavery, and while slaves' lives were worse than soldiers' lives, soldiers were forced into a far more dangerous situation than slaves.Charred Greyface said:WTF?! Where did this stuff crop up from (and how did I miss it)? Who really thinks American Slavery and the American Draft were somehow equivalent?
Are you forgetting Conscientious Objector status? Or that if you didn't want to be drafted, all you faced was a jail term?
No slaves' lives were far worse than soldiers' lives. Let's not even go there.
Edit: ahh JayDubya started this. It figures.
Yep.Zefah said:Exactly. People are still buying into the war-time propaganda about the Japanese. To say they wouldn't surrender without the atom bomb is just ridiculous. There was talk about surrender before the atom bomb. If you really look at those months leading up to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki it becomes apparent that the United States really wanted to use the atom bomb on Japan and was deliberately delaying negotiations and talks of surrender with the Japanese in order to allow them enough time to finish development of the bomb.
Ventrue said:You should mention that the Manchurian candidate was a film about a prisoner of war in Asia who ran for President. :lol
worldrunover said:Apparently the firing was within her right but the badgering leading up to the firing was unethical. Doesn't sound like anything will happen to her.
You know... The Manchurian Candidate was about a prisoner of war.
In Asia.
Who ran for President.
*insert McCain.jpg here*
Just sayin...
worldrunover said:Apparently the firing was within her right but the badgering leading up to the firing was unethical. Doesn't sound like anything will happen to her.
This. Just found out. :lol Not like I'm surprised though.pxleyes said:So she did abuse her power? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Jonm1010 said:Thats awesome, never saw that.
Fox318 said:Iraq solder returns home after 14 months: guess how greats him at the door.
thefit said:I think that means that she had the power to fire him but she had to have a good reason. When it comes to government jobs you better have a damn good reason to can someone and not just because you don't like them. Government doesn't like getting taken to court for unlawful termination, doesn't look good on paper.
Ventrue said:You should mention that the Manchurian candidate was a film about a prisoner of war in Asia who ran for President. :lol
Shiggie said:
And the buying up of all the mortgages? It is clear that McCain has become a communist. :lolVentrue said:You should mention that the Manchurian candidate was a film about a prisoner of war in Asia who ran for President. :lol
Got those e-mails, but my wife and I are going down to Virginia this weekend :/Manmademan said:Are any philly-area GAFers going to any of the Obama events tomorrow? there's four (!) and I can't make up my damn mind which one(s) to show up to
Watching the McCain campaign in the last few weeks... man.camineet said:The McCain camp is secretly working to get Obama elected. That's all i can think of at this point :lol
Well, in the original draft of Revenge of the Sith's script, Palpatine was going to reveal that Anakin's "virgin birth" was a result of Palpatine using the Force to unnaturally create life, even with the line, "You could say that... I am your father." They cut it out though.Ventrue said:EDIT: You should also tell him that the Emperor was not Anakin's father.
I don't think he should use film metaphors. :lol
Haunted said:Watching the McCain campaign in the last few weeks... man.
:lolPrice Dalton said:And perhaps get a little head, too.
:lolSirpopopop said:Sarah Palin to TDG: In Wasilla Main Street, TDG, it's about family! You have to support your family! I supported Todd, and my kids, by letting them remove this trooper. You have to understand, when your family is threatened, you do what you have to do to stop the harm. If it involves doing something improper, you have to understand, I'm a maverick, and this is just more proof of my maverickiness.
Don't worry, I'm sure the Obama campaign is Wooten about this news.Amir0x said:if he somehow still manages to come back and win
I find it remarkable that after three straight weeks of Obama pulling ahead, today he has his biggest lead to date by any measure. And this hasn't even reverberated yet. If McCain comes back and wins it will be an unprecedented historic event.Amir0x said:if he somehow still manages to come back and win
Don't get too happy the polls could be wrong. They were for Obama in New Hampshire.GhaleonEB said:I find it remarkable that after three straight weeks of Obama pulling ahead, today he has his biggest lead to date by any measure. And this hasn't even reverberated yet. If McCain comes back and wins it will be an unprecedented historic event.
RubxQub said:Got those e-mails, but my wife and I are going down to Virginia this weekend :/
Talk about shit timing, but I'm guessing he'll be back for sure before the election.
What?mattiewheels said:is the mccain camp going to use this farrakahn stuff? i don't think he's the devil like most middle americans, but he's got to know that giving the neocons ammunition so late in the game isn't the best move, right?
hopefully it'll just be another lost news item in the financial tides.
Um.Fox318 said:Don't get too happy the polls could be wrong. They were for Obama in New Hampshire.
mattiewheels said:is the mccain camp going to use this farrakahn stuff? i don't think he's the devil like most middle americans, but he's got to know that giving the neocons ammunition so late in the game isn't the best move, right?
hopefully it'll just be another lost news item in the financial tides.
I don't see how he could.Amir0x said:if he somehow still manages to come back and win
GhaleonEB said:I find it remarkable that after three straight weeks of Obama pulling ahead, today he has his biggest lead to date by any measure. And this hasn't even reverberated yet. If McCain comes back and wins it will be an unprecedented historic event.
RubxQub said:I take it we've all already fapped over the updated pacman graphs for today?
I just started.
Edit: CD, here: http://my.barackobama.com/page/s/pabophilly4
I'm just saying that you should still treat this like its a close race. Anything could happen. Thats all.GhaleonEB said:What?
That's fine, just 270 are enough.Speevy said:Even if/when Obama wins, he's not going to win by this huge margin these polls are indicating.
America isn't that motivated.
well that's a relief, thanksGruco said:Hi guys, I heard that the internet made up everything bad about Sarah Palin because the internet is also the liberal media and hates her.
I read about this on the internet.
I got an ad when I was on campus yesterday but no one wants to get up early to go with me.Manmademan said:Are any philly-area GAFers going to any of the Obama events tomorrow? there's four (!) and I can't make up my damn mind which one(s) to show up to
A win is a win.Haunted said:That's fine, just 270 are enough.