Yep.castle007 said:what time is it airing? 9 est?
Yep.castle007 said:what time is it airing? 9 est?
castle007 said:what time is it airing? 9 est?
Fatalah said:Haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but 538 creator Nate Silver's on the Colbert Report tonight! This guy is really hitting all the stops! Maybe...maybe just maybe his forecasts are accurate?! TV NO LIE!
sefskillz said:Nashville is heavy Dem, it's the rest of the state that brings us down.![]()
maniac-kun said:
Vennt said:One of the greatest things about Nate's rise was way way way back in the primaries, when he posted regularly on Dkos as Poblano, and one of his critics (a Hillary supporter I believe) said in a comment thread that nobody would take any notice of his figures because it was... get this.. too much "inside baseball"... :lol - This was before it was known about Nates other stats love![]()
YES!maniac-kun said:
JB1981 said:How do Obama-supporters respond to this article about Obama's support of ACORN and democrat pressure groups lobbying for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lower mortgage standards?
Wasn't the McCain campaign trying this whole "you don't know him" routine a couple of months back, found out it wasn't working, and moved on to something else? Why try it again and expect a different outcome?Slurpy said:I like how GOP surrogates and strategists are now all following up any mention of Obama with 'who we know very little about'. These talking points sure do get followed. They weren't saying that a week ago.
Fatalah said:Haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but 538 creator Nate Silver's on the Colbert Report tonight! This guy is really hitting all the stops! Maybe...maybe just maybe his forecasts are accurate?! TV NO LIE!
Hah, looking at that, I think Dick Morris really is as stupid as he appears. He just hasn't moved on from the Clinton campaigns.cjdunn said:Sooo, I was looking at recent history of electoral results.
Conclusion: "Bubba" really was the man:
1992 Clinton 370 - Bush 168
The Chosen One said:538 is just a bunch unproven psuedo election math that usually favors Obama signicantly so liberals flock to it.
I don't get why a lot of people here put tons of stock into it.
The Chosen One said:538 is just a bunch unproven psuedo election math that usually favors Obama signicantly so liberals flock to it.
I don't get why a lot of people here put tons of stock into it.
Ok ...... that persuaded me!StoOgE said:Because this is another BS "lets blame the poor people" line of attack that doesnt hold water.
Oh noes, they registered poor people to vote that wanted to own homes. They are the EVIL.
It's really like they're trying to pretend it's 6 months ago :lolSlurpy said:I like how GOP surrogates and strategists are now all following up any mention of Obama with 'who we know very little about'. These talking points sure do get followed. The shills weren't saying that a week ago.
JB1981 said:Ok ...... that persuaded me!
Killthee said:
GDJustin said:Isn't McCain something like 4 inches shorter than Obama? A GOP supporter trying to get some subtle subconcious cues into his images, or me being paranoid?
Tim-E said:Mittens sporting a really sexy spray-on tan tonight.
GDJustin said:Isn't McCain something like 4 inches shorter than Obama? A GOP supporter trying to get some subtle subconcious cues into his images, or me being paranoid?
GDJustin said:Isn't McCain something like 4 inches shorter than Obama? A GOP supporter trying to get some subtle subconcious cues into his images, or me being paranoid?
Tamanon said:Even more bizarre that he's actually looking at Obama. We know that doesn't happen.
Tamanon said::lol :lol :lol Mitt Romney
Claiming that Obama wants to spend on Universal community college and free healthcare for all.
StoOgE said:Because this is another BS "lets blame the poor people" line of attack that doesnt hold water.
Oh noes, they registered poor people to vote that wanted to own homes. They are the EVIL.
Tamanon said:Even more bizarre that he's actually looking at Obama. We know that doesn't happen.
JB1981 said:How do Obama-supporters respond to this article about Obama's support of ACORN and democrat pressure groups lobbying for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lower mortgage standards?
MassiveAttack said:I was going to say... anyone willing to bet on how many times McCain actually looks at Obama?
Here's my bet: once.
Tamanon said:Sure Norah, you guys suddenly came up with the dial group idea![]()
Fatalah said:Did you hear that? In PA they have had 500,000 new Dems register, and the Republicans -28,000. Yes, negative twenty eight thousand.
lol national review said:A very wise TV executive once told me that the key to TV is projecting through the screen. It's one of the keys to the success of, say, a Bill O'Reilly, who comes through the screen and grabs you by the throat. Palin too projects through the screen like crazy. I'm sure I'm not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, "Hey, I think she just winked at me." And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can't be learned; it's either something you have or you don't, and man, she's got it.
JB1981 said:How do Obama-supporters respond to this article about Obama's support of ACORN and democrat pressure groups lobbying for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lower mortgage standards?