Smitty3000 said:
We study and search for another solution for ten years that might not come around either? I suppose both sides have good points but I'm so sick doing what all these countries want us to pay for oil, I'd much rather prefer we act now rather than later, I feel like McCain has a plan for this oil crisis as soon as he gets in office, Obama might but it could take longer or never come fruition.
I realize this is kinda pointless to respond since he's been banned . . . but it is an area I'm interested in . . . so . . .
The problem with 'drill, baby, drill' is it just creates more dependence and just kicks the can down the road. We'll get a little bit more oil and we'll make ourselves dependent on that oil . . . but that oil will run out and then what?
The reason why we are looking to drill offshore and in ANWR is because we've used up most of the oil easily found in the rest of the country. We've been drilling and using oil for more than 100 years and we are literally starting to run low. That is why we are so dependent on foreign oil. If we drill in the few domestic spots we haven't drilled yet, it isn't going to that much oil for that much longer . . . and when we are done will will then be TOTALLY DEPENDENT on foreign sources of oil.
We are like a junkie trying to find the last bit of stash that we know is hidden around house instead of going and getting treatment. How about we start getting some treatment and use what is left of that stash to slowly break the addiction. It is that or we will be slaves to our dealers.