kkaabboomm said:who heard maverick? was it mentioned?
Cronyism is the new Maverick
smurfx said:
Kyle needs to get a Biden pic to complete the GIF...bonus points for some Pailin in there
kkaabboomm said:who heard maverick? was it mentioned?
smurfx said:
I suppose. I don't know, I just have a little bit of trouble accepting that so many people are willing to lie about who they voted for just to make themselves feel better.Zeliard said:Because you're also trying to convince yourself.
Nonono, you got it wrong. Only 3,000 people's votes counted in those counties.Danthrax said:Then my apologies, as I don't think you're a dumbass. =)
After 2004 though, I don't trust absentee balloting or early voting, and I don't even really trust voting in person on election day either, but it's the best option. It seems like I'm not alone in mistrusting an Ohio election, too.
So if it was so busy in Columbus for early voting, I wonder why supposedly only 3,000 people did it in (I'm guessing here) Franklin, Cuyahoga, Lucas and Hamilton counties?
Frank the Great said:I think it's hilarious how McCain wants to freeze federal spending while initiating a new energy initiative. He was being completely facetious the entire debate...when he wasn't using soundbites that contradicted each other, he would back away from issues and rely on people "trusting" him to "fix them."
What a horrible performance. And people call Obama vague.
kkaabboomm said:and that is why mccain lost. he didnt let people know he was a maverick, and that he wasnt elected miss congeniality in the senate. without letting the american public know this, obviously they have no reason to gravitate towards mccain.
if, IF, if, he had mentioned his maverickness, all wouldve been better
greepoman said:Daily show explained it tonight. Basically Independents are stupid or racist democrats :lol
Now that is the way it is done. :lolRapeApe said:He didn't have the luxury of flag pins for five years.
monchi-kun said:Cronyism is the new Maverick
Freedom = $1.05 said:But only a Maverick would not tell you that he is a Maverick when it matters most.
I think there was one point where he was itching to throw in his Miss Congeniality line and obviously thought better of it.Tobor said:Nobody got mavricky.
Hootie said:Guys I missed the entire "debate". How was it? Who did better?
Drudge has McCain beating Obama 2:1 :/Frank the Great said:What is the consensus on this debate? Any snap shot polls?
drudge? :lolChoklitReign said:Drudge has McCain beating Obama 2:1 :/
What the hell, I voted.
kyle should be Biden.smurfx said:
Trakdown said:
CharlieDigital said:CNN (actual) poll: double digit win for Obama. 20+ points even.
Hootie said:Guys I missed the entire "debate". How was it? Who did better?
Hunh... I read that as McCain beating off Obama... O-oChoklitReign said:Drudge has McCain beating Obama 2:1 :/
What the hell, I voted.
:lol :lolTrakdown said:
fox too... well some of fox.mj1108 said:MSNBC running with "that one".
Son of Godzilla said:Nonono, you got it wrong. Only 3,000 people's votes counted in those counties.
Xabora said:Hunh... I read that as McCain beating off Obama... O-o
gcubed said:has there been a real one yet? And what is "that one" gate ?
giga said:drudge? :lol
ZealousD said:That's right ladies and gentlemen. Not only did Phil Gramm push the deregulation of the banking industry by repealing the Glass-Steagal Act, which helped cause our current housing and banking crisis, not only did Phill Gramm lobby on behalf of Swiss bank UBS, but he was also actively involved in letting speculators run amok and he let them jack the price of oil up to record prices. And not only did that affect gas prices, but the commodities market includes FOOD as well.
And John McCain made this man his Chief Economic Advisor.
CharlieDigital said:That IS a real, non-Internet poll :lol
Stunning, I know :lol
ronito said:I personally think the debate was a trainwreck.
Sure the candidates got to hammer away at their talking points, but the whole thing seemed schizo jumping from one to another, then there was both of the candidates largely not being able to address concerns brought up by their opponent when their opponent was last. I felt it was largely unfair for both.
That being said I do think Mccain did a good job of revitalizing his base. But that's been his whole problem. He can't move beyond it. He seems to think that his base is the american at large, which just isn't the case. Obama did alright. But no big hits outside of the bomb Iran part.
I don't think Brokaw did a very good job reigning in both candidates. Both Obama and Mccain got away with not answering the question posed and Brokaw largely didn't call them on it.
That is a bit of an exaggeration . . . but he did participate in one and wrote about it.Gruco said:whatDon't forget that Jindal believes he's an exorcist who fought off an evil demon!
The words should be spaced out. I was trying to figure out what it said at first.Trakdown said:
I dunno if "I'll have everyone renegotiate their mortgages for current market value" is gonna help with the base.ronito said:That being said I do think Mccain did a good job of revitalizing his base.
No if you look at my topic creation history;Danthrax said:You're becoming a GAFfer more and more, Junior. Embrace the ever-present gay subtext.
mj1108 said::lol :lol
EDIT: Just saw that McCain and Failin will be on Hannity and Colmes tomorrow for an interview. It should be as hard hitting as a 3am infomercial (line paraphrased from a past Palin interview that Olbermann talked about)
ZealousD said:That's right ladies and gentlemen. Not only did Phil Gramm push the deregulation of the banking industry by repealing the Glass-Steagal Act, which helped cause our current housing and banking crisis, not only did Phill Gramm lobby on behalf of Swiss bank UBS, but he was also actively involved in letting speculators run amok and he let them jack the price of oil up to record prices. And not only did that affect gas prices, but the commodities market includes FOOD as well.
And John McCain made this man his Chief Economic Advisor.
WHAT?? pass on a debate? but...but....but....then what will happen?Kipe said:There was nothing new, except McCain's plan to buy all mortgages, compared to the first debate. I'm going pass on the next debate and read a recap.
Really? Pretty surreal that CNN's focus group had McCain winning.Zeliard said:Drudge, and Fox News' text poll.
Don't think anything else tonight had McCain winning. Even the Fox News focus group gave it to Obama. :lol
Kipe said:There was nothing new, except McCain's plan to buy all mortgages, compared to the first debate. I'm going pass on the next debate and read a recap.
WHOAguitarninja said:I'd love to see a video of this Hannity ownage whenever it goes up.
I swear it's like everyone at GAF watches all the news channels at the same time.
typhonsentra said:Really? Pretty surreal that CNN's focus group had McCain winning.
Xabora said:No if you look at my topic creation history;
You will see that Evilore took away my topic creation ability.
Crisis isn't your budday, friend!Hellsing321 said:Well he's not your guy, budday!
typhonsentra said:Really? Pretty surreal that CNN's focus group had McCain winning.