Congratulations to the Obama supporters.
Interesting election all the way around, and most certainly historic. Even though I didn't support him, my prayers are with him. This is a tough time in this country and we desperately need a great president. Hopefully Obama can be that person. I also hope this is the beginning of real racial healing in this country.
It's time for the republican party to go back to the drawing board and figure out a message that's more relevant to todays concerns. Until they do, the will be further marginalised and become more and more regional. In the end, the economic collapse absolutely doomed McCain, but it wasn't just the event itself, but the way McCain handled it that really did him in. While McCain was running around like a chicken with his head cut off, Obama sat back and acted like a president. The American people are quick study's when it comes to that kind of behavioral stuff and after that, McCain's fate was sealed.