A comment on abcnews.com:
Comment said:Obama is not the president. He is an evil man and he will bring America down. This election was never about the economy or the health care, it was about our spiritual future as a nation. When President Bush leaves office, people will realize just how good they had it. He was not perfect, but he was a man of God. Every single person who voted for obama should be forever sorry. It is on the democrats heads now; no more blaming the Republicans. He is a muslim, he is here illegally, he has supported people who killed Christians, and he is nothing but talk. He is a deciever who will bring nothing but termoil on this nation. He will allow terrorism and he will be nothing but trouble. I sure hope that we Christians come together and remain God's people. He is our only hope and our strength!!! May God have mercy on us and help us!!!!!! GOD IS LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
krbbup 12:52 AM