Diablos said:Yeahhh I dunno. I hate to say it, but a good chunk of voters in all age brackets are blindly voting, so I don't think young voters are any different in that regard.
Also, in my previous post about this, I meant to say why oh why can't my generation and the one after it get off their butts and vote.
18-29 year olds had a turn-out rate of 48% in 2004, and comprised 17% of the electorate. This year, when the national turn-out rate was much higher, they composed a HIGHER percentage of the electorate, which suggests a much higher turn-out rate, probably in the neighborhood of 60%, which is a pretty historic increase. With young voters supporting Obama 70/30, they can be credited for delivering him EVERY close state he won.
MSNBC said:On Tuesday night in Indiana, Obama was losing to McCain in every important demographic except young voters. In many states, the only significant electorate that Obama is winning is young people.