That about sums up this election.... yes.subrock said:so if I can paraphrase-- lol?
That about sums up this election.... yes.subrock said:so if I can paraphrase-- lol?
Agreed, even though I think he is ballsing it up a bit just for a little bit of attention...Red Blaster said:This aint no game reviewer hating on Zelda, this clown is a vile sleazebag who needs a boot up his ass.
So that was the brown. I see.besada said:Wat?
:lolsubrock said:probably posted but.... if the other party wins
uh-uh-uh, let us never forget: THE MATHGDJustin said:Say what you will about Rove, but he's not a spinster. He's a realist. So saying "Even Rove?!?" doesn't really make sense.
ROVE: I'm looking at all of these Robert and adding them up. I add up to a Republican Senate and Republican House. You may end up with a different math but you are entitled to your math and I'm entitled to THE math.
SIEGEL: I don't know if we're entitled to a different math but your...
ROVE: I said THE math.
VictimOfGrief said:I will go ahead and say what the pink elephant in the room is...
If McCain wins tomorrow or this week or this year..... People will claim that the election (much like the 2000/2004) election was "stolen" from the people.
There will be lawsuits for voter fraud, lawsuits vs. the RNC, lawsuits against McCain and Palin---- the whole 9 yards.
There will be the undertone that the election was not fair, voting tallies were not accurate and that somehow..... we the American people were cheated.
If Obama wins by an all out mudslide without any question, then the Republicans will cry foul but alas, the people have spoken.
Either way..... You get what you vote for in 2008.
He said on Mike & Mike a couple weeks ago that the first thing he would do as President would be to mandate a playoff system. He was joking obviously but it was still awesome to hear him say it.Tamanon said:Biggest news out of the Obama MNF interview. He supports a college football playoff! <3
With ten days to go until the election, its possibletheft via the White House invading Syria just in time to jigger voter focustowards the national security issue that favors McCain should not be takenlightly. For the conservatives' success with this October surprise or otherskullduggery to steal the election would leave Sarah Palin a heartbeat awayfrom having her finger on the button that launches our nuclear missiles.This is to put the media on notice that not repudiating the likes of thissmiling hatemonger will not be tolerated, even if I have to send thismessage out to every last person in America myself. She has been just what herboss, John McCain, needed, her practiced-in-the-mirror smile the perfectaccessory for this inanely dumb broad who would distract us from all theimportant issues of the election and from the conservatives' efforts to stealthe election by race baiting and any other means they feel necessary. Theywill stop at nothing.
Palin is a Caribou Barbie robo-doll with thebrain function removed. The thought of her with her finger on the buttonabout to launch a nuclear attack to satisfy the divine will of God should bedisturbing enough to make us work that much more furiously to get out the votefor Obama on Election Day and to protect against every form of deceptive ballotdisqualification the conservatives will employ. A stolen election forMcCain-Palin is not that farfetched. Nor is the prospect of McCain dying, giventhat melanoma is such a powerfully recurring and deadly cancer. Nor is nuclearArmageddon at the hands of an evangelical Palin to who m God whispers directionand commands.
We can nip this not so farfetched scenario in the bud bymaking sure that the Republican power coming ultimately from Crawford, Texas,does not turn our nation into Kenya and Zimbabwe on Election Day. If we fail toprevent a Republican election theft, we may not have to wait for a PresidentPalin to press the button, for John McCain is no less fruity in thehead when it comes to making war, as is made clear by his gleeful supportof the unnecessary Iraq War despite its murdering and crippling of 30,000American kids and a million Iraqis, many of them women and children. McCainwould have little to lose at his age by pressing the button, especially whencompared to his desire for revenge on the Russians who sponsored theVietnam War that he was a prisoner of war in. Let's get out the vote for Obamaand do everything needed to protect the ballots on Election Day.
Mrs. Ruth Calabria
More to readabout how they will try to steal the election on
Um... no shit? Obama has an enormous lead in every poll. All indications are that he'll win by over 100 electoral votes.VictimOfGrief said:I will go ahead and say what the pink elephant in the room is...
If McCain wins tomorrow or this week or this year..... People will claim that the election (much like the 2000/2004) election was "stolen" from the people.
Cyan said:Um... no shit? Obama has an enormous lead in every poll. All indications are that he'll win by over 100 electoral votes.
I can't see any way McCain wins short of some kind of chicanery.
OpinionatedCyborg said:Lou Dobbs is trash. He has 1 hour of live time on CNN each day, and his show is broadcast at least once every day. That's 2 hours out of 24 that he has to investigate Obama and not give him a free pass. Instead of revealing anything of substance, he spends 10 - 15 minutes bitching about how unfair the media is, and how the candidates have been derelict in their duty to make illegal immigration an issue. He contributes absolutely nothing, and you can just tell he has horrid breath.
besada said:Wat?
Cyan said:Um... no shit? Obama has an enormous lead in every poll. All indications are that he'll win by over 100 electoral votes.
I can't see any way McCain wins short of some kind of chicanery.
Zeliard said:Rove is insane, he's not stupid.
Norah is not only ten-fold more intelligent than Palin, but hotter, too. She's a real woman, not that exaggerated caricature named Palin.ZeroTolerance said:Gosh, Nora on MSNBC is so freaking hot. Now thats a real MILF.
Shiggie said:So Palin is cleared of Trooper-Gate now?
CNN just reporting.
omg rite said:I actually just read someone say on another forum that Obama's grandmother dying today is the Democrat equivalent of "finding Osama Bin Laden".
Rapscallion? I'm hurt. I prefer to think of myself as a miscreant.Tamanon said:You purloined my word, you rapscallion!
sangreal said:Cleared by the investigation she had her cronies in the Personnel board start
It was always a non-issue with her as a VP choice anyways.Shard said:Does anybody even care about Trooper(ugh)Gate anymore?
Marvie_3 said:Palin cleared in Troopergate probe(according to CNN)
I think he lives on a texas ranch with his wife and inlaws who despise him though.lawblob said:More likely that she has driving BMW around Beverly Hills with $2,000 Prada bag in passenger seat syndrome.
johnsmith said:Rove is evil, but not insane or stupid.
Yeah I know....can't say I'm surprised this one cleared her. Leave it to Lou Dobbs to try and make it into a headline.StoOgE said:Yes, but this is the investigation that she authorized, not the one done by the state legislature. More or less people that she can fire said she didn't do anything wrong.
The actual real investigation said she broke the law. She is smart though, create mass confusion by having another investigation "clear" her of any wrong doing after the first report comes out.
Rove is the kind of person that results from a gay father that suppressed his gayness and a mother that committed suicide.johnsmith said:Rove is evil, but not insane or stupid.
n1n9tean said:Hey guys....
Funniest thing: It just kicked in at around 4:22PM Pacific time; the realization that tomorrow Obama will be elected President of the United States.
If feels unreal.
All the way up until this point I GOT the excitement and I GOT that this is a big deal. But, I still felt just "normal" about it all. It's hard to explain.
But, NOW I literally feel that I am a part of history here. It's one of the greatest feelings!!!!![]()
Just wanted to post that. :lol
It's like New Years and Independence Day all rolled into one (times a hundred)!!!
subrock said:probably posted but.... if the other party wins
speculawyer said:Rove is the kind of person that results from a gay father that suppressed his gayness and a mother that committed suicide.
I'm not joking. The guy is a Freudian nightmare.
ChrisGoldstein said:Mudslide LMAO
Damn, a Friday's mudslide sounds good for celebrating tomorrow night Deo Volente
except it kinda diminishes her promise of reform, being the shining beacon out of the very corrupt state of Alaska. It really dampens her credentials, that and hiring her close friends for high paying government positions that they otherwise wouldn't have gotten.VictimOfGrief said:It was always a non-issue with her as a VP choice anyways.
Their 3D Graphics are turrible.Marvie_3 said:This new Chuck Todd setup is sweet. Way better than that touch screen thing that CNN has.