TiVo said:
Hate to be a worry-wort but if and when Obama wins they need to lock him away until the inauguration. Or at least have security as tight as if it were Bush walking the streets of Baghdad. God forbid something happens I will hate the idiots in charge of security more than the person who would commit the crime because they should know better.
Picture the most racist person(s) in the world just stewing about the fact that a black man(n-word to them) will be the most powerful man in the country if not the world.
Now think about all the crazy thoughts in their head: Fame, martyrdom, etc. Imagine that same fool saying in his head over and over "George Washington, John Adam, George Bush & now Barack Hussein Obama".
Also think about Martin & Malcolm(government may not have killed them themselves but they allowed it to happen). These bros never even came close to being President but they were a threat because of the power they held and they were brought down.
Also there are a lot of folk voting against Obama because he is black but only for this reason do I can't comprehend why Obama does not have 99% of the minority vote.
You should not vote for the dude because he is a minority but let's be real here.
Hey Indian/Asian/Latino dude/dudette don't you if Obama gets elected that seriously increases the chance that an Aisan/Latino/Indian American can be President next? It just opens the doors for all minorities including women.
I don't purport to know what will happen, but I agree with your general sentiment.
the GOP is scared shitless right now. They sense a tide turning, and, as has been discussed and speculated upon before, they
should take it as motivation to retool and reformat the party. Get it aligned with the electorate. I suspect they'll double down on the wingnut faction for now, though.
I think they'll react with fear (see: McCain-Palin rallies) and hate (see: McCain-Palin rallies) and I dunno... I worry the most obvious path to relevance is to crush what has made them irrelevant - Obama. This is obviously the worst case scenario; I assume he'll win handily tomorrow and prove to be a great president. That nagging thought remains, though. I've talked to too many relatives who can still remember where they were the days JFK and Bobby and Martin were killed. And if the unthinkable occurs, will the Obama movement prove to be a single-headed beast? Or will cutting off the one, most prominent head only lead to more sprouting up?
I haven't slept in like two days - I don't expect to get much in the next two either. What little sleep I do get is marred by crazy dreams. I feel like soo much is riding on this election - both personally and historically. Will a loss kill hope forever?
Seriously, though: how would an Obama loss affect you guys personally? Would you ever vote again? It's all speculation at this point, but it seems we're setting ourselves up for a monumental shift - however the votes fall tomorrow.
I think I understand why Maddow needs to be talked down so much. (goes back to reading fivethirtyeight state posts and feeling better about things)