Nicodimas said:
Talk to some vets in the clinton era's really interesting to hear some -stories-.
Stories . . . fiction.
Look . . . the DoD got hundreds of billions. If there was any shortage of bullets it is because some jackass forgot the order them or some guy decided to intentionally not order them in order to create a story like that know that people like you would eat it up. Do you really think we could afford B-2 bombers but not bullets? WTF? How stupid can you be to believe that?
Did the DoD have cuts? Yes! The cold war was ending, they should have been cut. To some degree, the military is nothing but massive welfare program because we really don't need to be spending more than every other nation other planet combined.
And selling nuclear secrets to China? Sure . . . as if that happened, we wouldn't have seen that on his impeachment trial.
Try to think before believing such shit.