It's past midnight. I'm going home, gonna eat a bit, jerk off a bit, go to sleep, wake up around noon (I'm doing my socialist duty of skipping class tomorrow wooohooo, nothing's due anyway), clean myself off, then head out and vote
Who are you voting for again? I don't think I have seen you clearly communicate it and the last time I saw you post regularly was just as the primaries ended.
It's past midnight. I'm going home, gonna eat a bit, jerk off a bit, go to sleep, wake up around noon (I'm doing my socialist duty of skipping class tomorrow wooohooo, nothing's due anyway), clean myself off, then head out and vote
The last 17 times the Redskins have played at home the night before an election, if they won the incumbent president would remain elected and if they lost the other guy would win. By that logic since the Redskins got creamed at home tonight Obama should win tomorrow.
DIXVILLE NOTCH, N.H. (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama came up a big winner in the presidential race in Dixville Notch, N.H., where the nation's first Election Day votes were cast and counted early Tuesday.
Obama defeated John McCain 15-6. Independent Ralph Nader was also on the ballot, but received no votes.
The first voter, following tradition established in 1948, was picked ahead of the midnight voting and the rest of the town's 19 registered voters followed suit in Tuesday's first minutes.
Town Clerk Rick Erwin says the northern New Hampshire town is proud of its tradition, but says the most important thing is that the turnout represents 100 percent vote.
President Bush won the vote in Dixville Notch in 2004 on the way to his re-election.
So 100% of the 21 registered voted showed up. The town's population is 75. Why the hell aren't the rest of them registered (again, assuming they can't ALL be registered because some are probably under 18).
Who are you voting for again? I don't think I have seen you clearly communicate it and the last time I saw you post regularly was just as the primaries ended.
I'm voting for John McCain because he's the American president America needs right now. Obama is nice, well read, he speaks well but he hasn't been 100% honest about his ties to various shady organizations and characters. Selecting a president is like hiring someone, and I don't think Obama's resume is impressive, nor do I think he is the type of person I'd want to be representing me. Would you hire someone who has ties to domestic terrorists and is sympathetic with radical groups like ACORN?
John McCain is right on all the major issues. If we leave Iraq, Iran will fill the void we left causing major problems for our security, and more importantly Israel's. He actually fought in a war, he knows how to win. On the economy McCain may be similar to Bush, but we must remember that the democrats have been muddling things for the last two years. And even before they gained control there was 911, which severely injured our economy. With those two things in mind I think Bush should be praised for steadying the ship. It's been tough but we haven't tipped over. Who better to hand over the steer to than a former Navy man?
I can't believe how sexist the coverage has been concerning Sarah Palin. She's far more qualified to be president than Obama, who spent most of his senate time running for president. She has executive experience, her state plays a major role in the energy issue, and she'd bring a beautiful American family to the White House.
Well I'm glad to know someone liked the arty thing I did. Even if it wasn't for what I was going for. Spazzing Topher is for today only, as I'm sure to make a bigger ass out of myself than usual.
I really wonder if the race is called early (or made pretty obvious) by NC, FL, OH, VA, etc going Obama that less Republicans turn out in CA and that costs Prop 8 votes...
Well I'm glad to know someone liked the arty thing I did. Even if it wasn't for what I was going for. Spazzing Topher is for today only, as I'm sure to make a bigger ass out of myself than usual.
Hopefully, although several articles, including this New York Times one, have written about the high black turnout potentially being bad for same-sex marriage.
I'm voting for John McCain because he's the American president America needs right now. Obama is nice, well read, he speaks well but he hasn't been 100% honest about his ties to various shady organizations and characters. Selecting a president is like hiring someone, and I don't think Obama's resume is impressive, nor do I think he is the type of person I'd want to be representing me. Would you hire someone who has ties to domestic terrorists and is sympathetic with radical groups like ACORN?
John McCain is right on all the major issues. If we leave Iraq, Iran will fill the void we left causing major problems for our security, and more importantly Israel's. He actually fought in a war, he knows how to win. On the economy McCain may be similar to Bush, but we must remember that the democrats have been muddling things for the last two years. And even before they gained control there was 911, which severely injured our economy. With those two things in mind I think Bush should be praised for steadying the ship. It's been tough but we haven't tipped over. Who better to hand over the steer to than a former Navy man?
I can't believe how sexist the coverage has been concerning Sarah Palin. She's far more qualified to be president than Obama, who spent most of his senate time running for president. She has executive experience, her state plays a major role in the energy issue, and she'd bring a beautiful American family to the White House.
I really wonder if the race is called early (or made pretty obvious) by NC, FL, OH, VA, etc going Obama that less Republicans turn out in CA and that costs Prop 8 votes...
I'm voting for John McCain because he's the American president America needs right now. Obama is nice, well read, he speaks well but he hasn't been 100% honest about his ties to various shady organizations and characters. Selecting a president is like hiring someone, and I don't think Obama's resume is impressive, nor do I think he is the type of person I'd want to be representing me. Would you hire someone who has ties to domestic terrorists and is sympathetic with radical groups like ACORN?
John McCain is right on all the major issues. If we leave Iraq, Iran will fill the void we left causing major problems for our security, and more importantly Israel's. He actually fought in a war, he knows how to win. On the economy McCain may be similar to Bush, but we must remember that the democrats have been muddling things for the last two years. And even before they gained control there was 911, which severely injured our economy. With those two things in mind I think Bush should be praised for steadying the ship. It's been tough but we haven't tipped over. Who better to hand over the steer to than a former Navy man?
I can't believe how sexist the coverage has been concerning Sarah Palin. She's far more qualified to be president than Obama, who spent most of his senate time running for president. She has executive experience, her state plays a major role in the energy issue, and she'd bring a beautiful American family to the White House.
This is my favorite cuz people use it seriously on occasion. It's fun to remind them not only did we not win that particular war but the guy totally got captured.
Well I'm glad to know someone liked the arty thing I did. Even if it wasn't for what I was going for. Spazzing Topher is for today only, as I'm sure to make a bigger ass out of myself than usual.
I want to vote for it, but in general I'm against paying for things through bonds when possible. I just checked to get a sense of scale and in fy 2008 Ohio will have 27 Billion in revenue, I think the bond issue is for half a billion, so it doesn't sound insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
Chances are I will vote for it, I just get worried with all of the debt in this country.
Hopefully, although several articles, including this New York Times one, have written about the high black turnout potentially being bad for same-sex marriage.
I really wonder if the race is called early (or made pretty obvious) by NC, FL, OH, VA, etc going Obama that less Republicans turn out in CA and that costs Prop 8 votes...
Honestly I think at the end of the day, no matter how hard I try, my sword can never compare to Link's. That's prob why it wouldn't be epic, but I was still hoping his sword would get me laid.
I tend to think that Ganon's theme, 2nd battle, end of game, is probably the best song in there for that sort of thing. Maybe Gerudo if you are really versatile with your body.
I know you're joking around, but I feel the need to point out that McCain did not fight in a war, he crashed planes in a war. Empirical evidence shows that McCain frankly sucks at fighting wars.
Also, the Census Web site says that of Dixville Notch's 75 residents, 68 of them are 18 years old or older. So about 47 of them are unpatriotic, clearly.
Hopefully, although several articles, including this New York Times one, have written about the high black turnout potentially being bad for same-sex marriage.
hispanics and blacks are more likely to vote yes on prop 8 for religious reasons. obama might cruise to an easy win in cali but who knows how prop 8 will go.
so at what times should we first start having results from some states? please specify timezone. or if there's a link with it all, that'd be great, too