Thanks.Cheebs said:
GoutPatrol said:Rudy on Morning Joe saying that most political realignments only lasting 2 years :lol :lol
Ocean? We're not much better in Monmouth. :/+2 Obama in New Jersey!
No line at all...and I live in the most Republican county in the state (REPs outnumber DEMs by a lot) so that is a GOOD thing.
Fox318 said:he couldn't vote by absentee?
Deus Ex Machina said:TODAY'S FRONT PAGES (Europe)
I wish I could waitCalcaneus said:+1 Obama
Just got back, lines weren't nearly as long as I expected. Once it started, it took about 45 minutes for me to get to a machine. Sweet.
Now I guess the hard part really starts, waiting.
Deus Ex Machina said:TODAY'S FRONT PAGES (Europe)
'Does America chose a black president?'Deus Ex Machina said:TODAY'S FRONT PAGES (Europe)
'The election that changes America'
Deus Ex Machina said:TODAY'S FRONT PAGES (Europe)
Well, I still have to haul myself to class today, but after that I'm pretty much plan to be near a computer or TV by 7 to watch shit unfold.iby.h said:I wish I could wait, I have to go to work, will be back a 5 though, so the data wont be in just yet.
camineet said:Okay looks like I am about to get out there again! Just got calls from a few people asking for rides to the polls. Earlier than I had been expecting, but, it's no problem, especially with gas being relatively 'cheap' these days. So wish me luck.
Cheebs said::lol :lol :lol
I am watching the live feed from CBS of Obama's polling location cause he is expected to show up any minute now. WILLIAM AYERS JUST SHOWED UP. The reporters started freaking out and shouting questions at him.
This is why.Cheebs said:Good job on voting Hagan but McCain? How in the world can someone want both Hagan and McCain? They are complete opposites of one another
derder said:
typhonsentra said:So North Carolina turnout might be low today? Woot!
I'm going to take my mom to the polls in a few minutes here in Pasco County, Florida. I'll report what I see but it looks like this area is pretty conservative with some very rabid Palin cultists, signs everywhere along the street and sign wavers everywhere promoting their campaign the past few days.
McCain's outrageous attacks about "palling around with terrorists" were just as bad though. If negative attacks determine your vote like with Hagan I can't see how you'd vote McCain when he has run some of the dirtiest attack ads in a presidential election in quite a while. Dirtier than Bush in 2000 and 2004 that's for sure.derder said:
The Chosen One said:David Gregory is the oldest 38 year-old I've ever seen.
Jason's Ultimatum said:He's 38!? Holy shit! I would've guessed 47. :lol
There are reports of problems with electronic voting machines in New Jersey, with paper ballots having to be used instead (see below). In Virginia, a line of electors had to wait longer than usual because the head of a branch library - doubling up as a polling station - had overslept.
Democrats will be highly favored in exit polling. Kerry won exit polling by a sizable margin in all the swing states. And in the primaries Obama often won exit polling in states he lost like NH, Mass., Texas, Ohio....etcNewLib said:I just like to remind people. Dont freak out about exit polls. Early voting swung very heavy Democrat, so voting on election day will naturally be more Republican than it otherwise would have been.
POLITICAL SUGAR DADDYImm0rt4l said:+1 for obama
+1 for franken
A post in this thread, guy said he didn't have to wait in line.artredis1980 said:link?
Imm0rt4l said:+1 for obama
+1 for franken