Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

DENVER (CNN) There actually appear to be a couple of lines leading in different directiions to Invesco field. The line we walked has to be a couple miles long up to the point we are now. Some police officers told us it is six miles long, but it snakes and undulates, making it quite difficult to judge.
It moves rapidly across the Auraria Blvd overpass then slows down once you get to the other side, just a continuous stream of people walking across a bridge on the boulevard near here. From the way they are dressed really a collection of every type of person, from working class people in blue collar uniforms to men in suits and women in high heels.
Its warm out, and people who aren't in the greatest shape are naturally huffing and puffing a bit. I taked to one guy who said this is a little like getting to the Super Bowl which seems about right. Thats another national special security event, like the convention.
The line was 6 miles long!!!! WOW!!!