Wait, what did the AP do?
JayDubya said:"Animal rights." BWAHAHAHA. Just the two words juxtaposed... hilarious.
Ted Kennedy voted against the Iraq resolution.UltimaKilo said:Yes but then again, so was everyone else!![]()
omg rite said:You're trying too hard to sound like a shitty human being.
In all fairness, I have to imagine the hurricane could have something to do with itKarma Kramer said:lol if the Republicans delay their convention... thats like the biggest compliment one could give to Obama's performance tonight.
And also a dick move to all the people who traveled to St. Paul for their convention.Karma Kramer said:lol if the Republicans delay their convention... thats like the biggest compliment one could give to Obama's performance tonight.
RubxQub said:In all fairness, I have to imagine the hurricane could have something to do with it![]()
And the Democrats would say its a dick move and total elitist bullshit that the republicans would have their Convention during a Natural Disaster.BrokenFiction said:And also a dick move to all the people who traveled to St. Paul for their convention.
RubxQub said:In all fairness, I have to imagine the hurricane could have something to do with it![]()
minus_273 said:"John McCain likes to say that hell follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he wont even go to the cave where he lives."
Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.
Slurpy said:Yeah, just like how invading Iraq posed no consequences. I'm all for debate, but so far none of your posts seem to have any intellectual merit at all.
minus_273 said:Under clinton, how many troops were in saudi arabia because they had to protect it from being invaded again? thousands. how angry did it make people?
you might not be able to answer this because unlike me you probably never spent time in a an asian country with a large, vocal muslim population. it made them very angry, take my word for it.
how many are there now? Zero. say what you will about the justification for the war but US troops will be out of iraq in the next 2-3 years regardless of who is president. bush ended the permanent presence of us troops in the country that hosts mecca and medina and the only way he could do that was by removing the reason they were left there for a decade in the first place.
what was one of the motivating factors for 9/11 and other radicals? us troops in SA.
what about sanctions and air raids on iraq under clinton? did those images motivate radicals?
if you want to prevent another 9/11 do you do it by removing just al-qeda or understanding it and removing the reasons that cause people to join it.
minus_273 said:if you want to prevent another 9/11 do you do it by removing just al-qeda or understanding it and removing the reasons that cause people to join it.
laserbeam said:And the Democrats would say its a dick move and total elitist bullshit that the republicans would have their Convention during a Natural Disaster.
Hitokage said:omg rite: No, he's just a militant idealist who doesn't understand why people burden themselves with concepts like "compromise", "moral ambiguity", or even "practicality". He's also the only person who knows the correct way to read the constitution, a document drafted by unanimous consent.
Hitokage said:omg rite: No, he's just a militant idealist who doesn't understand why people burden themselves with concepts like "compromise", "moral ambiguity", or even "practicality". He's also the only person who knows the correct way to read the constitution, a document drafted by unanimous consent.
omg rite said:Well that answers all current and probably future questions.
omg rite said:At least, I hope no one is as dumb as to think living, breathing, thinking, intelligent creatures don't have rights.
C WUT I DID THARJayDubya said:Wrong thread for this, but no, humans have rights, which include the right to property. Slaves are property.
When you want a slave, you go and buy it, you get it's paperwork, it's your slave. Or you get one from someone just giving them away, and again, your slave, your responsibility, your property. And if you go to a doctor and give him money, he'll kill it for you.
Gary Whitta said:Wow Buchanan is really digging Obama, this is quite the novelty.
Clearly, the speech was terrible then. Great argument.minus_273 said:we have an expression, If a mad man calls you crazy is that good?
polyh3dron said:C WUT I DID THAR
If that's all you took from that analogy then I weep for your soul.JayDubya said:Like I told Triumph, you're comparing Africans to dogs, and you're saying it says something bad about me? Nice.
Wait, you think it's less hostile on the gaming side? :lolGhaleonQ said:Cool. Thanks for not being openly hostile.
Did I really need to add more deference to that post? *groan* This is going to be intolerable. Back to Gaming Discussion.
Stoney Mason said:So I'm confused. Is pre-emptive war good or bad based on this post because you seem to be arguing it both ways and claim Mccain is on both sides of the issue for all good credit.
polyh3dron said:My point is that both statements are equally as ridiculous.
polyh3dron said:If that's all you took from that analogy then I weep for your soul.
Karma Kramer said:Did anyone see McCain's "congrats ad" at any point tonight?
adamsappel said:Wait, you think it's less hostile on the gaming side? :lol
Tamanon said:It apparently only played in swing states.
Yes a lot of the news networks ran it. Not sure what the point of it was, other than to appear gracious given the inevitability of Obama's awesomesauce. Nothing else that could be done.Karma Kramer said:Did anyone see McCain's "congrats ad" at any point tonight?
No you shit. You're saying that since a person has a pet, that gives said person the right to be as cruel to that pet as they want and do whatever they please with said pet.JayDubya said:My statement was fact: in every way we consider pets to be property.
I would say prosperity cannot come from the bottom up. There has to be people who bring the Bottom up. The Poor cannot open companies etc and hire people and create growth and new jobs. Obviously the system doesnt work well for the top pulling the bottom up.TheGrayGhost said:One thing that people aren't analyzing about his speech was how he really laid bare why he thinks the fundamentals of the Republican platform are wrong, how thinking that prosperity comes from the top-down and that you're generally left alone, and how that platform has failed. He's calling on Republicans to own up to their failures.
It was a really transcendent speech, went beyond his own circumstances.
Tamanon said:It apparently only played in swing states.
polyh3dron said:No you shit. You're saying that since a person has a pet, that gives said person the right to be as cruel to that pet as they want and do whatever they please with said pet.
TheGrayGhost said:One thing that people aren't analyzing about his speech was how he really laid bare why he thinks the fundamentals of the Republican platform are wrong, how thinking that prosperity comes from the top-down and that you're generally left alone, and how that platform has failed. He's calling on Republicans to own up to their failures.
It was a really transcendent speech, went beyond his own circumstances.
polyh3dron said:No you shit. You're saying that since a person has a pet, that gives said person the right to be as cruel to that pet as they want and do whatever they please with said pet.
TheGrayGhost said:One thing that people aren't analyzing about his speech was how he really laid bare why he thinks the fundamentals of the Republican platform are wrong, how thinking that prosperity comes from the top-down and that you're generally left alone, and how that platform has failed. He's calling on Republicans to own up to their failures.
It was a really transcendent speech, went beyond his own circumstances.