Watching ice form =? executive experience
That's kinda the point. No one really knows anything about her, and this brings two benefits:Tamanon said:That's not a good sign.:lol
But nobody listens to you.BenjaminBirdie said:I did like a billion times.
Pics of her ice-fishing, please. Gettin' kinda sweaty there in the bobhouse, baby???? TOTALLY VP MATERIAL!eznark said:Palin hunts and ice fishes.
McCain just won Wisconsin
slidewinder said:Pics of her ice-fishing, please. Gettin' kinda sweaty there in the bobhouse, baby???? TOTALLY VP MATERIAL!
KingGondo said:I don't think the Clintons will ever be excited about campaigning for Obama. You think they give a shit about Palin? If people look beyond the female thing (and many here obviously aren't), she is the perfect ideological fit for McCain.
BenjaminBirdie said:I did like a billion times.
UPDATE: OK, it's later. I'm worried about Palin. I'm afraid she may be the Geraldine Ferraro of 2008. If she really is the nominee, will it come across as a desperation move, a Hail Mary, as Mondale's choice of Ferraro did in 1984? I'm afraid so. Her experience just doesn't justify a place on the ticket. If McCain really wanted to go radical, Bobby Jindal was the far sounder choice--but maybe Jindal turned him down, on the theory that he needs to do his job as Governor of Louisiana before trying to go national.
On the bright side, Mitt Romney reportedly is in Dayton too, so maybe he's the Veep pick and Palin is just there to introduce him. Or something like that.
ONE MORE: The AP says the McCain camp "hopes the announcement of his running mate will stunt any momentum that Democratic rival Barack Obama might get from the just concluded Democratic National Convention." If it really is Palin, I'm afraid the opposite will happen. Press reaction will be 100% negative; the emphasis will all be on Palin's inexperience--she's been Governor of Alaska for less than two years--and the fallout will augment, not limit, Obama's convention bounce. The most important thing McCain has going for him in this race is the perception that he is the serious candidate. Choosing a running mate who will be widely perceived as unqualified would go a long way toward squandering that advantage.
Don't get me wrong: I like Sarah Palin, from what little I know of her, and I'd much rather have her as President than Barack Obama. What we're talking here is politics. If McCain loses the election, it's all for naught.
PAUL adds: I agree with John, and it's not just politics. I don't want to prejudge Palin, but she's going to have to persuade me she's qualified for the presidency, and this won't be easy. I hope we're witnessing the kind of misdirection that promised us Edith Clement and delivered John Roberts. Not that we have a Roberts for this office.
GashPrex said:people keep saying "this is a terrible pick!" but nobody actually says why...
Rur0ni said:Amazed.
Hopefully the VP debate goes over well...
I want to see the impact of this... Talk about marginalizing Obama's speech.
Don't tase me, Dad!Krowley said:I heard that the dude actually tasered his own kid and threatened several people with murder. If that's the case, he doesn't need to be a cop.
slidewinder said:Pics of her ice-fishing, please. Gettin' kinda sweaty there in the bobhouse, baby???? TOTALLY VP MATERIAL!
Rur0ni said:Talk about marginalizing Obama's speech.
Sarah.BenjaminBirdie said:Election Retail Thread:
Just got off the phone with my Moms. Speech last night garnered Florida Vote +1.
This is POST Michael Palin news.
Zeliard said:Does Palin know her economics?
just wait till the debates.Nameless said:Honestly, considering how inept the average person is, this may not be a bad pick for McCain. I can totally see the same group of undecided soccer moms who voted for Bush in droves because "he seemed like a nice guy", now throwing their support behind the McCain-Palin ticket simply to see a middle-aged, family oritented woman like themselves as Veep.
This may be one of the most desperate VEEP picks of all-time, but I'm scared shitless that this could possibly "work". Palin could easily end up being a very big hit among key demographics.![]()
BenjaminBirdie said:Please do. I'd love to hear how this does that.
KingGondo said:As stated before, she still has more executive experience than Obama or Biden.
It's still McCain at the top of the ticket and there is no way anyone should vote for himKolgar said:I first heard about her months ago in an opinion piece stating the reasons she'd make a great VP pick for McCain. I was sold immediately.
Then it all went quiet. I didn't hear her name again... until now.
And I said "yess!" If Palin's the choice, this race just got more interesting. She's got a good track record and she's well liked by her party.
I can't claim to be a political expert of any kind, but as a voter who's been keeping tabs on this election, I would be very happy to see McCain pick Palin.
Nameless said:This may be one of the most desperate VEEP picks of all-time, but I'm scared shitless that this could possibly "work". Palin could easily end up being a very big hit among key demographics.![]()
delirium said:I have to disagree with your view that McCain is a neocon. It seems to me, neocon is being pushed as an buzzword to call any Republican candidate evil and tie them to the dismal presidency of Bush.
Incognito said:In the end, though, Vice President's don't move votes.
teruterubozu said:Wow, she inhaled according to wiki. Awesome.
teruterubozu said:You can already see the Palin page count growing here.
vitaflo said:Give me a break. Running a campaign of that size for a year is bigger than anything she did in AK in the same amount of time. This pick is a joke. I've love to see her take on Putin. :lol
Gremmie4 said:Unless they are bad choices. How many people are going to be comfortable putting her second in command at the White House when you have a 72 year old guy with a history of health problems and being subjected to excessive interrogation techniques?
Incognito said:In the end, though, Vice President's don't move votes.
Kinda looks like open water there, doesn't it? Thanks, though, either way.eznark said:drudge has one on the front page
Formless said:Sarah.
Yeah, but this might as well be a 24 hour news cycle here. Of course we're talking about Palin. It's breaking news. That's what we do here. It doesn't mean that Obama's speech has been forgotten.teruterubozu said:You can already see the Palin page count growing here.
I hope people aren't that shallow?AndyIsTheMoney said:All these soccer moms who are lined in the middle could end up going with McCain because of Palin, it could pay off big.
"I am pleased to see Senator Obama acknowledge the huge potential Alaska’s natural gas reserves represent in terms of clean energy and sound jobs," Governor Palin said. "The steps taken by the Alaska State Legislature this past week demonstrate that we are ready, willing and able to supply the energy our nation needs."
"We in Alaska feel that crunch and are taking steps to address it right here at home," Governor Palin said. "This is a tool that must be on the table to buy us time until our long-term energy plans can be put into place. We have already enjoyed the support of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, and it is gratifying to see Senator Obama get on board."