mugwhump said:I missed it, what's this McCain house gaffe?
Also who's Biden, is he awesome or bad
quadriplegicjon said:remember the big stink just a few days ago about obama's long lost brother being ashamed and living in a shack!!???? remember how certain people on here were badmouthing obama because of his supposed treatment of his brother? well... turns out it was crap:
This choice seems to weaken Obama's sparkle as the change agent. At the same time he is having trouble with the older more change adverse voters. The choice of Biden will connect these voters with a sense of the familiar and provenGhaleonEB said:I'm not at all bitter. In fact, this entire time I never thought, "oh no it's not Sebelius". I've been thinking, "oh SHIT it's Biden"
GrotesqueBeauty said:
Deus Ex Machina said:This choice seems to weaken Obama's sparkle as the change agent. At the same time he is having trouble with the older more change adverse voters. The choice of Biden will connect these voters with a sense of the familiar and proven
This choice greatly weakens McCain celebrity attacks that must have been damaging Obama with these very voters. An Obama Biden ticket feels far more anchored by Biden's experience than Obama 08 standing alone for the risk adverse voter.
For me this is not a choice that excites me as did Clinton's choice of Gore, but my head says yes this may just work even if my heart is not in it.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
Meh.GrotesqueBeauty said:
GrotesqueBeauty said:
Yeah, that'll dominate the news cycle.GrotesqueBeauty said:
Status quo!Tamanon said:Ya know, for all the talk about Veeps being attack dogs and whatnot, was Edwards ever anything even approaching something like that?
When do you think we will see it? I can't wait myself. I always start doing my more indepth research on the candidates when they have their VP's selected. You are voting for 2 men, not one!Grizzlyjin said:Now we just have to wait and see who McCain's pick is.
That's kinda cutesp0rsk said:And yet, he is running with Barack. I wonder what normal people's reactions to this will be.
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Oh dear god.
Tamanon said:Ya know, for all the talk about Veeps being attack dogs and whatnot, was Edwards ever anything even approaching something like that?
GrotesqueBeauty said:
Mandark said:Not too thrilled personally. Biden seems to be solidly in the middle of the Democratic Party and has done some good on things like college tuition and violence against women. But he was a sponsor of and driving force behind the godawful bankruptcy bill a couple years ago.
In any case he's not as energized by domestic stuff as he is by foreign policy. He tends to be pretty accurate and insightful when he summarizes a geopolitical brouhaha (unlike Lieberman et al who are describing fictional worlds) but he always seems to follow it up with a solution that overestimates America's ability to shape events outside of its borders.
Like with the current Bush admin the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Advisor will all have to compete with the Office of the Vice President for influence. Biden doesn't strike me as a guy who would be content with attending state funerals and waiting for Obama's death or the odd tiebreaking vote in the Senate.
Good chance of that.PhoenixDark said:He'll probably be giving Susan Rice and the rest of Obama's fp team a good workout every day
oh bloody good show McCain old chappyGrotesqueBeauty said:
reilo said:Also, Biden's son will go to Iraq with the National Guard. That alone will make McCain's Iraqi policy eat dirt.
BenjaminBirdie said:Man if McCain really picks Romney, Biden's gonna make him look like Dan fucking Qualyle in the debates.
Thunder Monkey said:But who knows. He might realize that what he's doing is fairly important and not fuck up too badly.
Vgamer said:Romney is pretty sharp and is an alot better speaker then Dan Quayle.
Vgamer said:Romney is pretty sharp and is an alot better speaker then Dan Quayle.
BenjaminBirdie said:Man if McCain really picks Romney, Biden's gonna make him look like Dan fucking Qualyle in the debates.
Hitokage said:Besides, Biden seems a good casting choice for LBJ The Second.
RubxQub said:McCain spokesman:
"There has been no harsher critic of Obama's readiness to lead this country than Joe Biden."