Karma Kramer
Hootie said:Looks like Biden is molesting that girl in front of him :lol
Obama should've picked CLARK!
lol yeah that was a little too much hands on... :lol
Hootie said:Looks like Biden is molesting that girl in front of him :lol
Obama should've picked CLARK!
Poor form, sir. He said girl, not boy.RubxQub said:He is Catholic...
:lolSteve Youngblood said:Poor form, sir. He said girl, not boy.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiiarNdxoucByakuya769 said:where can I find the epic msnbc battle between olberman and scarborough?
Diablos said:PBS coverage is great as Always.
"Georgia was one of the first Christian nations," McCain said. "Georgia, back in the Third Century, the king of Georgia converted to Christianity. You see churches there that date back to the Fourth and Fifth Century."
The fuck is a "PBS?" Do they have Chyrons? Big fucking Chyrons? It's not news if it's not in the crawl.scorcho said:for you Carterites, he's being interviewed on PBS right now.
Tamanon said:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26396020/
It really is starting to border on the bizarre here how much McCain keeps going back to Georgia's religion......
Wow. Michelle's brother is really tall.Karma Kramer said:
laserbeam said:Opening of the Democratic Convention had them recalling Jesus and his words etc. Both sides are pulling the religion stump full fledged.
APF said:The fuck is a "PBS?" Do they have Chyrons? Big fucking Chyrons? It's not news if it's not in the crawl.
You know you want her.The Chosen One said:Please stop posting Nacy Pelosi pictures. It's the political equivlanet of goatse.cx
The Chosen One said:Please stop posting Nacy Pelosi pictures. It's the political equivlanet of goatse.cx
Nope.Karma Kramer said:Anyone want to make/link me a to avatar/picture of Obama and Biden together from Saturday?
Alcander said:This is seriously a huge snoozer. I hope the Michelle/Ted combo knocks it out of the park
Deus Ex Machina said:What time does michelle obama speak?
Should be your new tag.Hootie said:She looks really nice for 50
Hootie said:I bet Ted will be on stage with Caroline after this video is over
Alcander said:Man, the Kennedys are awesome
Tamanon said:I want a sailboat dangit.