Karma Kramer
Romney is on MSNBC
Karma Kramer said:Romney is on MSNBC
Jason's Ultimatum said:And how many houses did he say he owns? Four?
what!?! he actually said that? jesus mccain campaign has a new ad to put outpolyh3dron said:Holy shit the NY Governor FUCKED UP his speech saying that Obama would bring us more of the same failed policies for 4 more years.
facepalm x infinity
Yeah, McCain, who has endorsed all those policies and still does is going to say they all failed.laserbeam said:what!?! he actually said that? jesus mccain campaign has a new ad to put out
polyh3dron said:Holy shit the NY Governor FUCKED UP his speech saying that Obama would bring us more of the same failed policies for 4 more years.
facepalm x infinity
Karma Kramer said:One for every wife... so like nine.
http://instantrimshot.com/Tamanon said:He probably just couldn't see the teleprompter well.
Tamanon said:He probably just couldn't see the teleprompter well.
I find it funny that members of the "progressive" party have no problem mocking the faiths of other people.
The mormon jokes aren't funny, never have been funny, and a really a mark on any real political discourse. Stop that shit.
Tamanon said:Oh come on, lowering the tone? The dude's been getting blind jokes ever since his affair came to light.:lol
I find it funny that members of the "progressive" party have no problem mocking the faiths of other people.
The mormon jokes aren't funny, never have been funny, and a really a mark on any real political discourse. Stop that shit.
thekad said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn-LXhkNV3k&feature=user
This dude is the keynote speaker? Weeeeeeeeak.
Oh god, Kittonwy has found us again. Time to pack up.
Kittonwy said:I feel bad for Bill and Hillary Clintonwy, having the party turned on dem like that.![]()
Kittonwy said:I feel bad for Bill and Hillary Clintonwy, having the party turned on dem like that.![]()
Byakuya769 said:So here on gaf you can make fun of religions? Pretty sure you can't.
Byakuya769 said:So here on gaf you can make fun of religions? Pretty sure you can't.
Remember, Romney's favorite book is Battlefield Earth.Karma Kramer said:I personally don't believe in any faith and find Mormonism to be one of the most ridiculous faiths along with Scientology.
So no, I am not going to stop.
soul creator said:of course, the ironic thing is that there is actually a substantive "split" in the Republican party (Ron Paul vs. everyone else obviously have wildly different views of "conservatism"). And isn't Ron Paul hosting his own convention? And weren't Huckabee and Paul still pulling down a ton of votes even after McCain had clinched?
Why isn't the Republican Party united???????? lol
In the latest USA Today/Gallup poll, 16% of registered Democrats who say they supported Clinton in the primaries say they would vote for John McCain if the election were held today, and another 14% are undecided. One of Obama's and indeed Clinton's challenges during the Democratic Convention is to reduce those numbers. The vast majority of former Clinton supporters (70%) say they would back Obama, and they have a predominantly positive view of him (78% favorable and 18% unfavorable).
That leaves a non-trivial percentage who would cross party lines -- among Democrats who say they would nominate Clinton if the choice were up to them, 27% would vote for McCain if the election were held today.
But the GOP faces a similar problem, as 21% of Republicans who would rather the party nominate someone other than McCain say they would vote for Obama in the general election.
Tamanon said:Eh, you obviously haven't seen EVERY SINGLE RELIGION THREAD.![]()
Captain Pants said:Didn't they turn on the party?
Kittonwy said:How did they turn on the party? They fought for leadership but they had every right to, and the race was extremely close, the party basically wanted Barrack to win before the race was even final. The 8 years the Clintons were in office was something that the democrats used to be extremely proud of until Barrack came into the picture. Hillary already endorsed Barrack yet she and Bill are both going to be closely watched by the DNC tonight and tomorrow night, it's not like there's anything they can do at this point, why treat them that way?
Because they went negative in the primary and started this whole media mess.Kittonwy said:How did they turn on the party? They fought for leadership but they had every right to, and the race was extremely close, the party basically wanted Barrack to win before the race was even final. The 8 years the Clintons were in office was something that the democrats used to be extremely proud of until Barrack came into the picture. Hillary already endorsed Barrack yet she and Bill are both going to be closely watched by the DNC tonight and tomorrow night, it's not like there's anything they can do at this point, why treat them that way?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHx2P3YixykKittonwy said:How did they turn on the party? They fought for leadership but they had every right to, and the race was extremely close, the party basically wanted Barrack to win before the race was even final. The 8 years the Clintons were in office was something that the democrats used to be extremely proud of until Barrack came into the picture. Hillary already endorsed Barrack yet she and Bill are both going to be closely watched by the DNC tonight and tomorrow night, it's not like there's anything they can do at this point, why treat them that way?
This.Captain Pants said:I think you are re-writing history a bit. Hilary was the inevitable candidate, and she had plenty of support within the party until she decided to try and destroy Obama, instead of running a clean campaign.
Captain Pants said:I think you are re-writing history a bit. Hilary was the inevitable candidate, and she had plenty of support within the party until she decided to try and destroy Obama, instead of running a clean campaign.
AniHawk said:Because they went negative in the primary and started this whole media mess.
"Jesse Jackson won South Carolina"
"If this were a Republican primary, Hillary would be the winner"
"It's 3 AM..."
And so on and so forth. Instead of rising above it, they fed into it when the chips were down, even if it meant appearing on FoxNews.
oh please get off the high horse. I can tell you as a mormon that the jokes that some may tell is FAR better than the outright hatred that the "Conservative" party reserves for them.Byakuya769 said:HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH ROMNEY IS A MORMON!!!!
I find it funny that members of the "progressive" party have no problem mocking the faiths of other people.
The mormon jokes aren't funny, never have been funny, and a really a mark on any real political discourse. Stop that shit.
Kittonwy said:Politicians use negative campaigns all the time, it's never going to be "kitties and rainbows, and flowers and butterflies", it's weird how the DNC tried to protect Obama, like he's already their chosen candidate. Let them duke it out, it's part of the democratic process.
You're not supposed to do that in the primaries though. It feeds the other side when it comes to the general. And the Republicans jumped all over it the first chance they got.Kittonwy said:Politicians use negative campaigns all the time, it's never going to be "kitties and rainbows, and flowers and butterflies", it's weird how the DNC tried to protect Obama, like he's already their chosen candidate. Let them duke it out, it's part of the democratic process.
GhaleonEB said:![]()
Oozing back toward Obama, daily, for the past week.
ronito said:oh please get off the high horse. I can tell you as a mormon that the jokes that some may tell is FAR better than the outright hatred that the "Conservative" party reserves for them.
worldrunover said:I don't know as much about Mormonism as I probably should, but it seems their values and beliefs are similar to those of evangelicals, so why is there such a disconnect there?
AniHawk said:You're not supposed to do that in the primaries though. It feeds the other side when it comes to the general. And the Republicans jumped all over it the first chance they got.
worldrunover said:I don't know as much about Mormonism as I probably should, but it seems their values and beliefs are similar to those of evangelicals, so why is there such a disconnect there?
Byakuya769 said:I'm not a conservative, but great job of playing the mormon version of uncle tom for your party affiliation.
Put on your tap dancing shoes.
And Parties do whatever they can to win. So why are you upset about the party "turning" on the Clintons or protecting Obama?Kittonwy said:Who says you can't do that in a primary? Candidates do whatever they can to win, all of a sudden they now have to pull punches?
Byakuya769 said:I'm not a conservative, but great job of playing the mormon version of uncle tom for your party affiliation.
Put on your tap dancing shoes.