Agreed.Leonsito said:Hillary protects our HOPES !
No live feeds?!Tamanon said:Good answer on education. Easy questions so far for him.
And easiest answer ever on stem-cell research.
"We just need one more vote on it, and that's the president, so I'll sign that thing into office":lol
Just in Case. (TM)Tim-E said:I will never understand why Hillary is wearing a pantsuit at 3 AM.
Exactly :lol what are they thinkingharSon said:This ad doesn't make sense :lol An emergency economic call at 3 in the morning? Yeah...
i lol'dShirokun said:Go senator Bramah!
:lol :lolTamanon said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
"I think that happens once a day, but then I stopped watching cable news"
woeds said:'President Clinton? Hi, you need to fix the economy. It was fine when you went to bed, but it just broke down. So pick up the red phone, and make that one call to fix it. kthxbye'
GhaleonEB said:What are you guys watching?
Which is probably the plan that has the biggest chance of succeeding in current day America.npm0925 said:So basically Obama favors gay marriage in everything but name only.
thefro said:
npm0925 said:So basically Obama favors gay marriage in everything but name only.
quadriplegicjon said:next one would be to remove the word marriage for everyone. it has too many religious connotations.. the government should only have laws concerning unions between two consenting adults, and have the churches, temples, mosques, etc. deal with 'marriages'
quadriplegicjon said:he has to.. too many religious freaks in this country. its a good first step.
next one would be to remove the word marriage for everyone. it has too many religious connotations.. the government should only have laws concerning unions between two consenting adults, and have the churches, temples, mosques, etc. deal with 'marriages'
quadriplegicjon said:sounds like porn
Tamanon said:Tony Blankley: "Wright may have been a good man, he may have done many good things, but he said "God Damn America" and now he's never going to be a good man"
electricpirate said:Man, I must be a major America hating liburul, because hearing someone say "Goddamn America" doesn't shade my view of a person in the least.
Wrights comments about giving HIV to black people did offend me so it's not blanket praise here.
A woman at a town hall asked the Illinois senator if elected president would he consider tapping the former vice president for his Cabinet, or an even higher level office, to address global warming.
"I would," Obama said. "Not only will I, but I will make a commitment that Al Gore will be at the table and play a central part in us figuring out how we solve this problem. He's somebody I talk to on a regular basis. I'm already consulting with him in terms of these issues, but climate change is real. It is something we have to deal with now, not 10 years from now, not 20 years from now."
Time / Swampland said:McCain Camp Calls Obama "Dishonest"
"The lofty rhetoric," said Steve Schmidt, McCain's message man, of Barack Obama's speeches. "It's nonsense talk."
McCain's senior adviser Mark Salter chimed in as well, "His whole brand is, 'I'm not about that. I'm about something better.' "
The two advisers were complaining about Obama's repeated evocation of McCain's statement last January that he could foresee a U.S. troop presence in Iraq for another 100 years. At the time, McCain was not speaking about continuing the war in Iraq, but rather about a continuing non-combat presence, along the lines of the U.S. military bases in post-war Korea and Germany.
After weeks of dismissing these statements, McCain's advisors went on the attack this week, hoping to turn the episode into an opening to impugn Obama's credibility. "It's absolutely dishonest," Schmidt said, an adjective he repeatedly invoked. "It's old style Chicago politics. I guess that is how they play politics in Chicago," he said at another point. He even offered some faint praise, before sticking in the knife. "Sen. Obama has done the country a great service in this 100 year comment," Schmidt said, "because now the American people have the information they need to know that he is being dishonest."
Obama has said that he plans to promptly begin to withdraw troops from Iraq, though he plans to leave a long-term strike force in the region. McCain has said he will continue to fight in Iraq with the current strategy until the country is stabilized and can control its own borders.
"What if it takes 100 years?" asked Fox News producer Mosheh Oinounou.
"It won't," Salter shot back.
April 2: Barack Obama answers question about gay marriage and civil unions, improving inner city school systems and the Pennsylvania primary
The bottom line is that McCain wants to stay in Iraq,thats reason enough NOT to vote for him. If he didn't mean to say 100 years,then he should of never fucking said it in the first place.APF said:
woeds said:Which is probably the plan that has the biggest chance of succeeding in current day America.
APF said:
Deus Ex Machina said:Sen. Barack Obama kicks off Hardball College Tour!
The videos are up!
Obama on civil unions and education
Obama gets personal
Obama on 3 a.m. phone calls
Obama on how to get out of Iraq
Obama answers questions from students
Star Power said:Obama (and Clinton.. and Howard Dean... basically every Democrat) really has intentionally distorted McCain's " 100 Years" comment. That said, Wesley Clark made a great point yesterday on Dan Abrahms : this notion that the US will occupy that region peacefully in any capacity for long period of time is ridiculous, and shows that McCain doesn't have much of an understanding of the middle-east.
ROSE: Do you think that this Korea, South Korea is an analogy of where Iraq might be, not in terms of their economic success but in terms of an American presence over the next, say, 20, 25 years, that we will have a significant amount of troops there?
MCCAIN: I dont think so.
ROSE: Even if there are no casualties?
MCCAIN: No. But I can see an American presence for a while. But eventually I think because of the nature of the society in Iraq and the religious aspects of it that America eventually withdraws.