CoolTrick said:
This is a shitty argument because that's what Obama's doing now: Preventing revotes because it doesn't benefit him. How in the world can Obama fans constantly try and use this argument?
Yes, no fucking crap she wants revotes because it benefits her. But it's oh-so-much-more Democratic to NOT let people vote because THAT benefits Obama?
You people are warped in the head.
God, your posts are so fucked up. The oxygen level must be messing with yo, from whatever planet you're from.
WHERE and WHEN has Obama 'prevented revoting'?? Where has the campaign refused a revoting offer that the states and Hillary have agreed upon? Wait, he hasnt? This has nothig to do with Obama's campaign- theyve constantly stated theyre open to it. Its the states that have to work out if its feasible.
Also, whats cute about your little democratic speil is that you'd have no problem overturning the popular vote and everything else it would take, as that is Clinton's only chance to win this thing. You care so deeply about Michigan/Florida, yet would have no issue essentially disenfranchising every single democratic voter by letting the superdels overturn these votes.
Everyone else is warped in the head except you, right? What a joke.
The only thing I'm curious about is if people like you are pathological liars on purpose, or by accident. Do you WILL yourself to lie, and hope someone, somewhere, swallows it? Or are just so affected by your extreme bias and whatever delusional blogs you visit, that you actually believe what you say?